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The Harvard Classics: A Free, Digital Collection

The Harvard Classics: A Free, Digital Collection
During his days as Harvard’s influential president, Charles W. Eliot made a frequent assertion: If you were to spend just 15 minutes a day reading the right books, a quantity that could fit on a five foot shelf, you could give yourself a proper liberal education. The publisher P. F. Collier and Son loved the idea and asked Eliot to assemble the right collection of works. The result wasa 51-volume series published in 1909 called Dr. A big h/t to @eugenephoto Texts in the Harvard Classics collection (courtesy of Wikipedia): Vol. 1: FRANKLIN, WOOLMAN, PENN His Autobiography, by Benjamin Franklin The Journal of John Woolman, by John Woolman (1774 and subsequent editions) Fruits of Solitude, by William Penn Vol. 2. Related:  Libri

HARVARD CLASSICS: <br>The Legendary "Five Foot Shelf of Knowledge." - The Easton Press Want to see more great selections? Click here to see ALL our Deluxe Limited Edition books! Easton Press Deluxe Limited Editions are true publishing treasures. Among these volumes, you will find breathtaking re-printings of magnificent illustrated books from earlier ages, beautiful, illustrated and slipcased editions of modern masterpieces signed by their authors, and specially commissioned illustrated classic books signed by award-winning illustrators. Each book is a true Collector Edition and each book is strictly limited in quantity.

These Are the Greatest Geek Books of All Time, Readers Say | Underwire inShare0 We revealed our ultimate reading list in "9 Essential Geek Books You Must Read Right Now" last week. Now readers have spoken, voting for their favorites from the list and submitting many awesome literary picks of their own. The must-read books listed in the gallery above didn't make the original roundup, but received the most attention from readers in our online voting. DuneBy Frank Herbert (1965) "It's a work that thrusts you into a far-flung, truly, strangely realized future. We revealed our ultimate reading list in "9 Essential Geek Books You Must Read Right Now" last week. Photos: Ariel Zambelich/ [voting topic_id="4" css=" Tags: 9 for 9, A Brief History of Time, Books and Comics, Brave New World, cosmos, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Great Books of the Western World - 60 volumes Additional Information: Reading and understanding great works by history’s outstanding minds has always been considered the substance of a liberal education. The Great Books of the Western World has been acclaimed as the greatest publishing venture of the 20th Century. The set now consists of 60 volumes, with 517 works by 130 authors spanning 30 centuries, on a total of 37,000 pages containing 29 million words. Among the Great Books` 130 authors, 47 are writers of imaginative literature; 29 are masters of mathematics and/or the natural sciences; 28 are historians or social scientists, and 28 or more are philosophers and/or theologians. Volume Details Volumes 1 and 2 of this collection is the Syntopicon, a unique two-volume guide (not sold separately) that enables you to investigate a particular idea and compare what different authors have to say about it. The following are samples of great thoughts through the ages: 5th Century B.C. - Euripides --- Orestes 17th Century -- Locke

Il cane di Dio Diego Marani ci narra le avventure di Domingo Salazar, detective al servizio di Dio, in un'Italia del futuro trasformata in una teocrazia. È in libreria un nuovo romanzo di Diego Marani. Il cane di Dio (2012) ci descrive un'Italia di un prossimo futuro. L’autore ci descrive un futuro da paura, dove la Chiesa comanda con pugno di ferro. Il protagonista del romanzo, e forse di una serie, è Domingo Salazar, un orfano trovato e allevato dai domenicani. Un misterioso Vicario gli affida un importante incarico: deve catturare Ivan Zago, il capo di un gruppo che lotta contro la Chiesa. Un brano dal testo "Mi chiamo Domingo Salazar, sono nato il giorno di San Domenico e sono stato allevato dai padri domenicani. La mania del diario l'aveva presa dalle suore. L'autore Diego Marani è nato a Ferrara nel 1959. La quarta di copertina Il mondo in un possibile futuro. Diego Marani, Il cane di Dio (2012)

How to Learn About Classical Music Classical music wasn&#039;t always about violins and conductors. Singing had been going on for centuries before Pope Gregory came along, but he was the first to come up with the idea of writing music down--and, because if this, sheet music was born. Gregory gave each note that he could come up with (four in total) a corresponding letter: A through D. We still use these notes today, but E, F, G and all the half-notes between each note on the scale have been added since Gregory&#039;s time. Soon, monks started writing and singing songs using Gregory&#039;s rules. These simple, yet meandering melodies were called Gregorian Chants. During an age when visual art and religious beliefs were being reborn, music was not about to be left out. The Baroque Era emerged around the late 1600s, it was fashionable for the royalty and rich households to employ a composer (sort of like a maid or a chauffeur).

Ebook Gratis: eBooks, Libri, Riviste e Fumetti Gratuiti Great Books GREAT BOOKS: A defense and the (inevitable) list. In high school, the classical student actively engages with the ideas of the past and present — not just reading about them, but evaluating them, tracing their development, and comparing them to other philosophies and opinions. This sounds abstract, but fortunately there’s a very practical way to engage in this conversation of ideas: Read, talk about, and write about the Great Books. To some extent, the division between history and literature has always been artificial; we know about history from archaeology and anthropology, but our primary source of historical knowledge is the testimony of those who lived in the past. Ninth grade, BC 5000-400 AD The Bible: Genesis, Job Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2500 BC) The Iliad and The Odyssey, Homer (c. 850 BC) A Day in Old Athens by William S. Tenth grade, 400-1600 Eleventh grade, 1600-1850 Twelfth grade, 1850-present day Go back to Getting Started

H.P. Lovecraft Highlights the 20 "Types of Mistakes" Young Writers Make Image by Lucius B. Truesdell, via Wikimedia Commons H.P. Lovecraft is remembered as a brilliant fantasist, a creator of a completely unique universe of horror. He’s also remembered, unfortunately, as a bigot. Writers love him, Malthouse argues, because he was such an original “world builder,” not because he was a fine artist. So perhaps he isn’t such a bad writer after all? See his complete list below. Most of this is solid, common sense writing advice. Related Content: H.P. H.P. Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown (Free Documentary) Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers Writing Tips by Henry Miller, Elmore Leonard, Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman & George Orwell Josh Jones is a writer and musician based in Durham, NC.

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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Preface to First Edition The poem of which the following pages offer a prose rendering is contained in a MS., believed to be unique, of the Cottonian Collection, Nero A.X., preserved in the British Museum. The MS. is of the end of the fourteenth century, but it is possible that the composition of the poem is somewhat earlier; the subject-matter is certainly of very old date. There has been a considerable divergence of opinion among scholars on the question of authorship, but the view now generally accepted is that it is the work of the same hand as Pearl, another poem of considerable merit contained in the same MS. Our poem, or, to speak more correctly, metrical romance, contains over 2500 lines, and is composed in staves of varying length, ending in five short rhyming lines, technically known as a bob and a wheel,–the lines forming the body of the stave being not rhyming, but alliterative. Preface to Second Edition

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