The Sniper--Liam O'Flaherty (1897-1984) The Sniper by Liam O'Flaherty (1897-1984) Approximate Word Count: 1619 The long June twilight faded into night. On a rooftop near O'Connell Bridge, a Republican sniper lay watching. He was eating a sandwich hungrily. Placing a cigarette between his lips, he struck a match, inhaled the smoke hurriedly and put out the light. Cautiously he raised himself and peered over the parapet. He rolled over the roof to a chimney stack in the rear, and slowly drew himself up behind it, until his eyes were level with the top of the parapet. Just then an armored car came across the bridge and advanced slowly up the street. Then round the corner of a side street came an old woman, her head covered by a tattered shawl. The turret opened. Suddenly from the opposite roof a shot rang out and the sniper dropped his rifle with a curse. Dropping flat onto the roof, he crawled back to the parapet. Quickly he drew his knife from his pocket, opened it on the breastwork of the parapet, and ripped open the sleeve.
English 214 Discussion Questions On this page, you will find links to the discussion questions that go along with the readings. Please answer all the questions as thoughtfully as possible, after reading the lectures. Then submit your answers by the deadline (the due dates are on the DQ pages and on the Class Schedule). Each set of discussion questions is worth a possible 20 points. Other online students will be submitting their answers to the group as well; you should read them. Respond thoughtfully to several other postings. We will be using the ETUDES Discussion Board for this class. Discussion Board NOTE: try the Message Board ASAP! Discussion question answers are due BEFORE MIDNIGHT on the dates when they are scheduled. Late answers and responses will receive 0 points, so be sure to get them in on time. Points will be assigned according to the thoughtfulness of your answers and responses, not by whether they are "right" or not, since sometimes there is no "right" answer.
Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Google Drive Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google short stories at east of the web A game of Scrabble has serious consequences. - Length: 4 pages - Age Rating: PG - Genre: Crime, Humor A semi-barbaric king devises a semi-barabaric (but entirely fair) method of criminal trial involving two doors, a beautiful lady and a very hungry tiger. - Length: 7 pages - Genre: Fiction, Humor ‘Bloody hell!’ - Genre: Humor Looking round he saw an old woman dragging a bucket across the floor and holding a mop. - Length: 3 pages Henry pours more coal onto the hearth as a gust of wind rattles through the cracked window frame. - Length: 14 pages - Genre: Horror ulissa Ye relished all the comfortable little routines and quietude defining her part-time job at The Bookery, downtown’s last small, locally-owned bookstore. - Length: 8 pages - Age Rating: U The forest looked ethereal in the light from the moon overhead. - Length: 15 pages - Age Rating: 18 Corporal Earnest Goodheart is crouched in a ditch on the edge of an orchard between Dunkirk and De Panne. - Genre: Fiction - Length: 20 pages
The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen a pier-glass in an $8 Bat. A very thin and very agile person may, by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception of his looks. Della, being slender, had mastered the art. Suddenly she whirled from the window and stood before the glass. Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride. So now Della's beautiful hair fell about her, rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters. On went her old brown jacket; on went her old brown hat. Where she stopped the sign read: 'Mme Sofronie. "Will you buy my hair?" "I buy hair," said Madame. Down rippled the brown cascade. "Twenty dollars," said Madame, lifting the mass with a practised hand. "Give it to me quick" said Della. Oh, and the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings. She found it at last. Jim was never late. "You've cut off your hair?"
CurriConnects Book List Other listsIdeas for using this list More on LexilesMore on ESL levels Immigrants and ImmigrationDiscover fiction about life as an immigrant in America. Use this list as you study any of several time periods when the U.S. experienced waves of immigrants or for literature circles about multiculturalism and the immigrant experience in the U.S. Preschool and Picture Books The Castle on Hester Street - Linda Heller, (978-0689874345) , FictionInterest level: 0-4, Lexile: 520, ESL level: 2Julie enjoys her grandfather's tales about their journey from Russia to New York City, but she also enjoys her grandmother's contradictory reactions to her husband's wild tales. In the Small, Small Night - Jane Kurtz, (978-0066238142) , FictionInterest level: 0-12, Lexile: 560, ESL level: 2 - 3Older sister Abena helps Kofi sleep by sharing with him two stories from their native Ghana after they move to the U.S. Early Elementary Books Good-bye, Havana! When This World Was New - D.H. A Difficult Boy - M.P.
Essential Elements of Guided Reading There are three essential elements in Guided Reading, they are before reading, during reading, and after reading. Here we will take a look at teacher and student roles during each element, along with a few activities for each, as well compare the traditional reading group with a dynamic guided reading group. Element 1: Before Reading This when the teacher introduces the text and takes the opportunity to teach students before the reading begins. Teacher's Role To select an appropriate text for the group.Prepare an introduction to the story they are going to read.Briefly introduce the story to the students.To leave a few questions unanswered that can be answered throughout the story. Student's Role To engage in a conversion with the group about the story.Raise questions about the story to be read.Build expectations about the text.To notice information in the text. Activity to Try: Word Sort. Element 2: During Reading Read the text to themselves quietly or softly.To request help if needed.
short stories amazon The Interlopers by Saki He strayed away by himself from the watchers whom he had placed in ambush on the crest of the hill, and wandered far down the steep slopes amid the wild tangle of undergrowth, peering through the tree trunks and listening through the whistling and skirling of the wind and the restless beating of the branches for sight and sound of the marauders. If only on this wild night, in this dark, lone spot, he might come across Georg Znaeym, man to man, with none to witness - that was the wish that was uppermost in his thoughts. And as he stepped round the trunk of a huge beech he came face to face with the man he sought. The two enemies stood glaring at one another for a long silent moment. Relief at being alive and exasperation at his captive plight brought a strange medley of pious thank-offerings and sharp curses to Ulrich's lips. "So you're not killed, as you ought to be, but you're caught, anyway," he cried; "caught fast. And he laughed again, mockingly and savagely. "They hear us!
ESL Reading Comprehension When going abroad you will need ESL reading comprehension skills. These are the skills that will let you understand information in leaflets, books or any written form. Newest Reading Topics This site is always being updated and the newest topics in this section are listed below. Like the Excellent ESL 4U Facebook page to keep up to date with all the new pages being added to the site. ESL politics reading comprehension Reading is the most basic skill to learn when trying to master English. Once you can read you can see how English is written, see the structure and see the grammar that is used, so by learning to read you will open up many areas of English to learn in the future. What is Needed for ESL Reading Comprehension To become successful at ESL reading comprehension you need to practice. There are two ways to do this. The other way is to learn vocabulary from vocabulary lists or flashcards. Reading Comprehension Tips As with learning anything, the best way to get better is to practice.
Developing critical reading skills with media literacy apps on Chromebooks Frontier, an app from eSpark Learning, teaches critical thinking about media through reading and writing lessons for students in grades three through eight. Frontier offers a library of online lessons centered on thought-provoking topics that engage all types of readers—from eager to reluctant. “It's a differentiated research, reading and writing product that allows students to have choice,” says Cindy Kopp, a fifth-grade English language arts and social studies teacher at Mineola Middle School in Mineola, NY. “It enables them to think beyond the text.” Kopp says Frontier projects are “inherently something students are excited about. “The kids went wild over it, because now they're realizing that their writing has importance,” Kopp says. Encouraging student choice in research and writing can help students connect more deeply with the core curriculum at hand.