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Website Planning Guide - Smashing Magazine

Website Planning Guide - Smashing Magazine
As a veteran designer, developer and project manager for more websites than I can count, I’ve identified a common problem with many Web projects: failure to plan. The same issues come up repeatedly in my work, so I’ve written this guide in order to help clients, other designers, businesses and organizations plan and realize successful websites. This guide is written in relatively non-technical language and provides a broad overview of the process of developing a website, from the initial needs assessment through the launch, maintenance and follow-up. It is appropriate for: Small and medium-sized businesses;Organizations;Institutions;Web designers, developers, and design and development firms. If you’re building a four-page website for your family reunion or a 5000-page website for a Fortune 500 company, then this guide might not be for you; it will either be too detailed or way too short, respectively. Why Plan? Planning is essential for most businesses and organizations. As Ms. Mr.

Recommended Reading - Information Architecture Institute Education Research Resources Translations Learning IA > Education Inside Education Featured Partners We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Information Architecture is now available online. The Journal of Information Architecture is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal whose aim is to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of information architecture. Getting video onto your website by Michael Bluejay • Feb. 2004 • Updated October 2010 This article explains about video & file formats, and helps you choose one to use on your website. If you're already familiar with this then you can go straight to the page with the actual HTML code to add video to site. Otherwise, keep reading for the basics. Web video can be confusing, but we're going to make it easy.

Lean UX at Startup Lessons Learned This week I had the pleasure of speaking about UX at Eric Ries’ Startup Lessons Learned Conference. The event is at the center of the Lean Startup community and was attended by 400 entrepreneurs, developers, product managers, investors, and designers, with a simulcast audience of equal size. I joined the “Design + Lean Startup = Lean UX” panel with Josh Seiden, Jeff Gothelf, and Zach Larson, hosted by Janice Fraser. The actual code to get video onto your website - <video> & <object> tags by Michael Bluejay • July 2010 • Updated Oct. 2010 This article is about the HTML code you use to get videos onto your website. If you need to learn about video formats first, please see my article on the basics of web video. What makes getting video onto your website a pain is that no one video format and file format is compatible with every browser.

35 Excellent Wireframing Resources - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Wireframing is one of the most valuable parts of any web design project. It can save a designer tons of time by hashing out the details of a site’s architecture, functionality, and content prior to actually starting a visual design. .htaccess tricks and tips.. part two: url rewriting with mod rewrite. uses cookies to remember that you've seen this notice explaining that uses cookies, okay! <ifModule> more clever stuff here </ifModule> redirecting and rewriting

Cutting Up the Founder’s Pie The Founders’ Pie Calculator By Frank Demmler Several weeks ago, we took a look at the founders’ pie. AXLIB: Resource : Axure RP Design Library Axure Tip 10: Browsers matter Posted in Prototyping | Jun 20, 04:30 pm During some user testing, we quickly discovered that the Axure prototype was near unusable in Internet Explorer. Fortunately the lab had Firefox installed also.

User Experience Books for Beginners A request for help. Through @uxbooks, my twitter feed for all things UX book related, I regularly get asked to recommend books to people and more often than not, it’s to suggest entry-level publications. Normally, when I’m feeling particularly lazy, my default response is to point them in the direction of Steve Krug’s seminal book Don’t Make Me Think. Although deserving of the praise it’s received, I thought it might be a touch unfair to only ever line Mr.

52 Weeks of UX The user experience is made up of all the interactions a person has with your brand, company, or organization. This may include interactions with your software, your web site, your call center, an advertisement, with a sticker on someone else’s computer, with a mobile application, with your Twitter account, with you over email, maybe even face-to-face. The sum total of these interactions over time is the user experience. The interaction designer plans for these moments. Part of their responsibility is to make all interactions positive, and includes aspects of the software, the copy-writing, the graphics, layout, flows, physical experiences. I ♥ wireframes - The ultimate source of inspiration and collection of resources for wireframes UX Booth: User Experience & Usability Blog
