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English Grammar Rules

English Grammar Rules

Grammar A-Z Some grammatical terms may be familiar to you, but others can be confusing or hard to remember. Clicking on any term below will give you a quick and clear definition. Below the categorized section you’ll find all the terms listed from A–Z, so you can browse that way if you prefer. abstract noun A noun which refers to an idea, quality, or state (e.g. warmth, liberty, happiness), rather than a physical thing that can be seen or touched. Compare with concrete noun. active An active verb has a subject which is performing the action of the verb, for example: John ate the apple. The opposite of passive. adjective A word, such as heavy, red, or sweet, that is used to describe (or modify) a noun. adjunct A type of optional adverbial that adds extra information to a sentence, for instance: I can’t sleep at night. Read more about adverbials and adjuncts. adverb A word, such as very, really or slowly, that is used to give more information about an adjective, verb, or other adverb. adverbial affirmative agent

BBC Learning English | Grammar Challenge Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website untitled Spraktrollet - Grammar Search this site Grammar Links to sites with various grammar exercises. For links to specific areas of grammar, please see subpages to this page! Grammar. Printable worksheets, lots of them! Interactive exercises. Mixed grammar exercises and explanations. Mixed grammar exercises. Mixed grammar exercises. Mixed grammar exercises. Mixed grammar exercises. Mixed grammar exercises/tests. Mixed grammar exercises and explanations. Mixed grammar exercises and more. Find the grammar you need to practice. Test your level and practice ALL the grammar you want! Mixed grammar exercises/games. Grammar videos and exercises from the British Council.

Grammar Worksheets Adjective Worksheets Adjectives are words that describe nouns and other adjectives. Adverb Worksheets Adverbs are words that describe action verbs. Articles: A, An, The This page has links to printables for teaching students about the articles a, an, the. Capitalization Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and for proper nouns. Cause and Effect Worksheets Learn all about cause and effect relationships. Commas Here's a set of worksheets for teaching students to correctly use commas in their writing. Commonly Confused Words Learn the differences between pairs of commonly confused words, such as loss/lose, your/you're, lie/lay, and many others. Compound Words A compound word is created when two smaller words are combined to make a new word. Conjunction Worksheets Conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, clauses, or sentences together. Contraction Worksheets A contraction is a pair of words joined by an apostrophe. Diagramming Sentences Direct Objects Double Negatives Editing Worksheets

Irregular verbs straightforward #2 - Games to learn English | Games to learn English As students reacted very positively to the first post on irregular verbs I am going to continue with teaching the irregular verbs in this way. Once again I am going to teach 24 irregular verbs with their past tense and past participle. The verbs are divided into two groups of 12 and there are separate worksheets and videos for teaching them. ADVERT: If you are a teacher you do not have to use all of the activities and worksheets below. Irregular verbs #2 – video First, watch the video and repeat the words. The other 12 verbs are presented in the following video: Irregular verbs – worksheets The first worksheet contains all the verbs taught in this post. Irregular verbs02_all Then there are two worksheets containing crosswords and word puzzles to practice the irregular verbs from the two videos. Irregular verbs 03_vocabulary_wsIrregular verbs 03_vocabulary_ws_key The puzzles and crosswords for the second video are over here:Irregular verbs 04_vocabulary_wsIrregular verbs 04_vocabulary_ws_key

7 Great Grammar Sites for Teachers and Students June , 2014 Today I am sharing with you a list of some useful websites you can use with your students to help them better improve their grammar knowledge and polish their writing skill. From grammar lessons and teaching materials to free downloadable worksheets and presentations, this collection of websites will provide you with the content you need for teaching grammar. 1- Grammar Bytes Grammar Bytes is a great website that is packed full of teaching materials teachers can use to teach grammar.Grammar Bytes provides a glossary of common terms, fun interactive activities and exercises for students to test their grammar knowledge,instructional presentations and tons of tips on teaching grammar. 2- Road to Grammar Road to Grammar is a free website that provides a wide vareity of resources for teaching grammar. 3- Grammar Gold Grammar Gold provides grammar practice for grades 1 to 5.You can click on any of the grades to access the grammar lessons it features. 4- Grammar Snack

Seven Songs for Teaching Past Simple | English Lane I have created a list of songs, which are perfect for teaching Past Simple tense in English. All of the songs are relatively new and popular, so they would especially be suitable for teaching teenagers. While the primary goal would be teaching Past Simple, you can always add a few more exercises in order to work on vocabulary or grammar. Coldplay – Paradise Past Simple is often used for retelling the events that happened in the past. This song is perfect for illustrating this usage. The verbs to teach: was, expected, flew, ran, closed, etc. Passenger – The Wrong Direction Seeing “When I was a kid…” at the beginning of the song lyrics, you know there has to be some Past Simple in there. Katy Perry – The One That Got Away Apart from teaching Past Simple, with verbs met, got, planned, had, made, said, etc. you can also teach would for talking about future from a time in the past (I would make you stay, I would be your girl). Like this: Like Loading...

BATTLESHIP: IRREGULAR VERBS Much to learn, you still have. – Joda. Despite the evidence that the number of irregular verbs is declining in the English language, there is no danger they will disappear, and the struggle will continue. There are many attempts to find a shortcut in learning irregular verbs, yet with all the options and “magic tricks” available, learning these verbs requires much memorization, drilling and practice. Today I will show how I use the Battleship game to drill and practise irregular verbs in a fun way. Before the game: Each player will need two 10×10 grids – one with irregular verbs in each square, and one blank grid. Click the Grids to download them. The players then mark where they want to place their ships by circling rows, horizontally or vertically. Each player’s fleet consists of the following ships: 1 aircraft carrier – 5 squares 1 battleship – 4 squares 1 cruiser – 3 squares 2 destroyers – 2 squares each 2 submarines – 1 square each How to play: some more games with irregular verbs from Engames.

English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials
