Portail de la Froggies Team - VTT Reims Bienvenue sur le site VTT de la Froggies Team . Nous sommes à la base un petit groupe passionné de vtt, nous sillonnons partout où nos crampons nous enmène, surtout autour de Reims(51), notre seul devise, nous amuser sans prise de tête, en toute simplicité. Nous sommes aussi là pour une entraide entre vttistes, alors n'hésitez pas à vous inscrire et à poser vos questions. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne visite. La Team Froggies,
Paniers de porte bagage pas cher et en ligne sur bikester.fr Trier par: <div class="productPages"><span class="page">Page:</span><span></span><span class="active">1</span><a href="accessoires-de-cyclisme/valises-et-paniers/paniers-de-porte-bagages.html?page=1" class="">2</a><a href="accessoires-de-cyclisme/valises-et-paniers/paniers-de-porte-bagages.html? Vue: Les corbeilles arrière s'accrochent au porte-bagages par un crochet ou avec une sangle.
Randonnée Ultra-légère Astuces pratiques : Graisser et nettoyer sa chaîne de vélo 1 - Le bon entretien Après chaque sortie en vélo, ce petit geste d'entretien facile et rapide vous permettra d'éviter les problèmes sur le long terme. Avant toute chose, pensez à nettoyer votre chaîne pour la débarrasser des poussières ou saletés en utilisant un chiffon sec. Lorsqu'elle est propre vous pouvez graisser votre chaîne. Nettoyez de nouveau l'extérieur de la chaîne, comme précédemment. Vous n'avez plus qu'à soigneusement ranger votre vélo en attendant votre prochaine balade ! Vue 56901 fois - Actuellement 1 réaction à ce savoir-faire.
Bicycling Street Smarts, Chapter 8: Riding in Rain and Darkness To ride at night, you need lights. Even when streetlights show you the way, you need lights so other people can see you against the glare of car headlights. A white headlight identifies the front of all vehicles. A red taillight may be required, though sometimes a rear reflector is permitted as a substitute. Three major types of lights are available for bicycles: small battery lights, generator systems and high-powered battery systems. Small battery lights are most useful for riding under streetlights. Unlike small battery lights, a good generator system is bright enough to light your way on dark roads. High-powered battery lights are brightest of all. When riding at night, carry spare bulbs and batteries for your lights. Don't consider front and side reflectors to be a substitute for a headlight. Test your nighttime equipment: Have someone ride your bike past you at night and check to see how well your systems work. Many bicyclists carry no wet-weather gear, and they get soaked.
Backpacks & Bags - Bike - Deuter Sport GmbH & Co. KG Our backpack with “protective” instincts is tweaked for safety and aimed at adrenaline junky mountain bikers. Technically suited to freeriders’ needs, it is the perfect partner for spontaneous journeys off the beaten track with its TÜV/GS certified PSA back system made of visco-elastic SC1 foam. If not needed, you can remove the protector and use the Attack for less challenging bike rides. Details: EasyRiser - Beach Cruiser, Echasses Urbaines, FreeBord, POWERISERS, 7Leagues, SkateBoard...
Especial Tres Cycling Backpack | Waterproof Laptop Backpack What's this all about? An update to the original, the new Tres Backpack has an improved fit and greater visibility for safe, comfortable riding. The Tres offers serious expansion options in its roll-top closure and gusseted front pocket for big-haul days, and its super cushioned, ventilated backpack straps and backbender panel feel good on your back and shoulders and keep you cool. The internal waterproof drop liner keeps water out, and a backbender flexible cooling panel feels good on your back and keeps you cool. What are the features? Materials Weatherproof design with waterproof roll-top closure, zippers, and TPU front pocket flap.Internal drop liner with waterproof seam tape construction. Fit High density padded backpack straps with cooling mesh for ventilation.Backbender flexible cooling panel with mesh vents for superior comfort and ventilation. Organization Expandable front panel for hauling extra gear.Two external pockets for water bottles or U-locks. Laptop/Tablet Clever Extras
s t e e l M a g a z i n e CalculerSonIMC, calcul de l'IMC et portail sur l'obésité