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Entrepreneurs can change the world

Entrepreneurs can change the world

Most Watched YouTube Videos Of All Time (Non-Music Video Edition La mia esperienza al “Silicon Valley Study Tour” 2013 « Younipa – il blog ufficiale dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo «Real, open minded, starting point, success, failure, competition, passion, adrenaline rush, fun, self confidence, new possibilities, sharing, network, trust in people, braveness, think outside the box, it changed my future, work hard and never give up». Solo alcuni degli innumerevoli aggettivi ed espressioni con i quali noi fortunati vincitori del Silicon Valley Study Tour 2013 abbiamo provato a descrivere questa emozionante esperienza, giunta quest’anno alla sua quindicesima edizione. Ecco il video riassuntivo del tour del 2013, realizzato da una ragazza che vi ha preso parte. SVST Movie da Carola Pescio Canale su Vimeo. È stata una full immersion di circa dieci giorni (dal 17 al 25 agosto), nella quale abbiamo completamente stravolto i nostri schemi mentali, venendo a contatto con un nucleo strategico del mondo imprenditoriale, dove nascono e trovano terreno fertile moltissime tra le imprese e le startup più challenging del mercato globale.

Richard Branson on When Inexperience Is an Advantage Editor's Note: Entrepreneur Richard Branson regularly shares his business experience and advice with readers. What follows is the latest edited round of insightful responses. Ask him a question and your query might be the inspiration for a future column. Q: I am a first-time entrepreneur entering the business arena. A: Virgin's history shows that a lack of experience does not have to be a liability -- it can be an asset. From the first days of my career as an entrepreneur, I have always used my own and my team's lack of experience to our advantage. No matter which industry you are planning to enter, you will almost certainly find that the same holds true for you. Since our Student days, we have started hundreds of new businesses, in most cases knowing next to nothing about the industries we were moving into. Related: Richard Branson on How to Avoid Common Startup Mistakes The key to turning inexperience into an asset is to pitch what is new about your product or service.

Smart Ways to Start and End Networking Conversations Wise Bread Picks When I first started attending networking events, I was terrified to approach large groups of strangers. I watched some of my peers dive into these situations with ease and wondered how on earth they made it look so natural. Meanwhile, I found myself sitting awkwardly alone, clutching a cocktail and desperately brainstorming conversation topics. Fortunately, I’ve improved my networking skills over the years, and am much less likely now to stick out like a sore thumb at events. I’ve learned that the most important part of successful networking is to have a good icebreaker to start a conversation and a smooth closing statement for when you’re ready to move on. Here are a few inside tips to help you master the art of starting and ending those tricky conversations. Opening Lines To Start a Conversation A simple introduction can transition into a solid conversation if you’re willing to share a bit about yourself right off the bat. To Make a Friend To Get Advice To Get Your Bearings
