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Brian Cox

Brian Cox

Phil Plait A new paper just published in the prestigious Astrophysical Journal makes a stunning claim: There are 10 times as many galaxies in the Universe as we previously thought. At least. The total number comes in at about 2 trillion of them. Now, let me be clear. What the astronomers did was look at extremely deep images of the Universe taken in surveys, for example the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. That’s a lot of galaxies. Surveys like the UDF are limited. The astronomers who did this research had an interesting problem. The answer is two-fold. Those numbers change with distance. At the same time, these faint galaxies are easier to see close to us, and harder farther away. They calculated this for all kinds of galaxies, right down to really small ones with about a million times the mass of the Sun. They can then combine these two pieces of information: How many faint galaxies there are near us and how bright they are, with how many galaxies of a given mass are in a volume of space. NASA,ESA, H.

Job Opportunities | KEK Information given below is provided by KEK Personnel Office. Please send questions regarding the jobs to the address given in each announcement. Charge : Personne Affairsl Unit 1 Click on Job No. to display the details. Click on the position to display for details. • NII:JOB Information • YITP: KOUBO offered in Theoretical Physics • HEP Jobs Abbreviation IPNS : Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies IMSS : Institute of Materials Structure Science - PF : Photon Factory - KENS : Neutron Science Laboratory - MSL : Muon Science Laboratory ACCL : Accelerator Laboratory ARL : Applied Research Laboratory PARC : J-PARC Project Office PRO : Public Relations Office

Engineering a Bridge This lesson will involve your students in geometry and measurement as they work as civil engineers to design and build their own bridge. OBJECTIVE Students will be able to: Identify how geometry affects bridge design and function and apply that knowledge to the design and construction of a bridge. MATERIALS Elmer's Foam board, Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, bendable rods, Elmer's Glue All, paper, pushpins, weightsEngineering a Bridge PDF SET UP AND PREPAREContent Introduction When engineers design a bridge, they must consider how the bridge will be used, how long and wide it should be, and how much weight it has to hold. There are four main types of bridges: Beam bridges are made of horizontal beams supported by piers at each end.Truss bridges are a combination of triangles made of steel. Essential Questions Use these essential questions to help guide students' thinking: How does geometry help engineers build bridges? Craft Component: Bridge Engineering (20 minutes)

Dr. Michio Kaku Fermilab Education K-12 Programs Fermilab educational programs and resources for educators, students, visitors and physicists. Lederman Science Center Part of the Education Office, the science center features interactive exhibits that explain the science and technology of Fermilab and houses the Teacher Resource Center. Saturday Morning Physics The program furthers the understanding and appreciation for modern physics aimed at high school students, whether or not they are interested in pursuing science as a career. Cooperative Education Program Internships Fermilab offers summer internships and and a cooperative education program. Graduate Studies Fermilab offers graduate research appointments, fellowships and an annual thesis award for the most outstanding thesis written on research conducted at Fermilab or in collaboration with Fermilab scientists. U.S.

Exploratorium: the museum of science, art and human perception Careers | EFDA Plasmasurf 2014 Plasmasurf is tailored for engineering and physics students aiming at complementing their education in Plasma Physics with the purpose of pursuing academic studies at the third cycle level (Ph.D). You should have fully completed a Bologna First Cycle and engaged in a 2nd cycle master, with a total of 200 ECTS already granted in your course. 28th IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research The IPP Summer University covers the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on nuclear fusion. The lectures are designed for physics and engineering students who passed their bachelor courses or just started their PhD. Fusion Academy Crash course in Fusion Science and Technology organized by Dr. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Experimental Plasma Physicist The Fusion and Materials for Nuclear Systems Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) seeks applications for a post-doctoral experimental plasma physicist. Programme Manager PhD positions at CEA

Operation Wallacea | Expression of Interest Please complete this form if you are interested in joining one of the Operation Wallacea expeditions. Completion of the form does NOT commit you to joining but simply registers your interest in our project and enables us to contact you with answers to your various questions. If you are interested in getting more information about expeditions for schools, use our schools expression of interest form here. There are two options available: • If you want to use the field research to complete your own research project for an undergraduate or Masters level dissertation, thesis or independent research project, select the Dissertation/Thesis option. • If you do not want to complete your own research project and are more interested in gaining experience as a research assistant, select that option. If you are uncertain about which choice is best for you, you can complete both sections.
