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Mountain Lion-Ordner mit iPhone-Inhalten: iMessage History, iCloud Dokumente, iTunes Backups und mehr Die Speicherorte iPhone-relevanter Dateien auf dem eigenen Mac sind nicht immer eindeutig und werden stellenweise erst gar nicht im Finder angezeigt. Um seine iMessage-History zu löschen oder Festplattenplatz mit der Entsorgung alter iOS-Aktualisierungen freizuschaufeln, bietet sich der Blick in die von Apple versteckten Ordner in regelmäßigen Abständen jedoch an. Die folgenden fünf Verzeichnisse sind dabei die mit Abstand interessantesten. iCloud-Dokumente: ~/Library/Mobile Documents/ Hier speichern iPhone und iPad-Apps ihre Dokumente zum Abgleich über Apples iCloud ab. iPhone-Backups: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ Lokal gespeicherte Geräte-Backups machen es sich im MobileSync-Ordner gemütlich können aber auch direkt über iTunes gelöscht werden. iOS Applikationen: ~/Musik/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/ Diese befinden sich für gewöhnlich direkt im iTunes-Ordner. iPhone-Aktualisierungen: ~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates/ iMessage History: ~/Library/Messages/

200++ Photoshop Photo Effects EmailEmail Have you ever wonder where is that photo effect tutorial you saw the other day and start searching all over the internet but couldn’t find what you saw initially? Honestly, i have. That is why i throw them all into this article instead. Create a Powerful Mental Wave Explosion Effect Photo to Pencil Sketch Effect Sin City Style Effect How To Make Your Own Vector Portraits Tutorial: Good and Evil Photo Effect The Making of Mystic Effect Transform A Person Into An Alien Effect Reflective Bubbles Effect Crack and Peel Effect Expressive Lighting Effect Displacement Effect Vector Composite Effect from a Photo Easy Watercolor Painting Effect Twins Effect Apple Style Portrait Effect Compositing Effect Dimension Effect Blue Glow Dreamy Effect Ink Drops in Your Digital Compositions Effect Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effect Electrifying Energy Beams Effect Eery-Eye Photo Effect Fairy Night Eye Effect Fairy tale Effect Make your image look awesome with a few light effects Fire Lines Effect Make Perfume Commercial

42 Free Online Magazines for Designers Art and design magazines are designers close companion. Not only it feeds us with latest trends and news in the design industry, it’s also a good source of inspiration, particularly useful for those who hit the design block frequently. Just in case you weren’t aware, there’s a huge pool of free magazines on the net related to the design field; we meant those softcopy magazines you can either browse online or download (.PDF, .SWF) for offline viewing. Not only they have high quality content, each issue released is also free. Eye Magazine A very artistic and well-curated magazine, Eye has everything that a professional designer or a design student looks forward in a graphic design journal. Additionally, Eye Magazine informs you about the ongoing and upcoming events like design summits, workshops, exhibitions and talk sessions related to the graphic design and visual culture taking place all over the world. Frequency: Quarterly Idea Magazine Slanted Frequency: Biannually Creative Review net

Ikea-Katalog wird mit Augmented Reality lebendig. — Print meets Smartphone: Ikea setzt bei seinem neuen Katalog, der in Kürze weltweit mit 211 Mio Exemplaren verteilt werden soll, in großem Stil auf Augmented Reality. Mittels einer Ikea-App für iOS und Android können Ikea-Kunden Zusatzinfos aufs Smartphone bekommen, wenn sie die Smartphone-Kamera auf den Katalog richten. AR-fähige Seiten sind in dem Katalog mit einem speziellen “Unlock”-Logo gekennzeichnet, u.a. soll bei manchen Möbeln eine Art Röntgenblick ins Innere möglich sein sowie 3D-Ansichten. - Anzeige - Verlagswelt profitabel im digitalen Zeitalter: Mobile Endgeräte bringen die Zukunft in alle Bereiche – auch in der Verlagsindustrie. Wollen Sie über die Entwicklungen im Mobile Business auf dem Laufenden bleiben? Weitere Meldungen von – dem täglichen Newsletter zum Mobile Web: Adfonic-Deutschlandchef Albert Pescheck im Interview, Vodafone steigert Mobilfunk-Serviceumsatz um 5,3 Prozent, Groupon eröffnet Auslandszentrale in Berlin

Psychology and Alchemy Psychology and Alchemy is Volume 12 in The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, a series of books published by Princeton University Press in the U.S. and Routledge & Kegan Paul in the U.K. It is study of the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma, and psychological symbolism.[1] Detailed abstracts of each chapter are available online.[3] Overview[edit] In this book, Jung argues for a reevaluation of the symbolism of Alchemy as being intimately related to the psychoanalytical process. In drawing these parallels Jung reinforces the universal nature of his theory of the archetype and makes an impassioned argument for the importance of spirituality in the psychic health of the modern man. Also interesting about this book is that patient whose dreams are being analyzed in the second section is the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who would go on to collaborate with Jung on such ideas as the acausal connection principle of synchronicity. Content[edit] Part I. Part II. Chapter 1 - Introduction[edit]

9 Sites That Made Me a Better Logo Designer Any person serious about their career – carpenters, graphic designers, dentists, or anyone else – is constantly trying to learn and improve at their craft. You and I are no different. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re an aspiring or perhaps established graphic designer (*design bro high-five*). Likewise, if you’re reading this, you’re interested in self-improvement. There are a myriad of ways to improve on your skills, but today I’d like to share 9 websites that have helped me improve, specifically, as a logo/visual identity designer. These sites are visited by me frequently, and if you haven’t already, you should bookmark ’em. Brand New UnderConsideration’s Brand New is, in my opinion, the undisputed king of logo/identity design critiques. LogoDesignLove LogoDesignLove is another site that provides unique and thoughtful takes on any and everything related to logo and brand design. JustCreativeDesign JCD is one of the earlier design blogs I discovered. Creattica & LogoPond ReBrand

HootFeed Live Twitter Stream Tool HootFeed for Live Twitter Streams Customize Your Brand's Tweetwall Welcome to Hootsuite's customizable HootFeed, a live Twitter stream that can be displayed on screens around your event. The HootFeed is an easy-to-customize tool, which animates the Twitter activity you care about live; encouraging your guests to interact with the event's feed. To get started, enter in your email address and keyword. Get Started: HootFeed Highlights Fullscreen Display Profanity Filter Fully Customizable for your Brand Scales to any Screen Size Easy to Share with your Audience

Best Sites for Primary Documents in World History Common Core offers an incentive for teachers to use historic documents to build literacy skills in a content area while empowering students to be the historian in the classroom. But document-based (DBQ) instruction in this context requires four key elements to be successful: The right documents. Knowing how to look at them. Letting students discover their own patterns, then asking students to describe, compare and defend what they found. Basing the task on enduring questions, the kind that students might actually want to answer. I've assigned my pre-service social studies methods class the task of designing some DBQs and I assembled a list of some of my favorite sources for finding historic documents in World History. All these sites feature good search engines and the ability to download documents for use in classroom projects. Musicians and an acrobat, Smithfield Decretals (Brit. Title: Weighing Cotton, Bombay Creator: Johnson, William; Henderson, William Date: ca. 1855-1862

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• Jemeinsam: Die App, die soziale Netzwerke “real”isiert Soziale Netzwerke vereinsamen uns allmählich. Wir sitzen nur noch vor dem Display/Bildschirm und stupsen, poken, knuddeln oder zwitschern uns voll. Stück für Stück entwickeln wir uns zu egomanen Wesen ohne reellen Kontakt zu anderen Menschen. Nicht, wenn es nach dem Entwickler hinter der App “Jemeinsam” geht! Ich hatte dieses Jahr zur Berliner Droidcon, dank den Kollegen von Androidnext, das Glück die Macher hinter der App “Immopoly” kennen zu lernen und auch ein Interview zu führen. Seine neue App “Jemeinsam” war auf den ersten Blick sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig, und hatte sich mir gegenüber nicht ganz erschlossen. Mit Jemeinsam kannst du deine Freundschaften spielend pflegen. Der Sinn hinter dem Ganzen ist es einfach die Menschen hinter dem Social Media Profil auch mal wieder zu treffen, sich richtig zu unterhalten und zusammen etwas zu unternehmen. Bildergalerie Jemeinsam 5 Bilder 1 von 5 Bildern Jemeinsam im Google Play Store
