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Tag Cloud Generator

Tag Cloud Generator
Generated Tag CloudsFlash: 314605 | HTML: 786878 | Used Tags: 21713004 The Tagcloud Generator is the most famous generator for Tagclouds. Over 1 Millionen Tag Clouds generated in the last years. You can use the Tagcloud Generator also with you iPhone or Android Handy.

Русский плагин "WP-Cumulus" версии 1.23 создает flash облако тегов. В очередной раз забил на свое правило не переводить плагины, которые не имеют языкового файла в .po формате. Не думал, что когда-нибудь буду украшать блог какими-либо flash-штучками, но уж больно красивый вывод облака тегов предлагает этот плагин. По скриншоту этого, конечно, не понять совершенно. Так что заходите на блог и сами смотрите на облако в сайдбаре. Как вы уже догадались, плагин занимается тем, что из скучного обычного облака тегов делает динамическую сферу, которая вертится, когда рядом с ней находится курсор мышки. Скачиваем оригинальный плагин с его домашней страницы (не рекомендую, оригинальный плагин не поддерживает теги с русскими символами) или русскую версию по ссылке внизу этого поста и устанавливаем его: 1. 2. 3. Настройки плагина находятся в "Параметрах\WP Cumulus". К сожалению, нельзя через эту функцию wp_cumulus_insert задать отдельные опции вывода облака тегов. Есть обходной путь, он немного кривоватый, но вполне рабочий. на

9 Word Cloud Generators That Aren't Wordle The use of word clouds in the classroom is a powerful way to really get through to visual learners. The details about the following nine word cloud generators will give you a fair idea how, as an educator, you can get the best out of them. A quick note: Wordle is quite easily the most popular word cloud generator out there. Tagul Several features that do not figure in Wordle are incorporated in Tagul.For example, you have the option of choosing personalized shapes and multiple fonts to be used in your cloud. ABC Ya This application is very much like Wordle and operates the way Wordle operates. Tag Crowd This application gives you access to see frequency of words. Word It Out Word It Out helps create word clouds from any text, similar to the way Wordle does. Make Word Mosaic This one is from Image Chef and is one of the best creative tools you can find for your classroom. Wordsift Wordsift is presented by Stanford University and allows you to do anything with or to a word. TagCloudGenerator

Google Tag Manager: il nuovo tool per il marketing efficace InTarget Group Durante l’Emetrics di Boston Google ha presentato un nuovo strumento che si rivelerà molto utile a uomini e donne che lavorano nel settore marketing: il Google Tag Manager. Un tag manager è uno strumento che permette di gestire tutte le attività di “tagging” necessarie in un progetto web (tag per il sistema di analytics, tag per le conversioni di Google Adwords, tag di Google Remarketing, etc…) in un modo coordinato e semplice. Basterà infatti inserire ad inizio progetto un solo blocco di codice in tutto il sito, identico per tutte le pagine, ed effettuare tutte le configurazioni da interfaccia, senza dover più mettere mano al codice del sito. L’uso di un tag manager fornisce infatti un “punto di accesso” alle pagine del sito o dell’applicazione, e consente di poter intervenire velocemente su di esse, da remoto, attraverso un pannello. I principali vantaggi che l’uso di un tag manager apporta sono quindi:

How to add more characters to WP-Cumulus One of the major shortcomings of Flash (imho) is the way it handles text. If you want to animate text, change its transparency or do any of the other things that Flash is so good at, you need to embed font characters into your movie. This is usually not so bad, if you know the target language your movie will be used to display. My WP-Cumulus WordPress plugin however can be used to display tags in any language. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Optional: Change the font. Change the text field’s font setting on the properties panel.Open the ‘’ file located in ‘com/roytanck/wpcumulus’.Find the line that says ‘format.font = “Arial”;’.Change ‘Arial’ to the name of your font.Save the files and compile the movie. There’s a distinct possibility that this will not work for languages like Chinese, Korean and Japanese. Known translations UPDATE: More info on Chinese and unicode support is here.

Word Clouds for Kids! ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more! ABCya’s award-winning Kindergarten computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years.

Tag Manager: oltre a Google cosa troviamo sul mercato? Google ha annunciato che dall’inizio dell’anno ha visto una crescita del 300% del traffico verso Google Tag Manager ed un aumento del 120% di clienti. Sono un fan delle tecnologie di Tag management, ma non sono particolarmente entusiata di Google Tag Manager: ogni volta che lo uso ho la sensazione che abbiano reso unitilmente complicato qualcosa che poteva essere piu’ semplice. Certo gli hanno donato molta flessibilita’, ma si poteva fare di piu’. Lavorando per Staples Europe ho potuto vedere le presentazioni di diverse piattaforme di tag management: Tutte piattaforme molto simili a Google Tag Manager. Tra le compagnie che ho visionato e testato ne esiste una quarta:QuBit OpenTag Sono un fan di OpenTag per 2 motivi: In pratica con OpenTag non solo gestisco i tag di tracking e conversione, ma posso utilizzarlo per cambiare il layout del sito, aggiungere elementi alla navigazione senza la necessita’ del supporto diretto del team IT Correlati

Теги (12) - Дополнительные функции - Управление и настройка системы uCoz - Сообщество uCoz Делаем flash-облако тегов. Установка: 1. Создайте информер по образцу, написанному выше, и способ вывода выберите "Облако тегов" 2. Code var flashvars = {}; flashvars.mode = 'tags'; flashvars.minFontSize = '8'; flashvars.maxFontSize = '14'; flashvars.tcolor = '0x1D3D61'; flashvars.tcolor2 = '0x4D6D91'; flashvars.hicolor = '0xd193978'; flashvars.distr = 'true'; flashvars.tspeed = '100'; eTagz = document.getElementById('yoblako').getElementsByTagName('A'); flashvars.tagcloud = ' for (var i=0; eTagz[i]; ++i) flashvars.tagcloud += ' + '\' style=\'' + parseInt(eTagz[i].style.fontSize) + '\'>' + eTagz[i].innerHTML.replace(/&/i, '%26') + ''; delete eTagz; flashvars.tagcloud += ''; var params = {}; params.wmode = 'transparent'; params.bgcolor = '#FFFFFF'; params.allowscriptaccess = 'always'; var attributes = {}; = 'yoblako'; = 'tagcloud'; swfobject.embedSWF('ссылка_на_файл_tagcloud.swf', 'yoblako', '250', '200', '9.0.0', false, flashvars, params, attributes); Quote .

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles Domande frequenti – Google Tag Manager Informazioni sui tag e la gestione dei tag I tag sono piccole porzioni di codice del sito web che consentono di analizzare il traffico e il comportamento dei visitatori, di verificare l'efficacia della pubblicità online e dei canali sociali, di utilizzare il remarketing e il targeting per pubblico, di sperimentare il sito web e ottimizzarlo e altro ancora. Perché gestire i tag? L'inserimento dei tag senza una gestione efficiente comporta gravi problemi. Ho bisogno di un sistema di gestione dei tag? Se ti è capitato che ritardi dell'implementazione dei nuovi tag causassero rallentamenti della tua attività o che l'elevato numero di tag impedisse il regolare funzionamento del tuo sito web oppure se non sei certo che i dati vengano acquisiti correttamente, Google Tag Manager è la soluzione giusta per te. Come funziona esattamente Google Tag Manager? Faccio parte del team IT/webmaster. Puoi stare assolutamente tranquillo. Costi Quanto costa? Google Tag Manager è gratuito. No. Dati e tag personali

Внедрение Flash с помощью SWFObject 2 Вопрос о внедрении Flash с помощью разметки соответствующей стандартам возникает достаточно часто, между тем у этой проблемы есть достаточно известное решение — SWFObject. SWFObject 2 не только позволяет внедрять Flash динамически, с помощью JavaScript, но и статически, когда для внедрения используется стандартная разметка, а JavaScript только исправляет неразрешимые с помощью разметки проблемы, при этом даже если JavaScript отключен пользователи все равно увидят Flash. Статья содержит множество примеров, которые я решил не втискивать в ширину сайта, поскольку это существенно усложняет их восприятие. В IE6 как и ожидалось сайт немного перекосило, но, мне кажется, это меньшее зло, да и разработчиков использующих IE6 не много. Скачать библиотеку и получить дополнительную информацию можно на странице проекта SWFObject1 в Google Code. Поправки по существу надеюсь увидеть в комментариях, сообщить об опечатках можно с помощью клавишесочетания Ctrl+Enter. Что такое SWFObject? SWFObject 2: <! <!

Tag Cloud FX The “Personal License (single use)” grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to make use of this product in a single non-commercial* website (or application**), your own work or client work. * A non-commercial application is an application which is not owned by a company, even if the application in which this product will be included does not directly generate income an individual, when the application in which this product will be included generates income in any form (i.e. a website with paid advertising) ** An application can be a website, a software, an electronic document such as a PowerPoint presentation or an e-book, a printed document, a video production There is no restriction on the number of copies of this product within the same application. If you want to use this product in multiple non-commercial applications owned by:
