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Revival, Rapture, Mystery Babylon and the Second Coming of the Antichrist, the Elijah Revolution and the Day of the Lord CRYPTOZOOLOGY CFZ Astronomy Picture of the Day SiriuS - Ascended Masters' Dictations Paranormal News Operational Significant Event Imagery The Operational Significant Event Imagery (OSEI) team produced high-resolution, detailed imagery of significant environmental events which were visible in remotely-sensed data. These images provided members of the public and media with broadcast, print and web-quality imagery created by the OSEI team of particularly significant or newsworthy environmental events which were visible in satellite data. During some hurricane events, multiple images were generated. The last image to update the OSEI site was generated in July, 2010. For daily Significant Event Imagery, please visit the NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory (EVL).

WHALE Phantoms & Monsters - Brit explorers claim they have spotted a legendary ape man believed to inhabit an island jungle — and snapped its footprints. The four-strong team and their Indonesian guide were tracking through dense jungle in Sumatra when two of them caught a glimpse of the famous Orang Pendek — or short man. The group brought back a hair sample and a piece of chewed palm from the island's Kerinci National Park they hope will provide DNA evidence of the beast. They also snapped a strange footprint thought to belong to the creature. Sightings of the hairy human-like monster have been made in the area since colonial times — and it is alleged to be immensely powerful. The explorers hope the sample of rattan palm, which is thought to have been munched on by the Orang Pendek, will contain some of its cells. Elusive Witnesses have described the beast as being about 5ft tall and say that it walks on two legs. "It's name means 'short man' in Indonesian. "It's been seen since colonial times.

HQ Moon Photo Seen the full Moon lately? Maybe you have, but I can pretty much guarantee you’ve never seen it like this: [Click to enlunanate.] Sure, that may just look like another full Moon picture, but it’s much more extraordinary than that: it’s one of the highest resolution pictures of the entire near side of the Moon ever compiled! This is actually a mosaic of about 1300 separate images taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s Wide-Angle Camera — the total size is a whopping 24,000 x 24,000 pixels, producing a resolution of about 145 meters/pixel. The images were taken over the course of two weeks in December 2010. But it’s not: when you see the full Moon from Earth, that means the Sun is shining straight down on the Moon — the Earth is essentially directly between the Moon and Sun. But it’s also one of the highest resolution image ever made too! The only way to get better pictures is to go to the Moon! I downloaded the ginormous TIF image, and wow, scanning it is amazing. Amazing.

Grand Delusion The Shadowlands: Ghosts and Hauntings Visit Dave's bio page / Tina's bio page Online 24/7 and also at 16 Church St, Mt Holly, NJ Dave's Internet Radio Show and Podcast Cosmic Convergence Accelerates Epochal Change On Planet Earth Cosmic Convergence Accelerates Epochal Planetary Transformation What happens when an unparalleled Solar Maximium occurs while Pluto is cruising through Capricorn, seismic activity and vulcanism (both undersea and on land) have already seen a dramatic uptick, technospheric breakdown has greatly accelerated, entire species have vacated the planet as whole ecosystems are irreparably destroyed, global climate change appears as global warming, cooling, drought or deluge, and the worldwide financial system is on the verge of collapse, as in a total and complete, irreversible monetary meltdown? Believe it or not, these actual occurrences and various eventualities are the very least of our problems. Here’s why: There are certain ‘progressive’ developments and converging circumstances which will dictate the course of our future as a global civilization and human race – the fifth (and sixth) root race(s)[1] to have inhabited planet Earth since it has revolved around the sun. • Luminary Alignments

The Book of the Damned: 1 Sacred Texts Fortean Index Previous Next Buy this Book at The Book of the Damned, by Charles Fort, [1919], at p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 A Procession of the damned. By the damned, I mean the excluded. We shall have a procession of data that Science has excluded. Battalions of the accursed, captained by pallid data that I have exhumed, will march. Some of them are corpses, skeletons, mummies, twitching, tottering, animated by companions that have been damned alive. A stab and a laugh and the patiently folded hands of hopeless propriety. The ultra-respectable, but the condemned, anyway. The aggregate appearance is of dignity and dissoluteness: the aggregate voice is a defiant prayer: but the spirit of the whole is processional. The power that has said to all these things that they are damned, is Dogmatic Science. But they'll march. p. 4 of things that pass and pass and pass, and keep on and keep on and keep on coming. So, by the damned, I mean the excluded. p. 5 What is a house? p. 6 p. 7

Why have so many dogs leapt to their deaths from Overtoun Bridge? Last updated at 23:28 17 October 2006 For Donna Cooper, the worst thing about watching her collie dog, Ben, leap to his death has been the effect it has had on her two-year-old son Callum. 'Nearly a year on, Callum still asks about Ben. He was very upset by the dog's death and wants to know if his leg has been fixed in heaven,' she says. Just 12 months previously, Donna, her husband and son were walking their dog across the picturesque Overtoun Bridge in Milton, near Dumbarton, Scotland. Without warning, Ben leapt over a parapet on the century-old granite bridge and fell 50ft to his death on the rocks below. 'His paw was broken, his jaw was broken and his back was broken and badly twisted. Kenneth Meikle can sympathise with the Cooper family because he, too, has had to watch in horror as his golden retriever, Hendrix, leapt from the same bridge at virtually the same spot. 'I was out walking with my partner and children when suddenly the dog just jumped. 50 dogs in the last 50 years
