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How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence

How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence
intelligence: n. the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge (this post is a group Twitter experiment – link to similar articles at bottom & share your own experience on Twitter with hashtag #MonTwit) I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can leverage the potential of social networks in order to learn, facilitate innovation and solve problems. I’ve been experimenting with Twitter heavily for the past few months, and would like to share a few basic insights into what I’m discovering. I started to tackle this a few weeks ago via a comment I posted on @briansolis‘s blog, so I’ll just expand on the main questions I laid out there: What is Twitter? Let me just start by saying I understand that Twitter is a communication channel that can be used in a variety of ways. 1. Getting started on Twitter is like walking into a crowded room blindfolded: you know there’s somebody out there, but you’re not quite sure who they are, where they are, or why you should care. This is the potential of Twitter. 2.

12 best tools to raise your Twitter profile | News | TechRadar U There's far more to Twitter than just telling people what you're doing. Here's a list of our favourite tools to help you get the most from the 140-character service. 1. TwitterCounter TwitterCounter analyses your account or that of any person using Twitter and provides information on the number of followers over time plotted on a graph. It uses this information to extrapolate your likely follower growth in the future. 2. Find out how much influence you have on Twitter. Signal indicates the proportion of tweets that contain information, generosity measures how willing the user is to re-tweet, velocity watches how regularly tweets are made and clout refers to how often the user is referenced by others. 3. Share video clips via Twitter. 4. Follow Friday is a weekly event on Twitter where users recommend new people to follow. The Twitter Tag Project provides a tool to help you work out who to recommend. 5. 6. Find out how addicted you are to Twitter by entering your username at this site. 7.

Social Networking: Bridging Formal and Informal Learning by Clar "The recognition that learning is 80% informal suggests that we need to support natural connections between people who can help one another. And we can distribute that support between employees, partners, or customers. You can see real benefits, but you’ve got to have a way to think about them!" There’s been much justifiable excitement about social media recently; are you on top of it? The recognition that learning is 80% informal suggests that we need to support natural connections between people who can help one another. There are lots of social networking tools with weird-sounding names: blogs, wikis, Twitter (also known as micro-blogs), Ning, Facebook, and more. Things are not getting slower: we are seeing decreasing time to market for products and services, more information coming in, and fewer resources with which to cope. What we need, going forward, is the ability to take a continuous read on the environment and to adapt quickly. Informal learning payoffs in real life Issues

20 règles de base à respecter pour un compte professionnel sur Twitter | Il parait indéniable qu’aujourd’hui, les professionnels sont de plus en plus nombreux à tenter l’aventure Twitter pour développer leur business ou plus simplement pour afficher une présence sur le site de micoblogging le plus célèbre de la planète. Il est cependant crucial de savoir différencier un compte personnel d’un compte professionnel afin de ne pas commettre certaines erreurs ; voici donc 20 règles de base à respecter pour un compte professionnel sur Twitter, qui je l’espère sauront vous guider dans votre démarche. Je vous souhaite une agréable lecture, n’hésitez pas à me retrouver sur Twitter (pseudo @Kriisiis) ! 1. Personnalisez votre compte aux couleurs de votre entreprise, avec un avatar reprenant votre logo et un background professionnel détaillant vos coordonnées. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Twitter : 5 Business Case Studies I am still hearing this deep and meaningful question at dinner parties, social moments and musings. “I don’t understand this Twitter thing, isn’t it just people telling their friends what they had for breakfast or did last night , what’s the point of that!” In fact, for a lot of people it is exactly that…a bit like a normal cross section of your average conversation to be frank, but Twitter is a whole lot more! (2,000 plus apps and counting), if you are willing to not just skim the surface but take a deep breath, dive deep and explore the Twittersphere. So I thought it might be productive to look at some Twitter case studies and how different types of businesses are using Twitter to increase sales, drive traffic, use as a service tool and add to their digital marketing toolbox. 1. When JetBlue (an airline) joined Twitter in the spring of 2007, it was one of the first major brands to do so. Why did they want to join Twitter? It wanted to help customers. Skyblue also used it for 2. 3. 4. 5.

From formal courses to social learning Following my last post on "Getting started with social software for learning", I've had a number of conversations about how social learning fits into a more formalised training environment. Clive Shepherd's recent post on "Elearning in all its forms" gives an overview of the three main facets of elearning and how they can each be used across the spectrum of informal to formal learning. I've repackaged Clive's ideas into a table which tries to show the full spectrum: The social learning tools, whether they are synchronous (at the same time) or asynchronous (at different times), are all about the interactions and communication between people. These are an essential component of any learning ecosystem. Terry Anderson (Professor in Distance Education - Athabasca University), describes the main interactions that take place within any learning context as: Student <-> TeacherStudent <-> StudentStudent <-> Content Accept that social learning will happen. Would that work in your organisation?

Twitter, chiffres 2010 et usages à la loupe Il existe pléthore d’études sur les usages de Twitter. J’en ai retenu une poignée qui, par la taille de leur corpus et leur méthode d’analyse, apparaissent les plus sérieuses. Au premier rang de celles-ci, les études Sysomos de 2009 qui ont passé au crible 11,5 et 13 millions de comptes sur trois mois. 1- CHIFFRES GENERAUX Nombre d’usagers français – Les usagers Twitter français représentaient 0,9% des 13 millions de comptes étudiés sur une période de trois mois (entre le 16 octobre et le 16 décembre 2009) par la société d’études Sysomos, soit environ 125 000 utilisateurs. Si l’on applique la même proportionnalité, compte tenu de l’augmentation du nombre d’inscrits Twitter, passés de 75 millions à 145 millions (+80% en un an) on obtient une estimation actuelle en août 2010 d’environ 225 000 utilisateurs français (estimation non “scientifique”). Classement Twitter par pays Les pays les plus utilisateurs en volume de trafic de Twitter) Les langues les plus parlées sur Twitter Age moyen

We are social 13 technologies I can't live without - Dangerously Irrelevant We all have technologies that are absolutely essential to our day-to-day lives. Here is a baker’s dozen of mine… Google Reader. It took me a while, but I’ve now organized all of my feeds into category folders in Google Reader. I now can simply click on a folder name, scan the post titles for anything that grabs me (I keep Google Reader in List view, not Expanded view), star anything that I want to read and/or blog later, and then click on Mark All as Read to clear the list. I use every one of these technologies nearly every day. Related posts Comment devenir une star de Twitter A la grande époque des blogs, on pouvait encore crier dans le vide. Pour se rendre compte que personne ne lisait sa logorrhée, il fallait installer des outils statistiques complexes. Avec Twitter, le nombre de lecteurs est en permanence visible sur la page d’accueil et il n’est plus possible d’ignorer que sa prose est vaine. Ce compteur est celui des «followers», le nombre de gens qui «suivent» le compte. Sur le réseau, une hiérarchie sociale s’établit entre l’aristocratie twitterienne, gavée de «followers», et ceux qui restent désespérément en bas de l’échelle. Pour rentrer dans ce cercle fermé, certains misent sur un long travail de sape, multipliant les twitts (messages) gentillets en rêvant d’une hypothétique célébrité. Twitter est un réseau qui reste très masculin. C’est ce qu’a fait Marion_ MdM, paisible twittereuse devenue une icône en un seul tweet: «Je cherche un mec, please RT» [«please RT» est une formule classique pour demander aux internautes de reposter un statut].

The Top Five Reasons Brands Fear Social Media I’ve been in the social media space now for quite a few years and I meet with at least 5 companies each week who have understood the importance of utilizing social media for their businesses but are still afraid of entering their brands into the new media age. What are they worried about? Here are the top five concerns that I’ve heard from executives and my response to them: 1) They’re afraid they’ll lose control of their brand and open themselves up to negative feedback. When you open a business and start marketing your services and exposing your brand to others, people will start talking about your brand. The question is:Do you want to be a part of the dialogue or do you want to just play ostrich and ignore what people are saying? Social media didn’t create the dissatisfied customer – it only allowed him a platform to express his frustration. Some conversations may be negative but these conversations should be seen as welcomed opportunities to regain customers.

Why Web 3.0? Twitter, lexique et étiquette | WEB Ephemere Pas forcément simple de se lancer dans l'aventure Twitter ! Ses règles, son vocable, ses usages… On va essayer d'y voir un peu plus clair ! Tout d'abord, Twitter c'est quoi ? C'est con comme question, mais comme base de discussion c'est pas mal ! Twitter, c'est simple ! Twitter, c'est un réseau social qui permet d'envoyer publiquement (c'est important !) OK, donc tchat géant, outil de veille, organe de diffusion… C'est pas nouveau ! Mais c'est quoi tous ces symboles et autres termes barbares ?

10 sites pour gérer vos multi-comptes sur les réseaux sociaux | Les réseaux sociaux ont explosés ces dernières années. Ainsi, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace ou encore LinkedIn accueillent des utilisateurs en masse. Nous sommes nombreux à avoir un ou plusieurs profils. Dans ce deuxième cas, gérer les multi-comptes n’est pas une option que le service d’origine a l’habitude de contrôler alors pour vous faciliter votre quotidien, voici 10 sites pour vous aider à gérer plusieurs comptes de réseaux sociaux… 1. Vous pouvez gérer au moins 4 comptes Twitter, ainsi qu’un compte Facebook, un compte MySpace et un compte LinkedIn. 2. Outre le multi-comptes Twitter, HootSuite soutient également Facebook, LinkedIn,,, MySpace et Foursquare. 3. Threadsy vous permet d’intégrer et de gérer votre courriel, Twitter et Facebook sur une seule page. 4. Vous pouvez gérer jusqu’à 5 comptes Twitter et Facebook avec 1 compte Brizzly. 5. 8Hands Vous pouvez gérer différents comptes de réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, MySpace, Flickr ou LiveJournal.

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