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Create a Badge with Google Drawing

Create a Badge with Google Drawing
If you have thought of creating your own badges here are the steps I use in Google Draw to create them. From Google Drive create a Google Drawing. Use the File menu to choose “Page setup…” Choose “Custom” for the drawing size and choose 300 by 300 pixels. Hold down shift to draw a perfect circle. Make sure the circle fills the canvas. Make the border of the badge size 8 pixels. Use Control C to copy the circle and Control V to paste the circle (Command C and Command V on a Mac). Change the fill of the 2nd circle to transparent. Click on the image icon in the toolbar. Search Along the top of the upload box are options for how to insert an image. Clip Art Instead of choosing “Any type” of image change the drop down menu to “Clip art.” Resize the inserted clipart to the desired size.

Badgr Printable dice with text and images | free online dice maker, dice generator, worksheets and dice to print from Tools for Educators: Create your own custom dice with pictures, text or both images and text. You can make dice with just your text or choose an image category below to make dice with those images. (See below for some ideas on how to use the dice.) Make dice with text only make one die per page make two dice per page Make dice with images: The basic idea for using these dice in communication classes is that students roll the dice and use the vocabulary that comes up. A few general ideas on how to use these dice to get you started: - You can mix a text die with punctuation like '.' '?' - Make text dice with phonics digraphs, reading rules, and combinations. - Make dice with numbers and different operators ( + , - , x ) or just use regular dice plus the operator dice for simple math practice. - Make text dice with set questions or better yet, just the beginning, 'Have you ever ...?' - Combine the text dice with the printable board games in examples like those above.

Magic Card Maker | MTG Cardsmith Sign In / Register Step 1: Upload artwork over 650px wide.Art must be less than 1MB in size. Step 2: Crop your photo using the display provided. Step 3: Enter your card details.Preview and edit until the card looks perfect! Javascript must be enabled! Upload Artwork Recent Card Commentary Read Latest Member Contests News About Us The Gamified Classroom Part I: The Unique Obstacles Teachers Face Today’s 21st century students are not like their parents’ generation. Never before have we, as a civilization, experienced such a large generation gap — and the reason behind it is video games. Today, students are expected to pay attention and learn in an environment that is completely foreign to them. In the upcoming months we’ll be looking at how gamification can be used effectively in schools to help students feel engaged by their lessons. The fact remains that engaged students are better students. Secondly, before worrying about student engagement in a gamified classroom a teacher must also convince the school’s administration and the student’s parents that a gamified classroom is beneficial to learning. Lastly, there is one overriding factor that we must take into consideration when we discuss gamifing a classroom: budget. Andrew R. The Gamified Classroom by Andrew R. Watch GSummit SF 2014 videos on-demand from our partner
