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22 Secrets Of Power Bloggers

22 Secrets Of Power Bloggers
I was watching Seth Godin who is one of the worlds top bloggers, being interviewed the other day on an online video. I had never seen him on video before or even seen a photo of him except for his blog photo which is a rather memorable partial image. What really intrigued me was that my first impression (which frankly is still embedded) was that he is the “Woody Allen” of social media both in manner, speech and great insight. In the interview he said that he doesn’t participate on Facebook or Twitter as he didn’t want to lose his focus and clarity that he brings to his blog which is his primary focus and he then went on to say “Most people are a wandering generality rather than a meaningful specific” which from my research is a quote from Zig Ziglar which he said, indicates that people who lack clarity about their life purpose weaken their effectiveness to a massive degree if they don’t get clear and motivated about what they want most out of life. 22 Secrets Of Power Bloggers 1. 2. 3. 4.

20 Simple Tips for Writing a Blog Post that Begs to be Read On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. This is the secret to the power of your title and why it so highly determines the effectiveness of the entire article. The reality though is that the headline is just the start!… you want your visitor to stay and read the whole article rather than bounce out to another website in an era of ‘click and go’. We live in the era of ever decreasing attention and the art of keeping the reader engaged has now become an ongoing creative and scientific experiment of verbal and visual seduction. The Age of Skimming So writing that awesome headline has made the reader turn up but then you have to continue to entice, tease and intrigue the reader with the promise of more information, possible entertainment or a solution to the problem so that they will read on. People are Seeking Answers Readers are seeking solutions and answers to their problems. The Headline is the Start of the Seduction The Intro 1. 2. 3.

The Beginner's Guide To Content Marketing Content marketing is a relatively new type of marketing that provides free media-type content to customers in exchange for their attention. Unlike traditional advertising which interrupts customers to get noticed, content marketing provides content that customers want in exchange for permission to market a product or service. If you’ve never heard of this concept, that’s ok. The fatal flaws of traditional advertisingAn in-depth introduction to content marketingThe advantages that content marketing provides over traditional advertisingTips on the best practices that will make your content marketing more effective If you’d like to learn how you can benefit from content marketing, continue reading. The Fatal Flaws of Traditional Advertising First, let’s consider the fatal flaws of traditional advertising. With traditional ads, companies create ad content that interrupts customers in the form of billboards, magazine ads, T.V. commercials, radio ads, etc. So is there an alternative? Toyota 1. 2.

Un e-mail en HTML responsive multi-clients L'e-mail (ou newsletter) reste encore aujourd’hui un moyen efficace de transmettre des informations à ses utilisateurs ou clients. En mode texte, aucun problème, c'est un standard interprété sans difficulté. En mode HTML c'est un art ô combien délicat en partie dû au nombre de clients lecteurs d'e-mail sur le marché qui ont des comportements bien différents (encore plus désormais que les navigateurs classiques). Cette disparité de l'interprétation des e-mails au format HTML provient de plusieurs facteurs : Les clients e-mails lourds (Outlook, Thunderbird, Lotus Notes...) ont un fonctionnement radicalement différents des webmails (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Ces mêmes webmails imposent des règles très strictes sur le code HTML et CSS contenu dans les e-mails car les messages sont eux-mêmes affichés dans une structure de page web qui a ses propres styles. Voici quelques astuces et bonnes pratiques pour obtenir des e-mails au rendu proche sur la majorité des programmes.

90 Tips To Make Your Blog Rock Blogging whether it is for your personal passion or for the corporate blog is quite often a journey that has its highs and lows. Sometimes we need to find that inspiration to write that next post or optimize the blog so that maybe one day you will be able to monetize your expertise and content and retire to the Bahamas. This post started with an article earlier this year on “30 Tips To Make Your Companies Blog Rock” and I had quite a few comments by readers and so added more tips on more keys to making a blog successful. I then added to that post with some ideas from readers and more of my own with a post titled “50 Ways To Optimize Your Blog“. This was further enhanced and grew to a blog post “69 Secret Tips To Make Your Blog Rock” In short and not to labor the point any further here is an even bigger list that may inspire you in your blogging journey. 90 Tips To Make Your Blog Rock 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Protect Your Content with the Easy Tynt Plugin | Chantilly Patiño What is Tynt? Many bloggers know that external links are the best way to improve SEO, Google Page Rank and traffic to your blog, but how do you get other sites to link up to you? You can learn some of the best practices for how to get external links, but applications like Tynt also help by prompting visitors to share links to your content without you having to lift a finger. Here’s how Tynt works. The image below shows the options available for custom attributions. Want to learn more about Tynt? ‘Easy Tynt’ Plugin for WordPress If this app sounds like something that you would be interested in integrating on your website or blog, there is a great plugin from WordPress that allows you to add an easy to update script to your site. Simply click on the “script settings” icon in the top right corner, create your settings and add the code into the Easy Tynt script box provided with the WordPress plugin. It’s that simple. Download the Easy Tynt plugin »

Pourquoi le taux d'engagement est un mauvais indicateur de benchmark Imaginez cette question d’un sondage : « Sur une échelle de 1 à 5, veuillez nous dire si vous diriez de ce contenu qu’il vous a plu, qu’il vous amène à en discuter et que vous en avez parlé à un ami ». Un étudiant en marketing qui formulerait un tel type de question se verrait automatiquement attribuer une mauvaise note. Il faut toujours séparer les variables étudiées en plusieurs questions pour obtenir un résultat qui peut être interprété de manière éclairante. Cela parait évident, et pourtant nous faisons tout l’inverse en mesurant le taux d’engagement. Il y a de cela quelques mois, j’avais déjà évoqué les nombreux biais qui rendaient le calcul du taux d’engagement imprécis pour ne pas dire inexact. Je suggérais en fin d’article une formule qui permettait d’éliminer ces biais, mais qui a l’inconvénient de nécessiter l’accès aux données privées de la Page Facebook. Après réflexion, je crois que le taux d’engagement doit tout simplement disparaitre d’un benchmark concurrentiel entre Pages.

5 reasons why you should consider blogging | Zemanta Blog Some argue that blogging is passé, but nothing could be further from the truth. Available tools enable all of us to express ourselves, share our views and especially knowledge and experience with a much wider audience than ever before. I really believe that everyone should and can blog. Last weekend I read Antonio Cangiano’s (IBM) great blog post on why every professional should consider blogging. 1. Blogging is about storytelling, either in words, with pictures, videos or podcasts. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you think about these 5 main reasons why everyone should blog?

120 Marketing Tactics for Blogging Success Blogging success can seem like a distant dream when you start out. You aren’t quite sure what to blog about. The choice of technology can be overwhelming. Then learning to use the features and functions of your blogging software is a maze of confusion and confronting choices. What plugins do I choose? How do I optimise for search engines? Then you start and draft your first post. Then more doubt sets in. How do I write those awesome headlines that will draw attention? Then the killer doubt. Why would anyone want to hear what “I” have to say? So you push past the fears and you hit the publish button. Six months into your blogging journey more nagging fears arise. But world domination is felt to be more a fantasy than reality. Persistence is key This is maybe what you don’t want to hear. It is a matter of keeping the faith in yourself. Press on. My secret sauce recipe So what’s worked for me? Read as much as you can offline and online. A trait to be treasured Curiosity. Will that headline work?

Best Free SEO Tools | SEO Tools Free This page presents the most complete list of free SEO tools you will ever find. There are lots of things to learn and lots of things you need to do in order to start and grow your online business. In order to properly develop your business (and save a ton of time), you need to get and use many SEO softwares and Internet Marketing tools. Unfortunately, most of these tools cost a lot of money, and you probably don’t have so much cash to spend on advanced SEO tools. I did a lot of research online to find solutions to use the same tools as the experts at a fraction of the cost, and after several months of scouting and testing, I have put together a list of free SEO tools that I now use on a regular basis to grow my business. Instead of keeping this list of free SEO tools for myself, I’ve decided to share it with you, because I’m sure these free SEO tools are going to help you grow your online business. Did you notice the best part? Pretty sweet, isn’t it? Optimizing Your Free SEO Tools Trials

The 14 Keys to Successful Influential Global Blogging The death of blogging has been predicted for many years. Social networks such as Facebook and MySpace provide easy to use multimedia publishing platforms to share your life’s experiences and insights with the world, that at first glance seemed to offer an alternative to blogging that would lead to its demise. As Mark Twain was famously quoted “The news of my death is greatly exaggerated” Blogging isn’t dying it is just “evolving“. You only have to look at the success of platforms such as Tumblr over the last 2 years with traffic levels currently at 90 million visitors a month (12 months ago it was only 10 million) to realise that “self expression” has indeed become the “new entertainment” Blogging is becoming much more social and visual and is indeed becoming a “publishing genre” in its own right. Three Types of Bloggers Bloggers come in all shapes, sizes and flavors. Personal Casual Blogger Some will blog about their daily life and experiences – the casual personal blogger. Business Blogger

SEO Extended Increase your efficiency in managing SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions with SEO Extended. This plugin builds on WordPress SEO by Yoast by adding two pages: one where you can view and edit the SEO Titles of every Page, Post, and Custom Post Type on your site, and one where you can view and edit the Meta Descriptions of every Page, Post, and Custom Post Type on your site. Without SEO Extended, you need to dig through every post to determine which ones have appropriate titles and descriptions and which ones need updating. This might not seem like a major issue if you've been keeping up on your onsite optimization efforts by creating custom-crafted title tags and meta descriptions on your site. This plugin comes in very handy when performing an SEO website audit or keyword research. Are you redesigning or developing your website? Features Upcoming Features Live character counter for bulk title and meta description editorsEdit Title tags and meta descriptions of the "All-in-One SEO" plugin

Simple Guide To Understanding The Value Of A Link When you decide to try your success on the Internet, that usually means you will at some point own a website. If you already do and you are wondering why your super idea isn’t taking off, maybe it is because you do not yet understand the value of links coming from other websites to yours. Links can seem like a complex ecosystem at times, and researching them can easily leave a daunting impression. It can be tough to learn the tips and tricks about how to master this quite straight forward way of growing traffic. Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough,” which could very well be the reason why this simple guide to understanding the value of a link was conceptualized. The relationship between good traffic and link value is quite simple when you start looking at the factors that really matter. In this guide (“flowchart”) called How Will A Link Help My Website? Have a look at your own links, and see how you are doing it. Via: []

Four Models Of Corporate Blogging It’s great that there is still a big buzz around corporate blogging. A blog can work so well when done right. However, the increasing pressure to start blogging can easily affect the confidence to actually go out and do it. Also there seem to be so many ways to start blogging, one can easily be confused. Because we love a good news story, we have one for you: it is in fact pretty straightforward. But first of all: why? Let’s start to discuss why it is important to focus on online content. As I mentioned, right now all the conditions are right to start telling your corporate story, on your own online platform, and through social channels. If you stick to it and continue to share relevant content with your target audience, you are very likely to be recognized as an expert on your topic. Convinced? 1. Look around you. There are many advantages: no need to build your own WordPress platform, and most collaborative blogs already have an audience, so you don’t have to build it from scratch. 2.
