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The first 5 online resources to use when learning to code

The first 5 online resources to use when learning to code
Even if you think the buzz around "learning how to code" is overkill, you have to admit it's here to stay. Just like it's easier to learn a foreign language if you start in grade school, getting an early grasp on mark-up and programming languages such as HTML, CSS and Java ensures you'll have an idea of what makes our digital lives and devices tick, even if you don't plan on becoming a software developer. Zach Sims, co-founder and CEO of Codecademy, tells Mashable that learning how to code is reasonably easy for beginners, especially people under 18. This year, Codecademy set up initiatives in England, Estonia and Argentina to bring coding education to young students — England and Estonia both added coding to their national curricula. As a result, Sims and the team found that "people in high schools can start with actual programming, and more advanced students in middle school can do the same,” he says. The key, though, is making the learning process interactive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Related:  Learning_IT

The Art of Simplification in eLearning Design eLearning courses are designed for the benefit of students and not to bombard them with irrelevant information. Relevant information is necessary, but if you exceed a human’s brain capacity to understand and retain all the information, then all the learning goes to waste. Designers often ask how they can improve the quality of their eLearning content and make them more engaging. What can they do? Stick to one of design's timeless rules: “keep it simple” . Applying the principle of simplicity in eLearning means relaying information through the simplest means possible. Keeping it simple can be an art. 1) Know Your Audience The importance of understanding the target audience cannot be stressed enough. 2) Focus On the Essentials Remeber what Dieter Rams said? This is perhaps the most important step for any eLearning developer. Tip: Asking the right questions to your SME will help you focus on what's important and leave out the "nice-to-have" information. 3) Use Plenty of White Space

How NOT to Design a MOOC: The Disaster at Coursera and How to Fix it I don’t usually like to title a post with negative connotations, but there is no way to put a positive spin on my experience with the MOOC I’m enrolled in through Coursera, Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application. The course so far is a disaster, ‘a mess’ as numerous students have called it. Ironically, the learning outcome of the course is to create our own online course. To be fair, there are some good points to the course, but there are significant factors contributing to a frustrating course experience for students, myself included. Group Chaos There are three key factors contributing to this course calamity and all link to the group assignment. The first, a ‘technical glitch’ was big enough to cause one of Google’s servers to crash. The course started Monday, January 28, 2013 and problems began on day one when participants were instructed to ‘join a group’. What happens When Group Work Goes Haywire This course will be collaborative in nature. Like this:

Webdesign, ergonomie web, graphisme et tendances - ikomeo Design - ikomeo Your Ticket to Great Instructional Design Instructional design is certainly not an easy business. Having been in the learning, training and development industry for more than 27 years, I can assertively say so. Instructional designers shoulder the important responsibility of sugar-coating the critical learning content in such a manner that training becomes not just a mandatory activity, but something that employees love. Now how do you do that? At the heart of it lies a thorough understanding of the employees who are going to take up this eLearning course. Any instructional design process will typically consist of a mix of text, graphics, audio, video and animated elements. Establish ExpectationsNobody likes to shoot in the dark. Υour TIC(K)ET To A Great Instructional Design In addition, the textual part, if worked on in a way that can improve retention makes it so much easier for learners to remember information in chunks. Trigger ThinkingIncrease InteractivityConsistent ColorsEstablish ExpectationsTalk to Them

Compte personnel de formation (CPF) : mode d’emploi Qu’est-ce que le compte personnel de formation (CPF) ? Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, le CPF remplace le DIF. Il s’agit d’un compte, qui suit chaque individu tout au long de sa carrière, de son entrée sur le marché du travail à sa retraite. A combien d’heure de formation le CPF donne-t-il droit ? Le CPF permet de capitaliser 24 heures de formation par an (voire plus selon les conventions collectives de certains secteurs). Que se passe-t-il quand un salarié quitte son entreprise ? Le compte personnel de formation suit le salarié tout au long de sa carrière. Si le salarié se retrouve au chômage, il ne cotise plus sur son CPF, mais il peut justement utiliser ses heures pour monter en compétences et retrouver plus facilement un emploi. Qui décide d’utiliser le CPF (quand on est salarié) ? Contrairement au DIF, où l'entreprise avait un droit de regard sur le contenu de la formation choisie par son salarié, avec le CPF, celui-ci est beaucoup plus indépendant :

33 Website Layouts using Creative Vector Icons Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Vector design is the perfect way to jazz up a bland or simplistic layout. Nowadays designers can export SVG icons which naturally expand or animate for unique visual effects. Connecting a branded vector character into your company logo is a memorable way to capture attention. Below you can find a number of excellent vector-based icons blended into typical website layouts. Metaverse Mod Squad GetMeFast Michelle Lana Mailboxing Taco Spillet Latin Rogue Cleaning Campbell Harrison Old Loft Viximo Fork CMS Create Your Elf Treehouse These Are Things Octwelve Vectips Tweeki Goralskiego Domku Timothee Cottier Dean Oakley Goin Nutty Carbonmade Chubbygrub Informant sr28 Safe Driving Academy TinEye Sunday Best Ray’s Lab Kailoon Snailbird Moourl Hipinspire Stone Skipper About Jake Rocheleau Jake is a digital researcher and writer on many popular design magazines.

Should an Instructional Designer Have an Advanced Degree? As the field of eLearning continues to grow, so does the demand for instructional designers. If you look at job listings for many corporations, the listing specifies that they are seeking a qualified applicant who has an advanced degree. Is it necessary for someone to have a graduate degree in order to design quality training courses? Some might argue that having an advanced degree in instructional design indicates that a person is qualified to design eLearning content in a manner that is most effective. Others may say that life experience is the best teacher one could ever hope to have. Other Perspectives Regardless of which side of this debate you find yourself, the discussion is missing a critical element. We've all also seen situations where the person who does a terrific job in the office, simply has no skills when it comes to teaching. Which to Choose? For lack of a fully convincing argument on either side, it might be best to simply choose the best candidate for the job.

Suivre un MOOC : comment valider une formation en ligne Vous avez décidé de compléter votre formation en vous inscrivant à un Mooc* et celui-ci va débuter dans quelques jours ? Pour suivre au mieux et valider cette première expérience de cours en ligne, il va falloir vous fixer des objectifs précis en termes d’assiduité et de rythme de travail. Voici nos conseils pour tirer profit de cette formation entièrement numérique. © Kotoyamagami - Fotolia À lire aussi Prise en main de la plateforme Les Moocs se déroulent sur des plateformes spécifiques, les plus connues sont Coursera, Udacity et edX (utilisée notamment par France Université Numérique). Planifier son temps de travail Un Mooc se déroule sur plusieurs semaines, parfois plusieurs mois. Les échanges avec ses pairs Forums, fils de discussion, tchat, réseaux sociaux, hangout : les échanges avec ses pairs, c'est-à-dire entre personnes qui suivent le même Mooc, sont organisés et encouragés par les équipes pédagogiques. Les travaux à rendre Décrochage, retard, rattrapage

Présentation site web by Quentin Faivre on Prezi 9 Tips To Improve Online Learners’ Engagement With the coming of Internet, the way learning is imparted has undergone a drastic change. It is no longer limited to teachers giving lessons to the students physically located in front of them in the classrooms. Now they can teach students living in far off places through web based learning and educational materials. This has led to the proliferation of various kinds of online materials devised for students, working professionals, and others who want to acquire new skills and knowledge. But teaching students physically present in a class is quite different from teaching individuals located in far away locations. The most online learners do not have a teacher at their place to explain things to them. Their problem magnifies even more when teachers and professionals designing online courses do not give due attention to making things simple for them. Removing excess image, text, and graphics.Some online learning courses are stuffed with too many images, text, links, and graphics.

MODELE YVAN PERSO Useful vocabulary about the Press - Complete using words from the list ( Corrigé en fin de page ) The radio, the television and the press constitute the ..................... In England newspapers fall into two categories: the .................... A newspaper is different from a magazine. 'The Independent' is a British .................... . 'Time Magazine' is an American magazine; it's printed every week, it's called a ..................... 'Newsweek' is another famous magazine which sells more than 3 million ....................; it has a very large circulation. In fact, the number of people who actually read it -its .................... - is superior to this number. Many people buy their papers from a ...................., but others prefer to receive it at home, that's why they .................... to their favourite paper. The front page is covered with big headlines while the .................... of a magazine is often a colour photograph. It includes various things such as : etc. ads comics

Réaliser son cahier des charges pour le web Réaliser son cahier des charges pour le web. Une étape essentielle pour la création d’un site web et c’est le premier pas vers la réalisation et la crédibilité de votre projet. Ce document indispensable permet de définir vos objectifs, la présentation, la structure et le contenu de votre futur site web, mais aussi le planning et les moyens pour la mise en œuvre… Il est indispensable pour votre futur prestataire, afin qu’il comprenne bien vos besoins et attentes. Le contenu du cahier des charges : Le cahier des charges doit présenter l’entreprise, sa stratégie de communication sur Internet (site vitrine, événementiel, e-commerce, etc.), ses désirs en termes de contenus et fonctionnalités sur le site, ainsi qu’un planning de réalisation. Etape n°1 : définir vos besoins > Etude de faisabilité : analyse de la situation, des enjeux et des risques. Etape n°2 : Rédigez votre cahier des charges : > Plan du cahier des charges : Nos autres articles: Google+ Auteur et éditeur de sites Web depuis 1992...

Skills you need as an Instructional Designer Are you tired of seeing heavy content slides? Do teaching methods and strategies appear far from being comprehensible? Well! An Instructional designer breaks down content that involves any learning material, into something that is easy to comphrehend; he or she also creates the content to be appealing to the target audience. Here are lists of essential Skills you need as an Instructional Designer: First things First! Thus, as a skillful Instructional Designer you will be meeting solves the needs of the learner and facilitates the process of learning in an innovative manner. Optimiser le référencement d'un site WordPress • PEI Pourquoi avez-vous créé un site internet ?Pourquoi créez-vous du contenu pour votre site internet ?Pourquoi consacrez-vous du temps pour votre site internet ? Quel que soit l’objectif avec votre site, son succès dépend d’une seule chose : le trafic. Autrement dit : plus votre site attire de visiteurs, plus vous aurez de chance de concrétiser votre objectif sur le web ! Le référencement sert donc à faire connaître le contenu de votre site auprès des moteurs de recherche (Google, Yahoo, Bing, …) afin que toute personne connectée à internet ait la possibilité de trouver le contenu de votre site web. Le référencement est un métier. Voici quelques notions importantes qui reviennent souvent lorsqu’on parle de référencement : Nous allons maintenant voir comment booster le référencement de votre site WordPress. Il existe beaucoup de plugins gratuits pour améliorer le référencement de base d’un site WordPress. Dans cette formation, nous allons nous intéresser à WordPress SEO by Yoast. Bravo I. II. V.
