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6 Successful Foursquare Marketing Campaigns to Learn From

6 Successful Foursquare Marketing Campaigns to Learn From
There are now more than 500,000 businesses on Foursquare. We've already shared with you how to start marketing on Foursquare and how to set up a special — now we're giving you a handful of campaigns that can inspire your own marketing initiatives. Read on and take a tip from The History Channel, Starwood Hotels, Pepsi Max, a Florida eye doctor, a New York steakhouse and a German billboard. 1. Be On-Brand — History Channel The History Channel Foursquare page launched in April 2010. Since The History Channel is not a physical location, it has a brand page that can be "followed." Success Metrics: The History Channel Foursquare page has 202,450 followers. Times Square: 3,613 users "have done this"Magic Kingdom Park: 5,469 users "have done this"Madison Square Garden: 3,118 users "have done this"Lincoln Memorial: 2,261 users "have done this" 2. In May, Starwood Hotels teamed up with Foursquare for its SPG — Starwood Preferred Guest — loyalty program. 3. 4. 5. 6.

"Grande marque cherche blogueur pour article bienveillant" Des entreprises rémunèrent les «experts» qui tiennent un blog pour qu’ils disent du bien de leurs produits. C’est trompeur mais efficace. Une offre bien pensée», «des innovations majeures», «taillé sur mesure»… : à lire les commentaires élogieux parus en février sur des blogs techno réputés comme Gonzague, Ecran mobile ou Vendeesign, la nouvelle Neufbox Pro de SFR semble parée de toutes les vertus. Abonnez vous à l'édition digitale

5 Legal Considerations for Your Social Media Campaign Gonzalo E. Mon is a partner in the Advertising Law practice at Kelley Drye & Warren LLP. Read more on Kelley Drye’s advertising blog, Ad Law Access, or keep up with the group on Facebook or Twitter. Most companies enjoy the benefits of having a social media presence, but not every company also appreciates the legal risks that can lurk there. Companies have run into legal problems, and been forced to defend their social media campaigns in public, in front of regulators or in courts. All of this, however, can be mediated with a little knowledge and forethought. 1. It would be great if your customers spontaneously started to praise your product via social media, but that won't always happen on its own. The same advice goes if you use bloggers to promote your products. The onus doesn't just lie with the blogger. 2. But those rulings don't mean blanket immunity. Be careful not to invite problems and consider providing clear guidelines about what consumers can and cannot do. 3. 4. 5.

Como crear tu página de empresa en Foursquare | BrainSINS Développer une stratégie e-CRM performante Retour à la page précédente Interview Pouvez-vous nous parler des nouveaux challenges du CRM et de l'e-CRM ? Intégrer l'eCRM dans l'entreprise, c'est avant tout construire une proposition de valeur nouvelle pour le prospect et le client, complémentaire des parcours existants. Cette problématique projette naturellement l'organisation dans une réflexion stratégique sur plusieurs années, car elle recouvre les questions clés : contenu de marque, promesse consommateur, mode de gouvernance, architecture des bases de données prospects et clients, etc.. Les usages émergents liés à la mobilité, la visibilité croissante du CtoC placent définitivement l'entreprise dans une logique pluri-canal. Quelles sont les clés du succès d'une stratégie eCRM ? Intégrer l'ensemble des dimensions des nouveaux canaux digitaux (e-transaction, e-relation, e-reputation, etc.) est une opportunité pour raconter une nouvelle histoire au consommateur.

3 Social Media Marketing Lessons Taught by MySpace Failure Social Networking is not new, or at least it’s not as new as we think. Back in 2005 MySpace was the ruler of social networks and when News Corporation bought it for $580 million it looked like Rupert Murdoch’s empire had added a powerful string to its bow. Fast forward six years later and Justin Timberlake is able to snap it up for just $35 million. The question is ‘what went wrong?’ but really it should be ‘what can we learn from it?’. In many ways MySpace was the pioneer of large-scale social networking, and back in 2005 its position seemed unassailable. So, what can be learnt? What made Facebook take off and MySpace fail is the fact that the former managed to latch onto something which the latter failed to even realize in time and that is the holy trinity of personalisation, socialisation and commercialism. Does it allow you to establish an identity and project your personality? MySpace’s failure also points out exactly what social marketers should be focusing on. Connect: Authored by:

Top 5 Foursquare Mistakes Committed by Small Businesses This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. From our coverage on Mashable, you've probably learned a fair share about Foursquare for business. There are more than 9 million people on Foursquare, and there are 250,000 businesses that have claimed venues and use the location-based service as part of their overall marketing program. Foursquare is a free platform for merchants to use to engage and incentivize customers, but only if done right. 1. There's no fun in trying to unlock a special that is nearly impossible to unlock. Foursquare enables businesses to activate a special only on certain days or during certain times, or they can reward people for every nth checkin, regardless of what time or day it happens. Specials can provide discounts, a few bucks off or a free item. 2. 3. The Foursquare dashboard is full of useful information. 4. 5.

Des tags 2D sur des chocolats publicitaires Le spécialiste du chocolat publicitaire intègre sur ses produits des tags 2D fournis par MobileTag. Les Editions du Chocolat conçoivent et fabriquent des chocolats publicitaires personnalisés avec des logos, des photos ou des textes de leurs clients depuis 1997. L'impression est en noir et blanc, chocolat blanc sur chocolat noir. Les chocolats sont éventuellement proposés dans des coffrets personnalisés. Or le message publicitaire est évidemment très limité sur un chocolat. Pour accroître les messages disponibles, le chocolatier a souhaité ajouter des tags 2D sur ses chocolats. L'une des forces des Editions du Chocolat est de pouvoir réaliser des chocolats à la commande en 24 heures.

9 Lessons From Successful Brands on Twitter Dave Kerpen is the CEO of Likeable, a social media agency that has worked with more than 200 leading brands including, Verizon and Neutrogena. He is author of Likeable Social Media. la geolocalización por excelencia Agosto ha sido un mes intenso para Foursquare: arrancó poniendo en marcha su acuerdo con la web de compras colectivas Groupon para integrar sus ofertas en Estados Unidos y Canadá; continuó dando la posibilidad a las marcas y empresas de crear en unos minutos una página a través de una cuenta en Twitter, sin necesidad de aprobación previa; siguió con la habilitación de listas y prosiguió con la opción de hacer check-in en eventos, además de en lugares (aunque de momento los eventos sólo están activos en Estados Unidos y sólo pueden crearlos los propios gestores de Foursquare y tres colaboradores: ESPN para deportes, MovieTickets para cines y Songkick para conciertos). El resultado no se ha hecho esperar: el 15 de agosto la Casa Blanca anunció la apertura de una página en Foursquare para promover el seguimiento de los road-shows y mítines del presidente Obama, e inmediatamente después la NBC difundió que comenzaría a cubrir e informar sobre eventos a través de Foursquare.

Local Consumer Review Survey 2010, Part 3 | Blog | About Survey Findings The following findings are the 3rd part in a series of surveys into consumer attitudes & consumption of local business reviews and ratings. The survey polled 2,012 online consumers in the US (1,138) and UK (874). The findings for Parts 1 and 2 of the survey can be viewed here - Online reviews, ratings and opinions left by consumers are playing an ever increasing role in helping other, anonymous consumers asses the quality & trustworthiness of businesses, products and services. In part 3 of the survey we examine the methods and motivations that local consumers have for personally recommending a business how local businesses owners can motivate their customers to actively promote their business to the friends and colleagues. Survey Questions Question 1: Which of these local business types have you/would you recommend to someone you know if you had a good or bad experience? Chart: Men vs Women Key Findings: Question 2: Chart: Age Question 3: But… Question 4: Chart: Gender
