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WinCustomize Personalize your dock with downloadable skins. System Requirements Windows 8/7/Vista

RK Launcher What is RK Launcher? RK Launcher is a free application that will allow the user to have a visually pleasing bar at the side of the screen that is used to quickly launch shortcuts. With support for themes, PNG's and ICO's and with smooth amazing animations, RK Launcher is a versatile and great taskbar replacement. It's Rich in Features! ZoomingWhen the mouse is moved over the dock, all the icons will automatically grow: this is called zooming. The advantage of zooming is that the user will be able to have a very small strip of shortcuts that virtually take no precious screenspace. TaskbarMinimized windows will normally be shown on the Windows Taskbar. New ApplicationsIt's always hard to track newly installed applications: where did they go? CustomizationAll parts of RK Launcher can be fully customized.

Codec Guide: K-Lite Codec Pack - For XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8 FunFacer - Make Your Own Fun! Truecrypt 5.0: lo probamos Para votar este post conéctate con Facebook Truecrypt es un . Yo de hecho lo uso de manera habitual, y uno de los problemas que me encontré cuando pasé a usar Mac OS X fue que no había versión equivalente para el sistema operativo de Apple. Para los que anden aún preguntándose qué es Truecrypt , . Con la versión 5 de Truecrypt, este problema desaparece. Posibilidad de encriptar una partición, de manera que al arrancar el sistema nos pida el password. Velocidad de lectura/escritura mejorada. Interfaz gráfico para Linux Y un montón de mejoras más. La es muy , típico siguiente-siguiente, sin trampa ni cartón. Y ya lo tenemos instalado: Ahora, a crear nuestra unidad encriptada a partir de un fichero. En esta pantalla se nos da la opción de (que no es de arranque, tipo un lápiz de memoria) o de . En la siguiente pantalla, . Ahora tenemos que decirle dónde queremos guardar el fichero. Y ya queda poco, aunque aún queda decirle el tamaño que queremos darle: . Y ya tenemos listo el fichero.

Open Source Alternative to Commercial Software Graphic Applications ACDSee Imgv is a unique and feature rich Image Viewer. Cornice is a cross-platform image viewer written in Python + wxPython + PIL. Adobe After Effects Jahshaka is an editing and effects system. Adobe FrameMaker and QuarkXPress Scribus is an open-source program that brings award-winning professional page layout to Linux/Unix, MacOS X, OS/2 and Windows desktops with a combination of “press-ready” output and new approaches to page layout. KWord is a frame-based word-processing and desktop publishing application. Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw Xara Xtreme for Linuxis a powerful, general purpose graphics program for Unix platforms including Linux, FreeBSD and (in development) OS-X. Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Skencil is an interactive vector drawing appliction. Adobe Photoshop and Corel Paint Shop Pro Autodesk 3ds Max mIRC

How to Enable Mac’s Hot Corners In Windows One of the features that I like best in Mac OSX is the built-in hot corners feature. By specifying the action for each corner of the screen, I can quickly get my Mac to do stuff with the flick of the mouse to the respective corners. For example, when I move my mouse to the top left corner, it will show the desktop. Windows does not come with this feature, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put the functionality into it. Hot Corners is a small and lightweight application that not only brings the Mac’s Hot corners functionality to your Windows, it also providing more configuration option than the real Mac’s deal. To install the app, you need to run it with administrator privilege. The installer will now run. After you have installed the app, you will see a mouse pointer icon in the taskbar. In the configuration window that appears, you can select the action to be performed for each corner of the screen. Actions include: Perform actions with mouse movement Run Hot Corners during startup

Software Technologies - Desktop Themes and Customizing Windows Slideshow Maker, Free Online Slideshows, Edit Photos Windows “recortados”: Corriendo XP a la velocidad de la luz Para todos los que estaban por botar a la calle su computadora porque está desactualizada, lenta como una tortuga, etc., llega la solución que estaban esperando: versiones de Windows editadas para que máquinas antiguas corran XP a una velocidad sorprendente. Con esta guía aprenderás todo lo básico que hay que saber sobre estos SO “recortados” para que puedas revivir tu vieja PC sin morir en el intento. ¡Manos a la obra! La computadora de mi novia era un cacharro inservible. La compró en el año 90 y pico, un Celeron equivalente a una Pentium II, de marca (es decir, incompatible hasta con sigo misma), que a duras penas soportó la instalación de 128 Mb de RAM, con un HD de 20 GB y, lo peor de todo, con la horrenda versión de Windows 2000 que no es ni chicha ni limonada, y llegó al año 2007 llena de spam, spyware, etc. y tardando media hora para abrir Word. Un Celeron similar al de mi novia… En realidad no es difícil comprender cómo se logra llegar a estas versiones “recortadas” de Windows.

Antivirus for Linux - Bitdefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices UK Desktop Integration Bitdefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices has both a graphical user interface to access the scanner directly from the application menu lists, and a command line interface for more advanced users. Script and extension-based integration helps configuring your favourite file manager, email or news client to easily use Bitdefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices. In some cases this is as simple as a mouse click, key-shortcut or menu selection. Example integrations are provided for file managers such as KDEs Konqueror, GNOMEs Nautilus, Xfces Thunar and GNU Midnight Commander. Scanning Archives Bitdefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices can unpack and scan inside archives. Mailbox Scanning Bitdefender Antivirus Scanner for Unices can be used for scanning specific emails or the entire mailbox. Quarantine and Virus Submissions

Appetizer - The Open Source Dock
