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Wisel.It | Scheduled posts on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter All Streets Sigourney Weaver Talks ALIEN Sequel, Playing Ripley, and More The Alien film franchise stands out in stark contrast from the majority of horror series, which tend to extol their iconic villain over their more bland heroes. For Friday the 13th, nobody cares for the anonymous teens, all sympathy and audience-support ultimately sides with mass-murderer Jason Voorhees. The same is similarly true for Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy Krueger), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Leatherface), Saw (Jigsaw) and Halloween (Mike Myers). The Alien Quadrilogy is one of the rare exceptions – a horror franchise where the iconic character isn’t the villain but the hero. Ellen Ripley, seemingly the doomed third-lead of Alien, emerges as the de-facto hero of that picture. Last night, The Hero Complex Film Festival honored Ellen Ripley and the actress who plays her with a double feature of Ridley Scott’s Alien and James Cameron’s Aliens. Weaver on the enduring longevity of Alien: I don’t think I could have imagined it. Weaver on shooting the ‘dinner’ scene with John Hurt:

Hyperlapse pour faire des vidéos au ralenti ou en accéléré Instagram Analytics | 50 Greatest Female Movie Characters Rank Title Points Votes Your Vote Emma Watson's Hermione loves classmates Harry and Ron dearly while not at all suffering fools. Current Score: 3343 Total Votes: 10557 Carrie Fisher's Leia is a sci-fi geek's dream, the hottie who can slaughter a super-slug while dressed in a bikini. Current Score: 3152 Total Votes: 6998 Sigourney Weaver's Ripley is tough enough to take on the baddest extraterrestrial and doesn't care who knows she's soft on kitties. Current Score: 1868 Total Votes: 5740 Forget today's super-nannies: Julie Andrews's Poppins was strict and fun, and she also could fly. Current Score: 1530 Total Votes: 4576 Uma Thurman's Bride emerges from a five-year coma and slaughters her way to self-discovery and the daughter she didn't know she had. Current Score: 1400 Total Votes: 5004 Brilliant, ambitious, and vulnerable, Jodie Foster's Clarice goes will to will with Dr. Current Score: 1379 Total Votes: 4743 Current Score: 1273 Total Votes: 4527 Current Score: 1212 Total Votes: 3896 Current Score: 1181

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Simple + Beyond - Lifestyle, Travel & Wedding Blog □ Apple Emoji List — Emojis for iPhone, iPad and macOS Emojis displayed on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV use the Apple Color Emoji font installed on iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. Some Apple devices support Animoji and Memoji. Two Private Use Area characters are not cross-platform compatible but do work on Apple devices: 217 new emojis from Emoji 13.1 are coming soon to iOS 14.5, including a heart on fire, exhaling face, and a vaccine-friendly syringe emoji. Now in beta, coming to devices in March or April 2021. Emojis from Apple iOS 14.2 are displayed below. Show:all, changed, new, removed Appli pour Instagram
