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Survival kit: Google+ Pääsin työmaille tovereita varhemmin: kas keltanokille nopeammat vihreät niityt. Sivusilmällä tuli muutenkin silmäiltyä kesän mielenkiintoisinta some-uutukaista, Google+:aa. Mitä sitten lomalta palaajan olisi hyvä ensi hätiin uutukaisesta ymmärtää? Hyviä opasteita on jo monta, listaan muutamia tämän kirjoituksen loppuun. Sähköpostiin on saattanut tulla kutsuja, kun ihmiset ovat lisäilleet Google+ eli lyhyesti G+ -piireihin sinut. G+:aa voi hyvin käyttää sähköpostin vähentäjänä ja sähköpostimuistutuksiakin voi rastitella asetuksista pois, jos muuten käyttää selaimella Googlen palveluita tai asentaa lisäosia (jotka siis vielä toimivat välillä ja välillä eivät). Kontakteja voi seurata ilman, että kontakti hyväksyy seuraamisen, siis kuten Twitterissä. G+ on parhaimmillaan avoimena areenana ja piireillä tuntuisi olevan järkevämpää seuloa sisään tulevaa viestivirtaa kuin ulos lähtevää. Isohkoja uudistuksia on jo tullut ja tulossa kuvien (ja videoitten) julkaisuun.

Google+ At One Month: A Look At Highlights & Controversies It’s hard to believe that it was just one month ago today that Google+ launched. So much has happened to the fledgling service in this short time. Here is a look at both the highlights and lowlights of Google’s newest social network! Launch & Usage Google+ came out of the gate swinging, amassing 10 million users in just 2 weeks and accumulating rave reviews in the tech world. Great Buzz Around Launch The launch around Google+ was truly one-of-a-kind. The breakout feature of Google+ quickly became ‘hangouts.’ People Love Hangouts Forget 10 million users in 2 weeks, how about 1.86 million total visits a week just 3 weeks in? 3 Weeks In, Traffic Is Booming As the deal between Twitter and Google expired, Google+ helps to fill the social networking space in the search results: Facebook Fights Back Sure, Mark Zuckerburg is the most popular user in Google+, but he and his team are fighting hard against it. Facebook fights back with “Awesome News” Facebook Guide For Businesses Bugs & Issues Brands

The Mother of All Google+ Resource Lists - TNW Apps Much has been said about how Twitter and Facebook should be worried about Google’s behemoth social network which gained 10 million followers in 16 day, as compared to Twitter’s 780 days, and Facebook’s even longer 852 days. But like any new service online, people may be signing up and doing very little with their accounts. In fact, they’re probably the same people who signed up for a Twitter account, updated once with something along the lines of “I’m just trying to figure this Twitter thing out,” and disappeared just as fast leaving in their wake a sad little egg avatar and little else. But Google+ launched just barely under a month ago, and the sheer volume of extensions, third party sites and enhancements that have already emerged may be proof of the social network’s staying power. If this list is anything to go by, people like Google+, and they’re willing to make the effort to improve the experience for all involved. Change Google+’s appearance Improve Google+’s UI and functionality

Google+ is a just one piece in Google's puzzle - Petri Mertanen's blog Google+ is not competing with Facebook. Of course, Google people has been doing benchmarking, but Google+ is just one piece in Google's big picture, their strategy in the long run. Google is known of its search engine, but where comes the money from? Advertising and apps. Google+ will collect users very fast and the one reason is that they already have these users. I guess it's just a matter of time when we are seeing ads in Google+. I wonder if Google is able to use this information and integrate it with other data they have? Your company's address information integrates with Google Maps. "Google is using G+ and other products to serve more sophisticated advertising solutions." For companies, Google offers several other useful services. Let's get Google's recommendations into this mess. Why you should change from Facebook or Twitter to Google+? Answer is simple for heavy users: you don't have to. I accidentally jumped into a podcasting session this morning via Google+.
