Les quatre paradoxes de Zénon d'Élée
Les quatre paradoxes de Zénon d'Élée [1] par Lycée international de Saint-Germain-en-Laye [2] Introduction Contexte historique Les PARADOXES Paradoxes philosophiques Introduction Le paradoxe est, en philosophie, l'équivalent de l'absinthe, un alcool fort qui rend fou. Contexte historique Zénon d'Élée fut le premier grand mathématicien sceptique. Zénon naquit dans l'Île d'Élée vers les 490 avant J. Zénon était avant tout philosophe. Les PARADOXES Les quatre paradoxes les plus réputés sont 1. la dichotomie, 2. l'Achille, 3. la flèche et 4. le stade. 1. mouvement est impossible, car avant que l'objet en mouvement ne puisse atteindre sa destination, il doit d'abord atteindre la moitié de son parcours, mais avant d'en atteindre la moitié, il doit d'abord en atteindre le quart, mais il lui faut d'abord en atteindre le huitième, etc. 2. Achille en pleine course ne pourra jamais rattraper une tortue marchant devant lui, car il devra avant tout atteindre le point de départ de cette dernière. 3. E.
「実存は本質に先立つ」という表現は、哲学において、存在には本質がない、とする考え方、観念、ものごとの捉え方、を現したものである。フランスの哲学者ジャン=ポール・サルトルが自身の講演「実存主義はヒューマニズムであるか」(1945年)において最初にこの概念が提起され、実存主義における基礎的な観念・概念となっている。サルトルの妻シモーヌ・ド・ボーヴォワールはこの考えを基に、「人は女に生まれるのではない、女になるのだ」という言葉を残した。 概要[編集] 例えば、人間性という例を挙げ、人間性というものは存在するかもしれないが、その存在は初めには何をも意味するものではない、つまり、存在、本質の価値および意味は当初にはなく、後に作られたのだと、この考え方では主張される。 このように、この考えはキリスト教などの、社会における人間には本質(魂)があり生まれてきた意味を持つ、という古来からの宗教的な信念を真っ向から否定するもので、無神論の概念の一つにもなっている。 関連項目[編集]
Native American Proverbs and Wisdom
When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us. - Arapaho If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come. - Arapaho Most of us do not look as handsome to others as we do to ourselves. - Assiniboine Those that lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. - Blackfoot In age, talk; in childhood, tears. - Hopi We always return to our first loves. - Tribe Unknown What is life? When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Those who have one foot in the canoe, and one foot in the boat, are going to fall into the river. - Tuscarora The weakness of the enemy makes our strength. - Cherokee When the white man discovered this country, Indians were running it. A good soldier is a poor scout. - Cheyenne Poverty is a noose that strangles humility and breeds disrespect for God and man. - Sioux We will be known forever by the tracks we leave. - Dakota Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins. - Cheyenne All who have died are equal. - Comanche
Discours philosophique et discours psychanalytique
Du point de vue strictement analytique, le problème des relations entre psychanalyse et philosophie semble avoir trouvé sa solution dans la théorie lacanienne des Quatre discours. Alain Juranville a développé les conséquences de la théorie des discours quant aux statuts respectifs de la psychanalyse et de la philosophie. D'après lui ces deux disciplines sont inséparables, quoique irrémédiablement adverses, en ce sens qu'elles représentent « l'une pour l'autre le meilleur symptôme » (A. Juranville, « Psychanalyse et philosophie » in Ornicar ? Juranville n'hésite pas à rappeler quelques principes d'ontologie fondamentale, car la philosophie – et à travers elle la psychanalyse – ne peut pas se passer d'une vérité ontologique. Comme Lacan, Juranville distingue et articule quatre discours, quatre thèses possibles sur la vérité de l'être. Admettons la thèse selon laquelle le discours en général - du moins le discours prétendant au vrai, soit le Logos - serait essentiellement philosophique.
Native American Wisdom, Sayings, Quotes, Philosophy
A collection of sayings, quotes and words of wisdom reflecting the beliefs and philosophy of the Native Americans. Also offered are a selection of Native American books and Native American music which can be purchased through Amazon. This section also provides articles and links that provide information dealing with the issues of prejudice and shameful displacement that are still faced by the Native Americans to this day. Native American Wisdom & Quotes : - Native American Wisdom Quotes - Native American Code Of Ethics - The Indian Ten Commandments - Seven Philosophies For A Native American Man - The 23rd Psalm, Native American Version - The Invitation - The Little White Lie - It's Time To Wake Up! Native American Books, Music & Resources: - Native American Books - Native American Music - Native American Directory Related Products: Video - Native American Genocide: Other Native American Websites: Daily Meditation Of The Elders A daily spiritual lesson...
Native American Proverbs, Quotes, and Chants
The Native Americans (also known as the Indians or the American Indians) are the original inhabitants of the Americas (North, South and Central America including the Caribbean / West Indies Islands; all of which is also called the New World or the Western Hemisphere). Origins Some scientists and archeologists believe that the Native Americans were people who originally came to the Americas from Asia around 13,000 BC, but possibly as early as 33,000 BC. This was a time when there was much more dry land on the earth than there is today, including a land route from Asia to North America. As centuries passed, much of the earth’s land submerged under water due to severe climate changes. Other groups contend that Native Americans do not derive from Asian immigrants. Early Native American Life Very early groups of Native Americans were probably hunter-gatherers who formed small groups of about 30 people, and frequently moved. Spreading Throughout the Americas General Life Children and Adolescents
Easy Novel Outline – Free Writing Lessons and Worksheets
Here you'll find easy novel outline techniques to plan your book step by step, along with worksheets for planning characters and scenes. This is just one of many pages on this website with creative writing worksheets and advice. At the bottom, you'll find links to related pages on how to write a novel. An outline for your novel A novel outline is a plan for a novel. If you are doing this for yourself and not for an editor, then the good news is there are no rights or wrongs. Why outline your novel? It can make it less intimidating to start writing. Advertisement: Dangers of a novel outline A reason some writers prefer not to work with a detailed outline is that they feel that the outline stifles their creativity and makes them less spontaneous. Top tips for your novel outline Know yourself, and figure out the method that works best for you. A simple way to outline Here is an easy system you can use to outline your novel if you find it helpful. Who will be your main character? Examples:
Snygg and Combs
Dr. C. George Boeree Sometimes, a theory fails to gain the attention it deserves because it is too simple, too clear, too practical. The phenomenal field First, "all behavior, without exception, is completely determined by and pertinent to the phenomenal field of the behaving organism." And so, if we wish to understand and predict people's behavior, we need to get at their phenomenal field. And then you are set to understand and predict the person's behavior, since, as the quote above says, all their behavior will follow as a reasonable, meaningful, purposeful response to the person's phenomenal field. One motive Which brings us to Snygg and Combs' understanding of motivation: "The basic need of everyone is to preserve and enhance the phenomenal self, and the characteristics of all parts of the field are governed by this need." Note that it is the phenomenal self we try to maintain and enhance. And note that we are talking not only about maintaining, but about enhancing the self. Readings