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Welcome to the Tumblr API! There isn't anything we enjoy more than seeing talented designers and engineers using Tumblr to invent whole new forms of creative expression. We've put a tremendous amount of care into making this API functional and flexible enough for any projects you throw at it. If you're looking for documentation for the old API, you can find it here. What You Need Get an OAuth key: register an application You'll need this to get your API key, even if you don't ever need to use a fully signed OAuth request. For more details, see Authentication below. Console Check out or developer console to test calls, and see live examples of using our official clients: API Console Overview Before you dive in, review these essentials. URI Structure All Tumblr API requests start with Blog: get blog data or write to a blog{base-hostname}/...User: get user data or perform user actions See Methods below for complete details. Example

evernote/evernote-sdk-ruby Tutorial: Debugging This tutorial introduces you to using Google Chrome's built-in Developer Tools to interactively debug an extension. To follow this tutorial, you need the Hello World extension that was featured in Getting Started. In this section, you'll load the extension and take a look at its information in the Extensions page. Load the Hello World extension if it isn't already running. If the extension is running, you'll see the Hello World icon to the right of your browser's address bar. If the Hello World extension isn't already running, find the extension files and load them. As long as your browser is in Developer mode, it's easy to inspect popups. Go to the Extensions page ( and make sure Developer mode is still enabled. The popup remains open as long as the Developer Tools window does. In this section, you'll follow the execution of the popup page as it adds images to itself. Use the buttons next to the play/pause button to step over, into, and out of function calls.

XRegExp Javascript API XRegExp(pattern, [flags]) Creates an extended regular expression object for matching text with a pattern. Differs from a native regular expression in that additional syntax and flags are supported. The returned object is in fact a native RegExp and works with all native methods. Example XRegExp('(? For details about the regular expression just shown, see Syntax: Named capture and Flags: Free-spacing. Regexes, strings, and backslashes JavaScript string literals (as opposed to, e.g., user input or text extracted from the DOM) use a backslash as an escape character. The same issue is at play with the \\s sequences in the example code just shown. XRegExp.addToken(regex, handler, [options]) Extends or changes XRegExp syntax and allows custom flags. Show more XRegExp.addToken examples Addon:, subs, [flags]) Requires the addon. Builds regexes using named subpatterns, for readability and pattern reuse. XRegExp.cache(pattern, [flags]) while (match = XRegExp.cache('

Free Search API Are your looking for an alternative to Google Web Search API (deprecated), Yahoo Boss (commercial), Bing Web Search API (commercial) or Blekko API (discontinued)?Try our FREE Web Search API! Prohibitive search infrastructure cost and high priced Search API are market entry barriers for innovative services and start-ups. Build your own mobile news & search app, news clipping, trend monitoring, competitive intelligence, reputation management, brand monitoring, search engine optimization, plagiarism detection, alternative search engine, research project and more! Web Search More than 2 billion pages indexed. News Search News articles from newspapers, magazines and blogs. Trending News Trending news, grouped by topic. Trending Topics Trending news, grouped by topic. Trending Terms Trending terms, sorted by buzz (number of sources reporting on same term). Suggestions Suggestions with auto completes for query substrings and corrections for misspelled terms. API Key Parameter Return Values Examples

bookmarks Manifest You must declare the "bookmarks" permission in the extension manifest to use the bookmarks API. For example: Objects and properties Bookmarks are organized in a tree, where each node in the tree is either a bookmark or a folder (sometimes called a group). BookmarkTreeNode properties are used throughout the chrome.bookmarks API. Note: You cannot use this API to add or remove entries in the root folder. Examples The following code creates a folder with the title "Extension bookmarks". The next snippet creates a bookmark pointing to the developer documentation for extensions. For an example of using this API, see the basic bookmarks sample.

100 Excellent Free WordPress Themes Economists have taught us that a lot of choice is not always a good thing. Having many options can lead to “analysis paralysis” and a feeling of being overwhelmed, due to the increased effort required and the level of uncertainty in making the right choice. If you are hesitant about choosing the perfect template for your website, then maybe it is high time to stop browsing and order one for yourself. With a nearly unlimited pool of WordPress themes to choose from, it becomes so easy to feel overwhelmed and resort to inaction or choosing a low-quality theme. Further Reading on SmashingMag: More after jump! In this post, I’ll share what I believe are the most important factors to consider, so that you know exactly what to bear in mind the next time you’re on the hunt for a good theme. Put another way, how much easier is buying a bottle of wine when you know that you prefer reds and that your favorite red is Australian Shiraz? 1. As such, there is no conclusive winner. Pros of Premium Themes

Google Trends API: Developers Want It, Says Google Insights Google has two similar projects that show search trends over time: Google Trends for comparing keywords and Google Insights, which explores sub-searches within a trend. It can be difficult to determine the difference between them, but in comparing the keywords, we can tell you which one developers most want to have an API: Google Trends. Strangely, Google Trends was unable to provide the above graph due to insufficient data. However, Google Insights happily displays the current interest of each search term. Consistently, developers have been more likely to search for Google Trends API than Google Insights API. Unfortunately, neither exist. What developers want, they find a way to get. Of course, it’s dangerous to hang your hat on something unsupported. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples Google’s Secret Weather API It’s 54 degrees today in Mountain View, which any Googler could tell you by looking outside… or by using the company’s undocumented weather API. The service was created for use with iGoogle, but the interface is easily discoverable and covers a handful of other features, in addition to weather. Dennis Delimarsky compared several weather APIs and decided that Google’s is best, despite having no documentation or support from the company. One reason Delimarsky found it useful is that Google left little work to the developer: Unlike many others, the XML response for Google Weather API calls is quite explicit. No need to figure out what a specific abbreviation means or whatever a code means to a developer. Indeed, you just simply pass a city name or postal code, such as this Mountain View query: to get an XML response like this: And the reason for the human-readable XML goes back to the original purpose of this API. There are a handful of official weather APIs.

gornostal/Chrome-Bookmarks-Online 40 New Data Points In Google Analytics API Over the past year we’ve added many new features to Google Analytics. Today we are releasing all of this data in the Core Reporting API! Custom Dimensions and Metrics We're most excited about the ability to query for custom dimensions and metrics using the API. Developers can use custom dimensions to send unique IDs into Google Analytics, and then use the core reporting API to retrieve these IDs along with other Google Analytics data. For example, your content management system can pass a content ID as a custom dimension using the Google Analytics tracking code. Mobile Dimensions and Metrics We've added more mobile dimensions and metrics, including those found in the Mobile App Analytics reports: ga:appIdga:appVersionga:appNamega:appInstallerIdga:landingScreenNamega:screenDepthga:screenNamega:exitScreenNamega:timeOnScreenga:avgScreenviewDurationga:deviceCategoryga:isTabletga:mobileDeviceMarketingNamega:exceptionDescriptionga:exceptionsPerScreenviewga:fatalExceptionsPerScreenview

tumblr/tumblr_client Body Armor Guide For Dummies - Suburban Prepper Our friends over at have graciously provided us with a guest post this week. They have shared with us a prepper’s guide to body armor. I am sure you will find it very informative. Feel free to visit their website and tell them what you think. -SP Body Armor With SAPI Plate Pocket There’s no doubt that you know that the federal US government seems to intentionally violate US residents’ integral right for self-defense. There are two protection levels for stab proof armor that are managed by Home Office Scientific Development Branch of the UK, whereas protection levels for bullet proof vests range from level IIA to level IVA and are managed by the US National Institute of Justice. Kevlar was created by DuPont back in 1965. Most of the time, Kevlar is good at stopping bullets. The majority of ceramic plates (frequently referred to as trauma plates) are manufactured of a boron-carbide blend. Generally, ceramic plates are rated III and IV by the NIJ.

