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Index des archives

make, do & friend Chouette The first kit of the new year is this deceivingly simple looking little owl to expand the bird-population in 3EyedBear’s universe. We all know owls are one of the wisest creatures and this one certainly will be one day too. Thing is: she’s still very young and inexperienced, but she compensates that with a passion for reading thick books while you sleep. It don’t hurt to have her posted in your bedroom since owls hunt for little scary creatures by inborn instinct. She will watch over you. Happy dreams everyone (click one of the images to download Howie) Collect them all! Edit: Thank you for all the lovely blog-title suggestions in the comment-box. Now let’s send some pictures of one of the owls and share how you are taking care of them. -Darla from delicious Bakingdom created 3 Harry Potter-themed owls here for downloading. TAGS: None

bookhoucraftprojects Tuesday, 8 April 2014 by Irene Hoofs DIY Easter wooden gift tagwhat you'll need: *balsa wood*awl*cutter*paint (3D-liner suitable for fabrics, wood, glass)*designs of easter inspired theme*transferpaper*pen*cord, safety pin... Step 1:Print out a design of a bunny, or easter inspired theme. Step 2:Place the transferpaper between your design and wooden surface. Trace the contours of your design using a pointed pencil. Step 3:Customize your design with the paint, I used a 3D-liner, it gives a nice effect. Step 4:Cut out your design. Make a hole and put safety pin or ribbon through. Let's start wrapping.....Happy easter Bloesem Bunnies Wednesday, 12 March 2014 by Irene Hoofs When I was born my mum gave all relatives and friends a birth present with some chocolates. than a hundred doilies and made bowls with it using a sugar-water technique. DIY paper doily bowl. what you'll need:*white PVA glue*brush*bowl*water*paper doilies*balloon (waterbomb)*glass*newspaper/tablecloth Step 2:Blow up your balloon.

Estéfi Machado Arc-en-Ciel apprentissage langage - langue orale - Sujet: Arc-en-ciel est le plus beau poisson de tous les océans. Ses écailles brillent et scintillent de toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel. Mais il est si fier et si vaniteux qu'il est aussi très seul, jusqu'au jour où il décide de partager ses écailles scintillantes... Note de Solenn, l'auteure des fichiers : "Je vais travailler sur "Arc-en-ciel, le plus beau poisson des océans" à la rentrée des vacances de février (2008). Pour certaines, je me suis inspirée des activités pour GS du site En arts plastiques, je compte leur faire fabriquer Arc-en-Ciel à partir d'un ballon de baudruche recouvert de bandes de papier mâché. J'ai également trouvé ce lien qui peut faire l'objet d'un travail en classe pour des TPS-PS : "
