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L'Étoile by Gerald Bloch

L'Étoile by Gerald Bloch

National Geographic Photo Contest 2011 - Alan Taylor - In Focus National Geographic is currently holding its annual photo contest, with the deadline for submissions coming up on November 30. For the past nine weeks, the society has been gathering and presenting galleries of submissions, encouraging readers to vote for them as well. National Geographic was kind enough to let me choose among its entries from 2011 for display here on In Focus. Gathered below are 45 images from the three categories of People, Places, and Nature, with captions written by the individual photographers. [45 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Many people pilgrimage to Uluru, but what is seen there often depends on where you've come from. Eruption of the Cordon del Caulle. Beluga whales in the arctic having fun. This is a streetcar in New Orleans traveling back towards The Quarter on St. This image captures almost 6 hours of climbing parties on Rainier going for the summit under starry skies. Russia, polar region of West Siberia, Tazovsky Peninsula.

Getting Close and Personal: 11 Tips for Close-up Candid Street Photography A Post By: James Maher Tip #1: If you see a banana stand, hang out near it. Street photography is not easy. This article is going to focus specifically on tips to help you get your camera as close to people as possible without them noticing. Now for the record, I use a pretty beefy Canon SLR, primarily because I can’t afford the Leica M9 and the Fuji X100 hasn’t come out yet, but I’ve still figured out ways over the years to get up and close with it without being noticed. 1. Speed is key and how you hold the camera can make all the difference in the world. 2. Unless you have a very small rangefinder, the reality is that it is much easier to photograph someone without them noticing if you don’t have to raise the camera above your chest or look through the viewfinder. The advantage to shooting from your hip with the camera strapped to your wrist is that it really becomes an extension of your arm. 3. I prefer a 35mm (or 20mm on a cropped sensor.) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It will help you blend in. 9.

22 Incredible Photos of Faraway Places Thailand Chances are you already know Steve McCurry as the man who took one of the most iconic photos of our time. It was of a 12-year-old Afghan refugee girl who's piercing green eyes told us her harrowing story. The image itself was named "the most recognized photograph" in the history of the National Geographic magazine and her face became famous as the cover photograph on their June 1985 issue. Beyond just that one photo, McCurry has shot over a million images spanning 35 years. Looking through his large body of work, we get to experience fantastic faraway places we can only dream about visiting. Afghanistan Sri Lanka Yemen Tibet Cambodia India Burma Eastman Kodak let McCurry shoot the last ever produced roll of Kodachrome transparency film. Steve McCurry More Incredible Photos:Capturing a Country's CultureBreathtaking Visions of EarthTragic Portraits of America's Endangered SpeciesIncredible Wildlife Shots by Rob Kroenert

Places That Are Actually Real But Don't Look So These places look so unreal, but they are real! Maybe some of you were on one of these beautiful place, and if one of you did, you are than really happy person who live on this planet! Just look how this photos are cool and so sweet. See | Florencia Denti 46 fascinantes fotografías de las tribus más remotas del mundo antes de que desaparezcan El mundo nunca ha estado tan interconectado como hoy. El ritmo de urbanización de los países aumenta a un ritmo trepidante, tanto que en 2008 más de la mitad de la población mundial pasó a habitar en ciudades por primera vez en la historia. Pero ello no significa que en pleno siglo XXI no existan comunidades que vivan en su más absoluto aislamiento. En realidad se estima que pueden existir alrededor de 100 tribus indígenas sin contacto con el resto del mundo de forma voluntaria, aunque los datos no son muy claros. Las investigaciones han revelado que Brasil es el país que maneja los datos más precisos al respecto. Según información recogida a través de reconocimientos aéreos y entrevistas a miembros indígenas que han decidido tener contacto exterior, serían casi 80 las tribus que viven en una cerrazón total respecto al resto de la sociedad. Es en el propio Brasil donde vive el hombre más aislado del mundo. ¿Quién es Jimmy Nelson? ¿Son los gauchos una tribu? Kazakh, Mongolia Himba, Namibia

The Majestic Beauty Of Wild Animals Captured By Marina Cano Marina Cano is a talented and internationally-renowned nature photographer that takes stunning photographs of wild animals. Her adventures have taken her to various countries in Africa and Europe to photograph animals in their natural element. Cano’s photos have a powerful, intimate, and even somewhat humanizing quality to them. She takes the majority of these photos at national parks and on wildlife safaris, including in the Cabarceno national park in her native Spain. More info: | Facebook | Flickr | 5oopx 26 Brilliant Instagram Accounts That Will Expand Your Worldview The life of a photojournalist is not for everyone. It can be chaotic, stressful, and lead to dangerous situations in conflict zones. But many of those who have taken the plunge certainly love what they do, and they have the Instagram accounts to prove it. Follow these 26 accounts if you need a bit more global culture in your feed. Adam Ferguson Australian photographer based in Bangkok, Thailand.Below: The Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, West Bank. Natalie Naccache British-Lebanese photographer based in Beirut, Lebanon, covering modern Arab society.Below: A 24-year-old Syrian refugee named Sima, whose tattoo reads "Damascus" with her family's initials. Marcus Bleasdale National Geographic photographer with a focus on human rights conflict.Below: Women care for vegetable gardens using techniques taught by the Community Markets for Conservation Co-Op. Sara Farid Reuters photojournalist based in Islamabad, Pakistan.Below: A child receives a polio vaccine in an Islamabad slum. Andreea Campeanu Ed Ou

15 Worlds Most Famous Photographers What makes a world’s famous photographer noticed or well-known? Is it the number of years he or she has been in this profession, the experience they have gathered, or a particular field of photography that he or she has chosen? None of these; the most important reason behind any of the world’s most famous photographer is the pictures he or she has taken. World’s most famous photographers do keep a low profile a lot of times. As qouted,’” A picture speaks a thousand words”. If you are an aspiring photographer yourself you are probably always on the look for your next motive whatever it is an Aerial Photography, a Street Photography or another motive, you will need to represent your work in a professional yet inspiring way. Advertisement Worlds Most Famous Photographers 1. (born Endre Ern? 2. Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Carol Guzy (born 1956) is one of the most renowned American photojournalists of all time. 3. James Natchwey was born in 1948 in Syracuse. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Los 6 (+1) mejores fotógrafos gastronómicos de España | Kitchen Community La gastronomía cuentan cada vez con más espacio en las librerías y ferias del libro. Todos queremos cocinar. Todos queremos ser como ellos. Pero sobre todo, todos queremos que nuestros platos tengan ese aspecto tan maravilloso que aparece en los libros y revistas. Sin duda, la magia la pone el chef, pero también es cierto que, tras esas publicaciones, hay auténticos artistas de la fotografía y que, sin ellos, no sería posible sentir esas irrefrenables ganas de cocinar, de crear, de comer, de saborear, de viajar con el paladar. Hoy hemos te presentamos una selección de los mejores fotógrafos gastronómicos de nuestro país. Francesc Guillamet, Abel Valdenebro, Matías Pérez Llera, Roger Méndez, Álvaro F. Francesc Guillamet Abel Valdenebro Matías Pérez Llera Álvaro F. Roger Méndez Javier Peñas Capel (+1) Mikel Ponce Me gusta:
