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What's Happening? Ready to share some STEM Capers at this event! On an energy scavenger hunt! 7th graders work in teams to deepen their understanding of energy conversion. Knox Middle School 8th graders work as Disease Detectives solving outbreaks! Students compared a variety of water samples to determine the concentration of particles contained in each sample and how they might affect the quality of water. Partners collaborate as they determine the pH of their unknown water sample while deducing the types of organisms that might thrive in that environment. 8th graders at West Rowan Middle School hunt for macro-invertebrates during their water quality lab. Students are stronger when they collaborate and solve problems together. Problem solving can be challenging and fun! Second graders learned how to use several science tools during their investigation of matter. Mr. Faith Elementary's 2nd grade worked with temperature probes to better understand transfer of energy. A cool physical change on a hot day can be fun!

Teach2Connect | Learn. Teach. Connect. I am thrilled that for the first time in many years I will have the entire month of July off from school. When I’ve been asked “what are you doing this summer?” my response has been “read, sun, and pack. “We are moving a few miles away in August so that is why “pack” is an answer. We will lose our access to an outdoor pool when we move so that explains the “sun” element. And I think to goes without saying the “read” is the piece I will most relish. So what shall I read? Professional Reads Mindset, Carol Dweck I started it months ago and put it down for Lean In, but I am fascinated about how this book can help us re-think how we perceive ourselves, others, and our ability to learn. Creating Innovators, Tony Wagner The children I teach are no the same as the children my teachers taught (aka, me). Now You See It, Cathy Davidson After hearing Dr. Reality is Broken, Jane McGonigal I am not a gamer. How Children Succeed, Paul Tough Rewired, Larry Rosen Want some more ideas for professional reads?

Creative Class Starters | rajhill You’ve planned an exciting lesson for tomorrow! You’re ready! But there is just one thing. You are tired of the same ole same ole humdrum way to start class. Story Starter Give the students a lead in line using your favorite song lyric or a scary story starter.Concentration Review Have the students partner up with a game of concentration. Like this: Like Loading... Tips, Tricks, Tools Archives | Always Prepped Blog Always Prepped Blog This was taken from an infographic found here. However, we included direct links to Amazon for you, if you’re interested in purchasing a book or two (or three, etc.). Below are the 51 best books for teachers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 101 Great Classroom Games: Easy Ways To Get Your Students Playing, Laughing, And Learning. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 99 Ways To Get Your Kids To Love Reading: And 100 Books They’ll Love. 38. 39.

Technology Generating Work Flow in 1:1 iPad Classroom <img src=" class="headimg wp-post-image" alt="bmcldrev" title="" /> I’m finishing this first full quarter with the 1:1 iPad classroom but apps do not hold attention spans this time of year. With April, love springs to life in all of its awkward forms. Attention spans are diverted towards prom invitations and long looks out windows; lacrosse, melting snows on the softball diamond hold great appeal. Thus the last quarter begins with incentives and compromises to motivate students. <img src="

Flipping with Kirch Best Websites from FETC 2013 By Janet Pinto, Chief Academic Officer, Curriki The Florida Educational Technology Conference for 2013 was held this past week in Orlando, Florida. FETC is a leading K-12 education technology conference with an international reputation. Here are some of the best websites we learned about at FETC. Gapminder is a non-profit venture – a modern “museum” on the Internet – promoting sustainable global development and achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Rubistar Rubistar is a free tool for creating rubrics. Shelly Terrell’s Bringing Your Textbook to Life! neoK12 This website offers free videos, lesson and games aimed at K-12 students. Carbon The Periodic Table of Videos This website is the brainchild of journalist Brady Haran. Xtranormal This website allows users to turn their stories into 3D animated videos. Like this: Like Loading...

Techie Teacher Let’s Cut to the Common Core! Hi Friends! I’m just here very quickly to tell you about a new feature I’ll be starting on my blog called, Let’s Cut to the Common Core! I’m nowhere near being an expert on the Common Core; however, I WILL share any resources that I’ve found or made with all of you. All of the Common Core resources on my blog are linked to this button so that you can quickly find them. Today, I’m sharing some picture books I use to teach each first grade Common Core Reading Literature standard. These are not the ONLY books you can use to teach the standard, but these are ones I’ve found to work nicely. I also provided you with Common Core graphic organizers that go with each standard, as well. For a detailed list of all of the picture books I shared above, click on the link below. What books do you use to teach the Common Core standards?

iTeach Top 20 LiveBinders you should not Miss Digital bookmarking is a pivotal learning skill. It does not only allow you to organize your information into one single platform accessible from anywhere with an internet connection but can also help you in your professional growth. Web2.0 technologies have made it way easier for us to control and curate the content we come across online. I definitely believe that without the power of bookmarking we would never be able to manage the huge influx of information Internet provides. I have already talked in a previous post about the benefits of bookmarking for us as teachers and learner and I said that bookmarking web tools: I am also recommending the following bookmarking tools for you : LiveBinder is one the best bookmarking web tools out there.

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