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Free Data Visualization Software

Free Data Visualization Software

Data visualisation DIY: our top tools | News What data visualisation tools are out there on the web that are easy to use - and free? Here on the Datablog and Datastore we try to do as much as possible using the internet's powerful free options. That may sound a little disingenuous, in that we obviously have access to the Guardian's amazing Graphics and interactive teams for those pieces where we have a little more time - such as this map of public spending (created using Adobe Illustrator) or this Twitter riots interactive. But for our day-to-day work, we often use tools that anyone can - and create graphics that anyone else can too. So, what do we use? Google fusion tables This online database and mapping tool has become our default for producing quick and detailed maps, especially those where you need to zoom in. The main advantage is the flexibility - you can can upload a kml file of regional borders, say - and then merge that with a data table. This excellent tutorial by Google's Kathryn Hurley is a great place to start. Datamarket

About We help individuals and businesses to get, clean, visualise, analyse and manage data from thousands of sources. For science, journalism, lead generation—whatever you need. The magic happens via “tools” running on our self-service platform. But we also offer managed services for corporate customers who want to make the most of their public and private data. Our team Francis Irving CEO A technology leader, Francis created the original TortoiseCVS, which has improved version… More » control for tens of millions of people. Dr Ian Hopkinson Senior Data Scientist 8 years as an academic soft matter physicist, then research scientist at Unilever Plc for 8 years… More » with experience of numerical models, simulations, data analysis, visualisation, image processing using Matlab, R and Python amongst other technologies. Dave ‘Dragon’ McKee Data Scientist Paul Furley Data Scientist Dr Steven Maude Data Scientist Aine McGuire CMO Aidan McGuire Business Development Director David Jones First Engineer Thanks

Uncommon Wisdom on Teaching (Une sagesse peu commune sur l’Enseignement). Je traduis ici un extrait d’une tribune signée par Arne Duncan , Fred van Leeuwen et Angel Gurría respectivement secrétaire américain à l’ Education , Secrétaire général de l’ OCDE (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), Secrétaire général de Education Internationale qui représente 30 millions d’enseignants dans 171 pays et territoires dans le journal en ligne Huffington Post dans le cadre du Sommet International sur la Profession Enseignante . Certains pensent que les syndicats d’enseignants sont les pierres d’achoppement des réformes, mais d’un point de vu international, il se raconte une histoire toute différente. Beaucoup de nations parmi les plus performantes du monde ont des syndicats d’enseignants forts qui fonctionnent en tandem avec les autorités locales et nationales pour stimuler le développement et la réussite des élèves. Uncommon Wisdom on Teaching :

VIS. Visual Investigative Scenarios platform: Pages Home - The GitHub Blog Think Tanker’s Data ToolBox I’m in Prague at the Policy Research, Technology and Advocacy Event @ the Hub, run by Open Society Foundations Think Tank Fund. It’s a fascinating event with some of Europe’s best Think Tank minds; I had the pleasure of helping them work through tools that can help them to troubleshoot some of the issues they face in their day to day work. There are many excellent curated lists of tools useful for policy research, analysis and visualisation, which seem to be the most interesting topics here. Here’s just a few: See the School of Data – Favourite Resources for some of our favourites in Getting, Cleaning, Analysing, Presenting & Sharing Data. * The On Think Tanks blog has a great list of visualisation resources * Digital Methods Toolkit from the Digital Methods Initiative. Let’s look at the specific problems the group raised and what tools we know to help with them! Getting Data: “What’s the best tool for conducting an online survey?” Getting Data: “My government doesn’t give me data!”

Prague conference Data Tools
