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Bible Bible Maps for every OT and NT location.

Bible Bible Maps for every OT and NT location.

Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity This page lists a number of sites on the Internet that are useful for the study of Judaism and Christianity. The list is necessarily partial, provisional, and even parochial. A casual glance will show how Penn-centered it is. It is amazing that this much relevant information already exists on the Internet. Some of this material is brilliant, and much of it is useful. One should realize, however, that most original research must still begin in a good library. Thanks to Alan Humm, Anthony F. A Pictorial explanation of the Bible Presenting a Historical Chronological Overview of the Bible Click on these Images to study the Bible. Old Testament: In 9 Sub Sections or Modules Genesis part one Genesis part one is the first of seventeen parts we have split the Bible up into so we can explain the Bible in a historical chronological order.......more New Testament: In 8 Sections or Modules The Birth of Jesus is the first of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. The Ministry of Jesus is the second of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. Easter, Palm Sunday to Pentecost - is the third of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. Acts part one - is the forth of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. Acts part two - is the fifth of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. Hebrews Chapter Eleven is the sixth of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. Revelation part one - is the seventh and next to last of 8 sections or modules of the New Testament. A number of files of information are kept off line. Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages Bible History Online - Bible Maps Bible Maps - Biblical Maps and Historical Geography for Bible Study (Printing Instructions: Open the map, right click and print) About Bible Maps Maps are essential for any serious Bible study, they help students of the Scriptures understand the geographical locations and historical backgrounds of the places mentioned in the Bible. See Biblical Geography About Bible Geography Maps are great for studying and illustrating the geographical terrain of the ancient world. Luke 10:30 "And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead." God is the author of geography and because He knows the end from the beginning He used geography to help form the great kingdoms of the ancient world. Biblical Map Projects Map of New Testament Israel - Growing first century AD map. Map of Old Testament Israel - Growing Interactive Old Testament map. Bible Map Collections Bible Maps

Revue "Beaux Arts" | L’art comme vous ne le verrez nulle part ailleurs Complete Bible Genealogy - Jesus family tree - Kings of Judah and Israel Site officiel du musée du Louvre History of Israel and Palestine in VERY Easy To Understand Maps T he Palestinian Jews were forced to form an organized defense against the Arabs Palestinians.... thus was formed the Hagana , the beginnings of the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF]. There was also a Jewish underground called the Irgun led by Menachem Begin (who later became Prime Minister of Israel). Besides fighting the Arabs, the Irgun was instrumental in driving out the pro-Arab British. O ur Palestinian Cousins started the '48 war, and in so doing released the warlike appetites of a nation of survivors, a Jewish people with no place to run, who had repressed their rage for millennia, and had now earned full title to it! The remaining 30% either (1) saw for themselves that these Jews would fight and die for their new nation and decided to pack up and leave or (2) were driven off the land as a normal consequence of war. When the 19 month war ended, Israel survived despite a 1% loss of its entire population!

Clefs d’analyse Allez au contenu Allez au menu principal Allez à la recherche Change language Accessibilité Soutenez le Louvre Accueil>Arts & éducation>Clefs d'analyse Clefs d’analyse Conçues pour un usage en classe ou à la maison à destination des collégiens ou des lycéens, les animations de « Clefs d’analyse » confrontent des œuvres d’époques et de natures différentes autour d’une même notion et dégagent leurs significations par des démonstrations visuelles. Cette rubrique bénéficie du mécénat de l’entreprise Informations pratiques Visites & Activités Expositions & Actualités Œuvres & Palais Arts & éducation Soutenez le Louvre Missions et fonctionnement Le Louvre dans le monde Les bases de données Presse Editions et Productions audiovisuelles Média en ligne Rubriques transverses Espace personnel S’inscrire Haut de page © 2005-2011 Musée du Louvre - Tous droits de reproduction réservés AddToAny

Online Bible Study Tools - Your Gateway to Bible Resources ENIGM-ART | Analyse thématiques de tableaux Histoire des Arts – 2.0 » Histoire des arts Grands musées internationaux Lexique des peintres, écrivains, sculpteurs… Ressources de proximité En Alsace et dans le Rhin supérieur Domaines artistiques En venteau CRDP d'Alsace En prêtau CRDP d'Alsace Instructions officielles Portail Histoire des Arts - Ministère de la Culture Vidéo : enseigner l'histoire des arts Site principal du CRDP | Mentions légales | Contacts | Droits de l'image et du son | Aide L'Impressionnisme et les peintres impressionnistes 35 000 peintures à télécharger gratuitement et légalement 35 000 tableaux de grands maîtres en format numérique haute définition. C'est ce que vous pouvez télécharger sur le site de la National Gallery of Art de Washington DC, rapporte Au menu, des Van Gogh, des Gauguin, des Rembrandt, des impressionnistes comme Monet et ses nénuphars, Manet, Cézanne et ses maisons de Provence, Degas et ses danseuses, Renoir etc. "Les utilisateurs peuvent télécharger et utiliser gratuitement et légalement, sans limite, toutes les images disponibles sans demander l'autorisation de la Gallery", peut-on lire sur le site web, qui explique que toutes ces oeuvres sont "libres de droit", c'est-à-dire "dans le domaine public", si on traduit en droit français. Pour ce faire, plusieurs solutions: se rendre dans la partie "collections" -galerie française, autoportrait, musique...- ou encore directement dans le moteur de recherche si vous chercher une oeuvre ou un artiste en particulier. >> Voir aussi: les images les plus recherchées
