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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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on iTunes U Harvard on iTunes U allows the University to distribute world-class educational content to the world at large. Watch Michael Sandel give his famous "Justice" lectures, learn about the intersection of science and cooking, or listen to Yo-Yo Ma perform Bach’s First Suite for Solo Cello. Questions or feedback? Contact us at About iTunes U iTunes U is a part of the iTunes Store featuring free lectures, language lessons, audiobooks, and more, that you can enjoy on your iPod, iPhone, Mac or PC. Frequently Asked Questions What is Harvard on iTunes U? Users must have Apple's free iTunes software installed to access the video and audio files and may find the content by searching or browsing the Apple iTunes store. How do I visit Harvard on iTunes U? What materials are appropriate for iTunes U? What if Harvard on iTunes U content infringes on copyright protection? What if Harvard on iTunes U content infringes on intellectual property rights?

Open Content Unter dem Schlagwort "Open Content" bietet die TU Graz nicht nur Studierenden und Lehrenden die Möglichkeit des freien Zugangs und der Verbreitung von Bildungsinhalten - so genannte Open Educational Resources (OER) -, sondern auch allen anderen daran Interessierten. Der freie Zugang zu Lehrinhalten für Jedermann ist eine Öffnung der Bildung und Abkehr vom vielmals vorgeworfenen Elfenbeinturm des tertiären Bildungssektors. Die vorangeschrittene Digitalisierung der Lehre erlaubt neue Herangehensweisen unter Verwendung des Web 2.0. Nachhaltige Nutzung und Entwicklung von neuen, innovativen Inhalten findet im Kontext einer Vernetzung verschiedener Disziplinen statt. In diesem Sinne bietet der Open Content Gedanke einen unterstützenden Zugang zum kollaborativen Lehren und Lernen und erlaubt eine detailiertere Unterschutzstellung geistigen Eigentums unter Verwendung der international angesehenen Creative Commons Lizensierung.

Khan Academy Opening Up Education - Table of Contents Open of Course We from Open-Of-Course bring you your education when you need it and how you need it. Free for you to use, edit and redistribute. On Open-Of-Course you find a selection of Multilingual and Free Online Courses and Tutorials The focus is on educational information where people can benefit of in daily life. Open-Of-Course is also there for teachers and educators. We offer free Moodle hosting for people willing to share their knowlegde under an open content license. Mail us at Most of our courses here at the moment are related to computers, internet and languages. Click here to log in or here to see a list of our courses When you register at Open-Of-Course you become part of a self-supporting community. So if you join us, we hope you will become an active community member. We are looking especially for: Translators who like to translate existing courses to other languages. Course developers who want to share their knowlegde and add their own content to our portal.
