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WTF is Brexit? - Foil Arms and Hog

WTF is Brexit? - Foil Arms and Hog
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Brexit: guide de rattrapage à deux mois de l’échéance Le Brexit semble embourbé dans une crise permanente, monopolisant toute l’énergie du Royaume-Uni depuis le référendum de juin 2016. Ce mardi soir, les députés britanniques vont une nouvelle fois voter sur des amendements très importants pour la suite du processus. Pour essayer de s’y retrouver dans cet imbroglio, alors qu’il ne reste que deux mois avant l’entrée en vigueur théorique du Brexit, le 29 mars, voici un guide de rattrapage express. ■ Le parlement britannique débat, mais un accord sur le Brexit n’a-t-il pas été signé? Si, l’Union européenne et le gouvernement britannique ont conclu un accord de retrait le 25 novembre. ■ Pourquoi les députés sont-ils contre l’accord? ■ Qu’est-ce que le «backstop»? Il s’agit d’un «filet de sécurité», qui concerne la frontière entre l’Irlande du Nord et la République d’Irlande. ■ Quel est le problème? ■ Mais pourquoi appelle-t-on ça le «backstop»? Il s’agit d’un «filet de sécurité» parce qu’il n’est jamais censé entrer en vigueur.

This shocking video shows the huge difference in how strangers treat a rich or poor child A video by UNICEF has revealed people's bias against children in poverty when they were presented with the same girl, in different clothes, left unaccompanied on the street. The experiment was carried out in Tbilisi, Georgia. Child actor Anano stood unaccompanied on a main road. For the first half she was dressed in expensive clothing and appeared neat and clean. Picture: UNICEF/Youtube The video shows multiple adults stopping to help her and generally check she is all right. Then UNICEF changed Anano's appearance. When she returned to the street in her new attire, the video shows pedestrians walking by Anano, and most of them pretend not to see her. UNICEF repeated the experiment in a restaurant. When she was dressed like someone living in poverty, people moved their bags closer to them and she was dismissed by customers. The way people treated Anano in the restaurant was so upsetting for her that UNICEFstopped the experiment early. Watch the full video of the experiment here:

Sam Gyimah: second Brexit referendum best option for both sides | Politics Sam Gyimah, the universities minister who resigned in protest at the prime minister’s Brexit plan and pledged to vote against it, has said a second referendum could be the most sensible path for both leave and remain supporters, and dismissed Theresa May’s agreement with Brussels as a “deal in name only”. The Conservative MP, who on Friday became the seventh minister to quit Theresa May’s government over Brexit, called for a vote to gauge the public’s mood if May loses the meaningful vote in parliament on 11 December. He said the deal May had brokered with the European Union would “cripple our interests for decades to come” and a second referendum could avert “chaos”. “There is a blocking minority in the House of Commons for almost every possible option which means that letting the people decide, now that we know more, might be the most sensible path for both leavers and remainers,” Gyimah told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme on Saturday. “Does the deal deliver 100% of what I wanted?

A tale of two brothers | LearnEnglish Teens | British Council Lesbos, Greece Ali, 17 years old: I’m on my own except for my brother. I worry about him a lot. If I didn’t care so much about him, I wouldn’t have brought him with me. Two weeks later Ali and Ahmed reached Germany. Ali: Germany is very beautiful … safe … organised … Braunschweig Children’s Home Ali: I’m not looking for a lot here. Brexit: tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'accord de divorce Les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de l’Union européenne se sont retrouvé dimanche matin à Bruxelles pour un bref sommet afin de signer l’acte de divorce avec le Royaume-Uni : 585 pages, trois protocoles (Irlande, Gibraltar et Chypre) et une déclaration politique de 26 pages sur la relation future entre les deux parties. L’ensemble reste suspendu au vote, loin d’être acquis, des députés britanniques de la Chambre des communes, attendu autour du 11 décembre. Pour en arriver là, il aura fallu vingt mois de négociations depuis l’activation, le 29 mars 2017, par la Première ministre britannique Theresa May, de l’article 50 du traité sur l’Union européenne organisant la procédure de retrait. Neuf mois plus tôt, le 23 juin 2016, les Britanniques avaient voté à 52 % en faveur du Brexit. Pour l’essentiel, les négociations ont été britannico-britanniques, la majorité conservatrice se déchirant sur le type de Brexit qu’elle voulait. Que se passe-t-il le 29 mars 2019 ? Qui perd ?

When this man complained using Eminem lyrics Asos let him down awfully When your item hasn't been delivered, any old Facebook user can rattle off a clear and concise message of complaint. Jay Whalley from Preston went one better when his blazer wasn't delivered. The complaint, crafted in line to the lyrics of Eminem's Stan, has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook, as has the response that Jay received and subsequently posted. We have no idea what this is from. 2/10 response, if we're honest. HT Mashable

Brexit phrasebook: a guide to the talks' key terms | Politics Acquis communautaire The entire body of European laws: all the treaties, regulations and directives passed by the EU’s institutions, plus all the rulings of the European court of justice (see below). Every member state has incorporated the acquis into their legal system. Article 50 The formal mechanism for exiting the EU: the clause in the 2007 Lisbon treaty that allows any member state “to withdraw from the union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements”. Backstop The combination of a comprehensive UK-EU free trade agreement and new technology could theoretically avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland – the EU’s future land border with Britain – but not for some years, so the EU has insisted on a “backstop” guaranteeing no hard border until new trade arrangements are in place. Blind Brexit The withdrawal agreement includes a political declaration on the future trading relationship between the two. Canada-plus deal Canada plus plus plus, or SuperCanada Chequers plan No deal

Man's complaint about dead worm in his cucumber escalated hilariously LONDON — The world of Facebook-based customer complaints can sometimes be a strange, wonderful place. Wes Metcalfe's recent post on British supermarket Tesco's wall is a perfect example of this — it started with a dead worm in a cucumber, and somehow ended with Tesco adapting a famous Oasis song to act as tribute for the worm's funeral. But let's back up a step. The whole thing started on Saturday, with the following post. Luckily, Tesco were sympathetic. Then, things escalated. Tesco then took things one step further, with a fittingly adapted Oasis song. Metcalfe swiftly contributed his own song. After the music, it was time for some final reflection. It's not every customer complaint that ends in a virtual funeral for a deceased worm. RIP, William.

Brexit: The people who are negotiating The nature of Brexit will ultimately be decided by the governments of the 27 remaining EU nations and the UK. But the figures who negotiate the detail of the deal will be hugely important. Many would argue that Germany's Angela Merkel and the UK's Theresa May are the two most important people in the Brexit negotiations. But here are eight figures who will also be crucial to what happens. Of the four from the UK, three are within the Exiting the EU department. On the EU side, the figures represent the Commission (the EU's executive cabinet), the Council (the leaders of each member state) and the parliament of elected MEPs, who will have to approve the final deal. The EU negotiators A seasoned master of French and EU diplomacy, chief negotiator Michel Barnier will go head-to-head with UK Brexit Secretary David Davis. They used to be sparring partners in the 1990s, when they were rival Europe ministers with contrasting visions of the EU. He stems from the Gaullist tradition. The UK negotiators

UN Women - Find your inner womens right activist Unity Dow Unity Dow was the first female High Court judge in Botswana. She was a plaintiff in a historic case that allowed children of Botswanan women and foreign men to be considered Botswanan. Unity was also one of three judges who decided on the internationally known Kgalandi court decision, concerning the rights of the San people of Botswana to return to their ancestral lands. Vandana Shiva Vandana Shiva is an Indian environmental activist and author. Wangari Muta Maathai Wangari Muta Maathai is the founder of the Green Belt Movement, an indigenous grass-roots organization that focuses on planting trees to replenish the environment and improve the quality of life for women. Shirin Ebadi Shirin Ebadi is a former judge and human rights activist, and is also the founder of the Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran, which focuses on the rights of women, children and refugees. Tawakkol Karman Tawakkol Karman is a journalist, politician and human rights activist. Simone de Beauvoir Mafalda

At-a-glance: The UK's four Brexit options Image copyright Getty Images With the UK on course to leave the European Union in March next year, the country faces four possible scenarios. Leave with a deal The UK and the EU both insist they want as amicable a divorce as possible, with a legal agreement setting out the kind of relationship they will have when the UK is no longer a member of the club. Prime Minister Theresa May wants to keep close ties with the EU in certain areas, such as trade in agricultural products and allowing skilled migrants access to jobs in the UK. She says her plan will allow Britain to take back control of its laws, money and borders, just like people voted for in the 2016 EU referendum, while also allowing as "frictionless" trade as possible and avoiding a physical border for Northern Ireland. But it has been attacked as an unworkable compromise by people from both the Remain and Leave ends of the debate. Leave without a deal A clean break with the EU. Stay in the EU Hold another referendum

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