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Presentation Model

Presentation Model
Represent the state and behavior of the presentation independently of the GUI controls used in the interface Also Known As: Application Model GUIs consist of widgets that contain the state of the GUI screen. Leaving the state of the GUI in widgets makes it harder to get at this state, since that involves manipulating widget APIs, and also encourages putting presentation behavior in the view class. Presentation Model pulls the state and behavior of the view out into a model class that is part of the presentation. Presentation Model may interact with several domain objects, but Presentation Model is not a GUI friendly facade to a specific domain object. Presentation Model is known to users of Visual Works Smalltalk as Application Model How it Works The essence of a Presentation Model is of a fully self-contained class that represents all the data and behavior of the UI window, but without any of the controls used to render that UI on the screen. When to use it Figure 3: The album window.

Model View ViewModel MVVM facilitates a clear separation of the development of the graphical user interface (either as markup language or GUI code) from the development of the business logic or back end logic known as the model (also known as the data model to distinguish it from the view model). The view model of MVVM is a value converter[4] meaning that the view model is responsible for exposing the data objects from the model in such a way that those objects are easily managed and consumed. In this respect, the view model is more model than view, and handles most if not all of the view’s display logic (though the demarcation between what functions are handled by which layer is a subject of ongoing discussion[5] and exploration). The view model may also implement a mediator pattern organising access to the backend logic around the set of use cases supported by the view. History[edit] Microsoft MVP Josh Smith reported[6] that A notable Javascript implementation of this pattern is Knockout.js. Timeline[edit]

Pourquoi vous ne devriez jamais jeter les peaux de bananes et d’oranges | Vivons mieux La peau des fruits détient certains des plus incroyables nutriments du monde. Il existe des dizaines d’utilisations, à la fois médicinales et pratiques, pour les peaux de bananes et d’oranges qui sont inconnues pour la plupart. La prochaine fois que vous pensez à jeter une de ces peaux, vous voudrez peut-être avoir cette information à portée de main. Essayez toujours de minimiser les niveaux de pesticides en sélectionnant des oranges bio, mais comme elles contiennent très peu de pesticides, ce n’est pas indispensable et un bon nettoyage avec 1 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron et 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre blanc dans 1 tasse d’eau va supprimer presque tout pesticide restant dans la peau extérieure. L’écorce d’orange et la peau de pomme sont similaires puisque la plupart des éléments nutritifs et des bienfaits sont dans la peau de ces fruits. Les propriétés médicinales des écorces d’oranges Des études ont montré que l’écorce d’orange peut dissoudre le cholestérol et les triglycérides.

Design Patterns Quick Reference So every time I am designing something new I find myself either searching Google or opening up a gang of four (GoF) book to aid me. I searched for a bit trying to find a handy-dandy flash card showing class diagrams and purposes for the basic GoF patterns but was unable to locate a good one (for free). So I made my own.If you see any mistakes or improvements please post here and I will update the docs. If you find this useful, please consider making a donation, even if it is just a few dollars. The ad revenue for this site doesn’t quite cover rent… There are multiple formats you can download in: PDF Cards: Get it! Poster: Get it! Page 1: Page 2: Enjoy!

Welcome to Core J2EE Patterns! Oracle Technology Network > Java Software Downloads View All Downloads Top Downloads New Downloads What's New Java in the Cloud: Rapidly develop and deploy Java business applications in the cloud. Essential Links Developer Spotlight Java EE—the Most Lightweight Enterprise Framework? Blogs Technologies Contact Us About Oracle Cloud Events Top Actions News Key Topics Oracle Integrated Cloud Applications & Platform Services

Portail:Plantes utiles Accès au projet et aux discussions : Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Sauter à la navigationSauter à la recherche Portail des Plantes utiles Section de Wikipédia sur les plantes utiles, domestiquées ou non, et plus généralement les ressources végétales utilisées par l'Homme à des fins économiques (notamment dans les domaines agricole, alimentaire, médicinal et pharmaceutique, énergétique, textile, industriel), sociales, culturelles, environnementales ou scientifiques. Sélection d’images Lumière sur… Explorer Articles récents Index thématique Plantes alimentaires Plantes industrielles Plantes-modèles Plantes d'intérêt social Plantes médicinales Plantes ornementales Plantes utiles à l'agriculture Produits et sous-produits Plantes les plus cultivées Production mondiale en 2004, en milliers de tonnes selon les statistiques publiées par la FAO Listes Portails connexes

Code Metrics, Code Smells, and Refactoring in Practice - The Cod Introduction Our team uses eXtreme programming practices to manage development on a mission critical system for a large retail chain. We have not adopted all the practices, but use the majority of the practices. Here is a list of the practices we use: Test-Driven Development (VSTS Testing Tools) Collective Code Ownership Coding Standards (FxCop, Code Metrics) Continuous Integration (daily builds, but we are looking to implement a CI environment soon) Planning Game (iteration planning and daily standup meetings) Customer Test (Fit, VSTS Web Tests) Small Releases (fortnightly UAT releases) Every morning at the standup meeting, the team lead will report on the nightly integration build. This report includes the following metrics: Unit tests passed, failed, ignored Fit test passed, failed, ignored, exceptions Test coverage (should be more than 80%) Cyclomatic complexity (should be less than 10) Code instructions (should be less than a 100) FxCop rule validations Background Here is the method:

Pudding de pain aux bananes à la mexicaine (Capirotada) Recycler ses restes est à la mode (#zérodéchet): de mon côté je n'ai pas trop à me forcer pour utiliser les restes de repas, car j'ai été éduqué comme ça: ma maman ne jetais jamais rien et faisait preuve de beaucoup d'ingéniosité pour accommoder les restes. Une chouette façon d'utiliser un morceau de baguette d'un ou deux jours, c'est de faire un bread pudding (pudding au pain): j'adore ça et je vous en ai déjà donné plusieurs recettes (à la pâte à tartiner, ou aux noisettes). La Capirotada est une version mexicaine du pudding au pain classiquement préparée pendant la période de Carême (le vendredi saint même pour être précis), avec plusieurs éléments symboliques: le pain est le corps du Christ, le sirop en est le sang, les clous de girofle représentent les clous servant à la crucifixion et les bâtons de cannelle évoquent la croix... Ce qui m'a intrigué dans cette recette c'est qu'elle ne contient ni oeuf, ni lait... mais du fromage: étonnant, mais ça fonctionne. Ingrédients: 2 bananes

Bad code smells - A Taxonomy Citation If you wish to cite this taxonomy please use the following article Mäntylä, M. V. and Lassenius, C. Taxonomy The reason for creating the taxonomy is to provide better understanding of the smells and to recognize the relationships between smells. In what way is this taxonomy better than the one provided in the Refactoring Workbook (Wake 2003)? Hey, I could argue that all smells should be placed inside a certain group (Change Preventers or OO abusers) since they all prevent change / abuse OO principles. I want to learn more about refactoring and code smellsTry (Fowler 2000) or I need to find a really good agile process framework to help our process improvement! References M. M. W. W.C. comments / feedback: Mika Mäntylä

Purée de haricots pinto Learn how to make refried beans from scratch! They're thick, creamy, and bright - a delicious side dish or addition to tacos, burritos, and more. The first time I tried this refried beans recipe, I thought to myself, “What took me so long?!” These homemade refried beans are creamier, brighter, and more complex than any you’d find in a can. How to Make Refried Beans You can make this recipe in two ways: with canned beans or with dried ones. To make this recipe with dry pinto beans, start by cooking them according to this method. If you’re using canned beans, the process is similar. Find both recipes with measurements below. Refried Beans Serving Suggestions Most often, I serve this refried beans recipe as a side dish, sprinkled with Cotija cheese, red pepper flakes, and cilantro. Here are a few more of my favorite ways to serve it: As a dip. How do you like to serve refried beans? More Tex-Mex and Mexican-Inspired Recipes Refried Beans Serves 6 to 8 Serving options
