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DotCloud - One home for all your apps

dotcloud/docker Fizz Buzz Test The "Fizz-Buzz test" is an interview question designed to help filter out the 99.5% of programming job candidates who can't seem to program their way out of a wet paper bag. The text of the programming assignment is as follows: "Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. Source: "Using FizzBuzz to Find Developers who Grok Coding" ''It would be more interesting if the numbers were -50 to +50. -- mt <+*i + 67 Articles: I never got the fizz buzz test, but out of the blue lately I've been asked such stupid questions I was amazed I was even asked. Why Fizz-Buzz is "hard:" We can't understand why so many people "fail" the Fizz-Buzz test unless we understand why it is "hard" (for them). if 1 then A else if 2 then B else if 3 then C else/otherwise D (Well it does, but not when you consider "1,2 & 3" to be atomic tests, like "is divisible by 3.") [ick!!!] 'Another simple Java Solution' * #! or Io

Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project OpenShift Yulair - Les Vols à bas prix de Montréal How to Build a Custom WordPress Theme from Scratch If you’re confident with your CSS and HTML, it’s not hard at all to step up to the challenge of building a custom WordPress theme. This overview shows the process of how my latest custom WordPress theme from scratch was built from design concept through to completed theme. See how the static design is split up into the various WordPresstheme files, and discover how the simple PHP snippets can add that dynamic functionality of a blog. View Full Article Before getting stuck into the build process, it’s important to know how WordPress themes work. Spread your love! Amazon and Microsoft, beware—VMware cloud is more ambitious than we thought VMware today announced that vCloud Hybrid Service, its first public infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud, will become generally available in September. That's no surprise, as we already knew it was slated to go live this quarter. What is surprising is just how extensive the cloud will be. When first announced, vCloud Hybrid Service was described as infrastructure-as-a-service that integrates directly with VMware environments. Customers running lots of applications in-house on VMware infrastructure can use the cloud to expand their capacity without buying new hardware and manage both their on-premises and off-premises deployments as one. That's still the core of vCloud Hybrid Service—but in addition to the more traditional infrastructure-as-a-service, VMware will also have a desktops-as-a-service offering, letting businesses deploy virtual desktops to employees without needing any new hardware in their own data centers.

Amazon Web Services Heroku À table avec Lyne et mon dessert réconfortant ! « Lyne Gosselin 18 octobre 2012 Écrit par lyne Il y a deux semaines, je vous ai parlé de mon excitation suite à la cueillette des pommes en famille. Comme nous sommes dans les tous derniers miles de la saison des pommes, je me suis dit que je ne pouvais pas passer à côté de mon petit plaisir coupable à moi, la tarte aux pommes ! J’en ai donc fait ce week-end ! La tarte aux pommes, y a-t-il un dessert plus réconfortant que celui-ci ? Sur ce, je vous laisse avec ma fameuse recette de tarte aux pommes, parfaite pour offrir en cadeau, parfaite à congeler pour le temps des fêtes et surtout parfaite à manger dès sa sortie du four ! Tarte aux pommes de nos vergers Préparation : 15 minutes Cuisson : 45 minutes Portions : 6 à 8 Mélanger ensemble les pommes et le jus de citron. Astuce culinaire : D’abord, pour bien réussir sa tarte aux pommes, il est important de savoir que ce ne sont pas toutes les pommes qui sont bonnes à cuisiner. Truc déco :

Using Alignment to Improve Your Designs Alignment is one of those things that comes hand-in-hand when working with grid systems. The subject of alignment isn’t simply a matter of choosing whether or not you want to align text or images to the left or right of a design (though those decisions obviously still matter), instead, we employ alignment to improve our designs. Proper alignment in your designs will make them visually more appealing and will also make it easier for users to scan over a page, sub-consciously also offering a calmer reading experience. All of the elements in your design will have to be aligned in some way, whether this is just plain text on your page, images mixed within the text (or even header or hero images), videos, buttons and call-to-actions, links (within the text or in modules such as a navigation section) or any other elements you might have. Alignment also allows us to make conscious decisions about where elements are placed and how they interact with each other. Should Every Element Align? Text
