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50 Awesome Search Engines Every Librarian Should Know About

50 Awesome Search Engines Every Librarian Should Know About
by Staff Writers Students, teachers and the public turn to their librarians for help researching everything from technology to genealogy to homework help and lesson plans. Even if your library is equipped with subscriptions and memberships to top of the line databases and online journals, you’ve probably had to get creative during a patron’s requested search for something unfamiliar. Meta Search and Multi Search Engines These meta search and multi search engines can search numerous engines and sites at once, maximizing the number of results you get each time you conduct a search. Ms. Multimedia and Interactive For help finding pictures, podcasts, music and shareware, use these search engines. Metacafe: Find videos on this site if you want a change from YouTube.Google Play Music: Patrons looking for music can use this search engine, which “lets you listen to any song or band.” Google Search Engines A Google search doesn’t just mean typing in a keyword on the homepage and seeing what pops up. Related:  Website

Getting Started Welcome to FlyLady! We are so glad you are here and ready to get started. We can’t wait for you to start FLYing! Don’t get hung up on trying to do this all at once. Step One: Join our e-mail group and read your welcome letter. We have an e-mail list that sends out daily reminders, e-mails from FlyLady, testimonials, missions, and more! Step Two: Begin your FLYing Lessons Don’t know where to start first? Watch this video FlyLady From the HeartShine your sink – this is your first task as a FlyBaby, and also the foundation of FlyLady. Step Three: FlyLady’s Beginner BabySteps Are you ready to jump in where you are? Step Four: Build your control journal Step Five: Get connected How to Properly Research Online (and Not Embarrass Yourself with the Results) Warning: if you are going to argue a point about politics, medicine, animal care, or gun control, then you better take the time to make your argument legit. Spending 10 seconds with Google and copy-pasting wikipedia links doesn't cut it. The standard for an intelligent argument is Legitimate research is called RE-search for a reason: patient repetition and careful filtering is what will win the day. There are over 86 billion web pages published, and most of those pages are not worth quoting. If you are a student, or if you are seeking serious medical, professional, or historical information, definitely heed these 8 suggested steps to researching online:

50+ Photography Resources Worth Bookmarking Photo Credit: Sergey Zolkin We have created a comprehensive resource for photography. Whether you’re a noob or a regular Ansel Adams, we are positive you will find something useful. The photography resources include but are not limited to the following; photo sharing services, photojournalism sites, photo galleries, and much more. Despite all our research it’s possible that we missed something that deserves to be mentioned here on this list. Printing Resources Oubly Custom Canvas Prints – Print your photos on a gallery quality canvas.Sticky 9 – Sync up your Facebook or Instragram accounts and order customized photo gifts.Prints on Wood – Create your own wood prints. Random and Cool Photo Services Breathtaking Image Galleries Unsplash – Features a collection of stunning user submitted photos. Photography Blogs Photo Sharing & Social Photography Portfolio Sites iPhone Photography (iPhonography) Excellent Photojournalism Sites Sell Your Photos eCommerce Website Tools Other and Miscellaneous

The Desire for Learning I love learning and hope that if you don’t that I can convince you to love it too. I never stopped learning after college, in fact my learning increased. My raw, unquenched, and enduring thirst for learning and knowledge seems to be limited only by physical weaknesses. My mission is to get the world excited about learning. At the end of the article is a list of links to tons of free videos and classes online. Philosophy behind continued learning If you have a philosophy and habit to continue learning then you will be more open to new ideas. Learning to teach I teach others as charity and for myself. Learning brings truth, truth brings justice The more varied knowledge we learn the more likely we are to find truth. Free Learning and Knowledge I am usually working on or producing pieces of media for promoting education and learning.

La Technique Pomodoro ou l'art de gérer son temps grâce à une tomate | Changer et devenir meilleur - Etre Meilleur La gestion du temps est un sujet qui me passionne. Il existe un nombre impressionnant de méthodes vous promettant de devenir maître de votre temps. Certaines sont redoutablement efficaces, du moins au début quand l’effet nouveauté vous motive à expérimenter la promesse de la technique ultime. Très vite, le manque de discipline aidé de son copain le manque de motivation vous font retomber dans vos bons vieux travers. Parlant simplicité, j’ai découvert la technique Pomodoro (The Pomodoro Technique ou littéralement la technique de la tomate). En quoi consiste la technique Pomodoro ? La philosophie derrière la technique de la tomate consiste à ne se consacrer pleinement qu’à une tâche à la fois. 1 – Pendant 25 minutes, vous n’allez porter votre attention que sur une activité (appelée tomate) unique et rien d’autres Votre intérêt ne se bornera qu’à la réalisation de cette tâche. 2- Après chaque tomate, vous faites une pause de 3 à 5 min Les outils de la méthode Pomodoro Discipline du temps

Social Bookmarking Sharing Button Widget >Share 100zakladokAdftyAdifniADV QRAmazonAmen Me! false 100 (Free) Ways To Learn to Speak Another Language 100 Resources To Learn to Speak Another Language by TeachThought Staff Ed note: This post was first published in 2012, and is in the process of being updated. Learning another language is among the many things that have been made easier with the explosion of the digital universe. Video Channels Just watch and learn. Cantocourse Learn Cantonese through skits involving live cattle, public security officers, and “dating tips for plonkers.”OMGmeiyu In these short videos, English idioms and slang are translated into Mandarin by a perky American host.Swahili Lessons Get a short intro to this African language with this collection of videos.Let’s Speak Korean And how shall we speak it? Podcasts If you’re an auditory learner, we have good news for you. Textbooks Finally, free textbooks. Translation Use them as a supplement to your studies or just type a word in and memorize what comes out. Communities Harness the power in numbers by connecting with other language learners. Tools Apps

OpenClassroom Full courses. Short Videos. Free for everyone. Learn the fundamentals of human-computer interaction and design thinking, with an emphasis on mobile web applications. A practical introduction to Unix and command line utilities with a focus on Linux. Introduction to fundamental techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms, including asymptotic analysis; divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrences; greedy algorithms; data structures; dynamic programming; graph algorithms; and randomized algorithms. Database design and the use of database management systems (DBMS) for applications. Machine learning algorithms that learn feature representations from unlabeled data, including sparse coding, autoencoders, RBMs, DBNs. Introduction to discrete probability, including probability mass functions, and standard distributions such as the Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson distributions. Introduction to applied machine learning. This is a course created to test the website.

Comment mieux vous organiser avec le post-it et le kanban personnel Pierre Mongin présente dans ce livre, une méthode d’organisation simple et très efficace : le post-it et le kanban personnel. Une méthode pratique et intuitive qui va ravir les déçus des systèmes compliqués. Mieux s’organiser de Pierre Mongin Pierre Mongin n’est pas un inconnu dans le petit monde des férus de l’organisation. Pionnier du mindmapping (ou carte mentale) en France, il est aussi l’auteur ou le co-auteur d’une douzaine de livres – dont le classique Organisez vos idées avec le mindmapping dont la troisième édition sort ces jours-ci. Dans son dernier livre, Mieux s’organiser, La stratégie du Post-it et du kanban personnel, il propose une méthode d’organisation originale qui revient au bon vieux tableau manuel. Cette méthode que Pierre Mongin nous propose quitte le monde des geeks et des applications numériques pour en revenir à des méthodes manuelles. Lutter contre l’infobésité et regagner la maîtrise de son agenda Le kanban : un tableau pour visualiser l’ensemble de nos tâches

LittleSis - Profiling the powers that be 50 Unique and Useful Websites on the Internet In the internet world when we surfing the browser we can see millions of websites, blogs, gaming sites. Websites are categorized as personal resource, travel, education, general internet etc. But if you visit a website that may be useful and interested for you but another one feels that’s not special for him. Internet is an amazing source and they offer some useful websites for the users. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Updated: 100 Unique and Useful Websites on the Internet 2015 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Khan Academy Ranger et classer les papiers, le courrier et les factures Quels sont les papiers à garder ? Que devons-nous garder et classer comme papiers, factures et courrier ?Quels sont les papiers, les factures et le courrier qui nous encombrent et dont nous devons nous débarrasser ? Faut-il ranger, classer ou jeter certains papiers et lesquels ? Garder les factures ou les jeter ? Lorsqu'il y a contestation sur un paiement, celui qui dit avoir payé doit le prouver. Un geste pour la planète : utilisez du papier recyclé ! Pourquoi utiliser du papier recyclé ? Parce que chaque tonne de papier recyclé sauve environ 15 arbres ! Les papiers encombrent les poubelles ! Est appelé « recyclé » un papier comprenant au moins 50% de fibres cellulosiques de récupération (papier-carton), c'est à dire qui proviennent de déchets de papier imprimé. Achetez du papier recyclé ! Le papier le plus « écologique » est le papier 100% recyclé non désencré et non blanchi. Certains papiers plus précieux que d'autres devront nous suivre tout au long de la vie : A conserver 30 ans

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