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Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - The Industry Website Microfinance Focus Kachingle - Social cents for the Open Web MYC4 7 crowdsourcing websites that you should keep an eye 2011 Das Jahr 2010 war für Online-Crowdsourcing-Plattformen durchaus ein erfolgreiches und auch 2011 könnte noch die ein oder andere Überraschung in diesem Segment bereit halten. Gründerszene hat sich daher den Jahreswechsel einmal zum Anlass genommen, um einen Überblick über sieben sehenswerte europäische Crowdsourcing-Plattformen zusammen zu stellen. Crowdsourcing meint die Auslagerung von Arbeitsinhalten auf die Intelligenz und die Arbeitskraft einer Masse von Freizeitarbeitern im Web, was von der Erstellung von Logos über Modedesigns bis hin zur Finanzierung von Geschäftsideen reichen kann. Das Konzept Crowdsourcing hat zuletzt weiter deutlich an Größe gewonnen. Immer mehr unterschiedliche innovative und kreative Möglichkeiten entstehen, die die Leistungserbringung von eigenen Mitarbeitern hin zur „Crowd“ verlagern und hervorragende Ergebnisse liefern. Garmz zur Vermarktung von Fashion Wooshii richtet sich an Video-Artists Red Bubble für Creative-Production I Wanna Go There // Reisen Crowd Backers (crowdbackers) Romans & Literatuur | Doorstart TenPages een feit Graag infomeren we u over de overeenstemming die we hebben bereikt met de curator van TenPages inzake de overname van bepaalde activa van TenPages. Tekst en Uitleg BV is van plan het crowdfundingplatform TenPages in gewijzigde vorm voort te zetten. In dit kader verwijs ik naar de onderstaande berichtgeving. Mochten er vragen zijn dan kunt u contact opnemen met ondergetekende. Met vriendelijke groet, Tekst en Uitleg BV De Horst 21 9321 VH Peize Kontaktpersoon Jaap Burgstra M: 06-12866377 E: I: Bericht voor aandeelhouders Geachte heer, mevrouw, Op 25 februari 2014 heeft de Rechtbank te Amsterdam in staat van faillissement verklaard de besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid TenPages B.V. tevens handelend onder de namen en Where books are born. Daags na datum faillissement heb ik de mogelijkheden van een verkoop van de onderneming en activa van TenPages onderzocht. Femke Jorritsma, curator

Crowdfunded windmill will generate energy for members’ own use Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs. Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters. Youcapital Ideavibes™ - The crowd is speaking. Are you listening? crowdfunding / Crowdfunding Please request to get permission to edit this page. I approve people who appear legitimate so it helps to add a message with your request. Due to overwhelming amount of requests and spam, I am not activating any editors so instead please just send a brief description and URL of the crowdfunding project that you would like listed here. That is the main reason why people want edit access (as opposed to enhancing the article). Contact Michael Sullivan - sulleleven on gmail or @sull on Twitter. This content was written in 2006 and originally added to Wikipedia by Michael Sullivan. Crowdfunding, inspired by crowdsourcing, describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money together, usually via the Internet, in order to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. Overview Crowdfunding, like Crowdsourcing, is very much related to online communities and social networks. Influence of the crowd is another factor.

13 Crowdfunding Websites to Fund Your Business Who needs banks? Crowdfunding websites can help you find a community of small investors to fund your business, without the risks of traditional financing. Here is a list of crowdfunding sites. Some sites focus on funding creative projects, others sites focus on meeting specific needs in the marketplace or community. So don’t let access to capital hold you back — let the crowd fund you. 13 Crowdfunding Websites 33needs. 33needs enables everyone to invest, make a social impact, and earn financial rewards.
