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The Quentin Tarantino Archives

The Quentin Tarantino Archives

Everything Tarantino | The film works of Quentin Tarantino Pulp Fiction Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pulp. Pulp Fiction, ou Fiction pulpeuse au Québec, est un film de gangsters américain réalisé par Quentin Tarantino et sorti en 1994. Utilisant la technique de narration non linéaire, il entremêle plusieurs histoires ayant pour protagonistes des membres de la pègre de Los Angeles et se distingue par ses dialogues stylisés, son mélange de violence et d'humour et ses nombreuses références à la culture populaire. Sa distribution principale se compose notamment de John Travolta, dont la carrière a été relancée par ce film, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis et Uma Thurman. Il a été récompensé par la Palme d'or au Festival de Cannes 1994, ainsi que par l'Oscar du meilleur scénario original l'année suivante, et a été un succès aussi bien critique que commercial, établissant ainsi définitivement la réputation de Tarantino. Synopsis[modifier | modifier le code] Introduction[modifier | modifier le code]

Baz Luhrmann Filmografia[modifica | modifica el codi] Fins a l'actualitat ha dirigit cinc pel·lícules: Les seves tres primeres pel·lícules formen part de la Trilogia de Teló Vermell. El seu projecte més recent és una nova adaptació cinematogràfica de El gran Gatsby. Enllaços externs[modifica | modifica el codi] Quentin Tarantino Early life[edit] Tarantino was born in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1963.[6] He is the son of actor and amateur musician Tony Tarantino and nurse Connie McHugh.[7][8] He has a younger half-brother named Ron. Tarantino grew bored with the James Best Acting School and left after two years, although he kept in touch with all of his acting friends. Film career[edit] 1980s[edit] After Tarantino met Lawrence Bender at a Hollywood party, Bender encouraged him to write a screenplay. 1990s[edit] In January 1992, Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs was screened at the Sundance Film Festival. In Pulp Fiction (1994), Tarantino maintained the aestheticization of violence, for which he is known, as well as his non-linear storylines. 2000s[edit] Tarantino's film Inglourious Basterds, released in 2009, is the story of a group of Jewish-American guerilla soldiers in Nazi-occupied France during World War II. 2010–present[edit]

Orlan Exhibition : from the 7th of June to the 22th of September 2013 The Collection as a Character M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium Curators : Anders Kreuger and Nav Haq Quentin Tarantino Almost Quit Film And Isn't Working On 'Kill Bill 3' Imagine a Hollywood without Quentin Tarantino. Something wouldn't feel right if we didn't have the Oscar-winning director around to add to the oeuvre of blood-splattering violence. Luckily, he's not going anywhere -- but that almost wasn't the case. Tarantino recently revealed to The Independent that he considered quitting film "after 10 movies," which, by our calculations, means he was probably weighing whether last year's "Django Unchained" would be one of his final films. "I went back on the idea," Tarantino said. "OK, it would sound really cool because it's a round number and it would make sense, as I would have made three movies per decade, but it's not fixed in time. We know that Tarantino has at least one more up his sleeve: a Western. One thing Tarantino isn't working on, to many fans' despair, is a third "Kill Bill." The director also told The Independent that, while he no longer has a checklist of things to tackle in his career, he might like to some day work on a horror film.

Ron Mueck Ron Mueck (Nascut el 1958) és un escultor que pot ser considerat com "hiperrealista". Ron Mueck és un australià que viu a Anglaterra. L'origen professional va ser al món dels efectes especials per al cinema, encara que va donar un pas al món de l'art aprofitant el seu talent sorprenent per desenvolupar creacions plàstiques amb un realisme sorprenent. Mueck va mudar-se a Londres per establir la seva pròpia companyia, creant utilleria i "animatronics" per la indústria de la publicitat. Encara que els seus treballs eren altament detallats, eren dissenyats per ser fotografiats des d'un angle molt específic, amagant així el desordre de l'obra vista des d'un altre angle. El 1996 Mueck va canviar cap l'"art refinat" possant amb la seva sogra Paula Rego, per produir petites figures com a part d'una escena que ella estava mostrant a la Galeria Hayward. Les escultures de Mueck reprodueixen fidelment els detalls del cos humà, però juga amb l'escala per crear imatges impactants.
