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10 Amazing Free Online Creativity Tools for Students

10 Amazing Free Online Creativity Tools for Students
It’s always a treat when a student can express themselves creatively in a way they’re never tried before. With a tool they may not have used before, you can add discovery learning into the mix. The online creativity tools you’ve got here are great little resources that will develop creativity in all sorts of ways. Using these online creativity tools, students can add artistic personal touches to their work in many ways. They can: build fontsmake themselves into a robot or a Picasso paintingpaint graffiti (without damaging public property)draw with fire (again, without damaging public property)turn pictures into words and textures These are fun online creativity tools to explore and engage your students with. 1. Wondering what you’d look like as an android? 2. Escape Emotions, the makers of the design tool Amberlight, have a free online version of another drawing tool. Using this tool, you can work with the full spectrum slider to create any color to paint with. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Related:  outils que j'aimeTips

Qwickslides. Un outil ultra simple pour créer des slides – Les Outils Tice Qwickslides est un outil en ligne pour créer des slides le plus facilement du monde. C’est même sans doute l’outil le plus simple au monde pour réaliser en deux coups de cuillère à pot des diapositives prêtes à être diffusées à vos élèves ou apprenants. La contrepartie c’est une mise en forme très simple qui laisse peu de place à la fantaisie. L’outil vous propose une feuille blanche façon traitement de texte. C’est aussi simple que cela, une phrase par idée, une phrase par slide. Outre le texte vous pouvez intégrer des images ou même une vidéo. Une fois finalisée, votre présentation peut-être éditée page par page. Simple et pratique. Lien: Qwickslides Sur le même thème 8 digital skills we must teach our children The social and economic impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. The speed and volume of information have increased exponentially. Experts are predicting that 90% of the entire population will be connected to the internet within 10 years. With the internet of things, the digital and physical worlds will soon be merged. These changes herald exciting possibilities. Children are using digital technologies and media at increasingly younger ages and for longer periods of time. The digital world is a vast expanse of learning and entertainment. Moreover, there is the digital age gap. So how can we, as parents, educators and leaders, prepare our children for the digital age? Digital intelligence or “DQ” is the set of social, emotional and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to face the challenges and adapt to the demands of digital life. Digital identity: The ability to create and manage one’s online identity and reputation. Share Written by

Presentious. Enregistrez vos présentations pour pouvoir les partager – Les Outils Tice Presentious est un service en ligne assez pratique qui va vous permettre d’enregistrer vos présentations ou slides en y ajoutant votre voix pour ensuite pouvoir les partager. Presentious combine la structure de narration de vos slides ou diapos avec vos commentaires. Il va ainsi vous permettre d’enregistrer ces deux éléments tranquillement depuis chez vous. Vous pouvez aussi opter pour un enregistrement en live lors d’un cours ou d’une conférence. Le résultat est un fichier multimédia consultable en ligne via une URL unique ou en l’intégrant dans votre site ou blog. Quand on vous demandera après une conférence de partager vos slides, vos pourrez offrir mieux que cela. L’utilisation de Presentious est assez simple. D’un clic sur un bouton, vous allez pouvoir lancer l’enregistrement qui va activer le micro de votre ordinateur. Avant de le partager, vous pourrez éditer le son pour le synchroniser parfaitement aux slides. Un excellent outil, simple à utiliser idéal pour la classe inversée.

Teaching with Translation: A Journey from L2 to L1 in the Classroom Translation a skill that constitutes a real world demand, and yet, it is rather underrated in Brazil while it is broadly used in countries like Japan and China, for example. Despite its disadvantages — such as giving students the false impression that there is always a one-to-one correspondence between L1 and L2, for example, it offers learners the chance to practice it as a skill that is necessary in a large number of situations such as translating a text to a non-English speaker or working as an interpreter for conferences. However, translation is not to be confused with the grammar-translation method, whose goal was to learn a language in order to read its literature (Richards and Rodgers, 2008). (1) to encourage learners to “think carefully about meaning,” and to “build critical language awareness” as well as to notice the gap between what they know in L1 and to try to express it in L2 ; (2) to empower learners to use their translation skills to use in the real world. Correia, E.

Le lien outil du jour : vcasmo How to create a magical miniature garden that will add a touch of coziness to any home A terrarium is a miniature garden grown inside a covered glass or plastic container. It is extremely easy to take care of and is an ideal choice for homeowners who have little time for gardening. Moreover, a terrarium is a fun way to make your home seem more cozy and modern. While creating a miniature garden at home may seem a tricky task, with a little bit of creativity and patience you will be able to make an absolutely wonderful terrarium in no time at all. We at Bright Side will tell you how to create and maintain your own green masterpiece. Simply follow these instructions, and you will see how easy it is to make and enjoy these miniature ecosystems. Choosing a glass container You will need a glass container that is deep enough to accommodate the plants’ roots. Almost any container will work: aquariumsvaseskettlestureenslampshadeswineglassesglass bottleschemistry flasksWardian cases of different shapes Choosing the plants Almost any type of houseplant can be used for your terrarium.

Tutoriels vidéo des "Frama-tools" 14 Tips on Classroom Management and Motivation | Psychology for Educators [And More] An annotated lesson: This made-up story is meant to be an exercise. A chance for you to test yourself. Just read through it and try to see whether you agree with the teacher’s decisions / practices. John’s story: John walked confidently into the classroom. Then John turned to the class. ‘OK – as I recall, you had to write an ad for an imaginary product. ‘Right’ said John ‘we are going to work on a mini presentation, because it’s one of the best ways to develop your speaking skills. John went around monitoring the groups as they worked, helping with language as necessary. The people in Group C seemed to have finished their list and they were already rehearsing. ‘OK’ he said. ‘ This is the idea. ‘OK’ John said ‘Who would like to start? When they had finished, John told the class: ‘OK – so today we have looked at different strategies which people can use to improve their English. ‘OK – John said. Comments: There are a number of interesting points in this story. The takeaways – 14 Tips:
