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Extreme Cards and Papercrafting

Libros Pop-Up Tarjetas Libros pop-up, ingeniería de papel, arquitectura origámica, origami, kirigami, papiroflexia y temas relacionados. Libros 3D, libros desplegables, libros emergentes, libros móviles, libros animados, tarjetas popup, tarjetas 3D, etc. Con plantillas, diagramas, videos y explicaciones de cómo hacer algunos modelos y mecanismos pop-up. Una muestra de este sitio web con algunos libros y tarjetas pop-up:

Washi Tape Flowers Skip to content Washi Tape Flowers Saturday, June 9, 2012 Because you need one more thing to do with all that washi tape you’ve been hoarding, here’s a very simple project to turn your rolls of loveliness into three-dimensional blooms. Materials: Washi Tape or other paper tape26 Gauge floral wireFlower stamensFloral tape Tools: ScissorsWire cutters/pliers To make the flowers: Cut 6-inch lengths of wire, one length per flower petal. Wrap the center of each wire around a pencil, marker or other round object less than the diameter of the width of your washi tape to create petal loops. Adjust each wire loop to preferred petal shape. Trim a piece of tape a little over twice the height of your petal loop. For leaves, repeat the petal steps using only a 3-inch section of wire without loop and trimming to leaf shape. Vary your stamens per flower style. Fold two stamens in half and place between 5 flower petals. Wrap petals and stamens tightly together with floral tape beginning at the base of the petals.

Como hacer una pulsera con hilo mágico  | Manualidades faciles capsulas nespresso Materiales: - Hilo mágico de 2mm de tres colores diferentes ( 30 cm aproximadamente de cada color) -20cm de hilo magico 1 mm en color plata -alicates de punta redonda -un recipiente redondo del tamaño de nuestra muñeca ( yo he utilizado un recipiente de chicles) El hilo mágico lo puedes adquirir en nuestra tienda online
