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How to make Awesome Diagrams for your slides

How to make Awesome Diagrams for your slides

Slide Design for Developers So I gave this talk called How GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHub. Someone submitted my slides to Hacker News, where it stayed at #1 for most of the day. This was pretty strange to me at first. My slides are not designed for people who didn't see the talk in person. They're designed to support my words, not some online audience. What's more, many commented that they found the design of the slides to be noteworthy. Working on your slide design pays off for the audience in front of you and for the audience online reading your slides later. Colors Color is the very first thing people will notice. Head to a color site like Colour Lovers and find a palette you like. Size Make your text huge. Most of my text in my entire deck is at least 90pt. For the curious, I use Yanone Kaffeesatz as the typeface for both my slide deck and the headings on my blog. One of my favorite tweets from my New Orleans talk said "Great slide design- I was way in the back and could read every single word!" Repetition

FlowingData | Data Visualization, Infographics, and Statistics Why megatrends matter Megatrends are the great forces in societal development that will very likely affect the future in all areas the next 10-15 years. Many companies and organizations use megatrends in their strategic work. Below, you can gain an overview over the 10 most important megatrends as we head toward 2020. Megatrends are great forces in societal development that will affect all areas - state, market and civil society - for many years to come. In other words, megatrends are our knowledge about the probable future. Even though megatrends say something about what we know about the future, it is not certain how society, companies or any of us will react to these forces. Futures researchers always work with three types of futures: the predictable, the possible, and the preferred. Megatrends say something about the probable future, but there are other possible futures. Megatrends are the probable future - or express what we know with great confidence about the future. #1 Ageing #2 Globalization
