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Find OpenCourseWare with OCW Search HTH moocs High Tech High is proud to present the launch of two, free, MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). These MOOCs will focus on school creation and the implementation of deeper learning strategies. Both New School Creation with Larry Rosenstock and the Deeper Learning MOOCs are available for registration on December 1st, 2013. Lead Instructor: Larry Rosenstock Around the world people are contemplating new school creation. What kind of school will you create? Who should take this MOOC? Approximate dates January 12 - February 23rd, 2014 Deeper Learning 101 MOOC A survey course on deeper learning Deeper Learning happens a lot. How can it happen more often? Who should take this MOOC?

echnology essay competition: Biotechnology and sustainable food practices - Peng - 2013 - Biotechnology Journal Biotechnology essay competition Promoting environment awareness and green growth has been the ethos of Biotechnology Journal since its inception – Prof. Hans Günter Gassen, our founding editor, was a keen supporter of exploring the potential of biotechnology for sustainable development [1]. We first joined the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)'s World Environment Day awareness campaign in 2011 [2]. Last year we initiated an essay competition on “Biotechnology and the Green Economy” open to secondary/high school students to promote biotechnology to a younger generation of audiences and also to seek their opinion on how biotechnology could contribute to a green economy [3]. The essay competition generated significant interest amongst our readers from all over the world and the article was viewed almost 2000 times and we received many enquiries as well as essays. We look forward to another exciting essay competition! Biotechnology Journal Essay Competition Details

untitled Thanks for your interest in Copycat! Copycat is written in Common Lisp. The system is unfortunately rather outdated: it will not run as is without some updates for modern versions of Common Lisp, and some platform-specific modifications to the graphics files. I am hoping that it will be rewritten in a more platform independent way sometime soon. To get the source files, go to : and at your home machine, untar the file to get the source files. If your system can't deal with tar files, then go to and individually get each source file. To get Jim Marshall's Metacat project, go to: Scott Bolland of the University of Queensland wrote a Java version of Copycat and a tutorial; the web site is

Home | Santa Fe Institute Free Lectures Online Whether your goal is to earn a promotion, graduate at the top of your class, or just accelerate your life, lectures can help get you there. Our archives of lectures cover a huge range of topics and have all been handpicked and carefully designed by experienced instructors throughout the world who are dedicated to helping you take the next step toward meeting your career goals. Lifelong learns can turn their free time turn into self-improvement time. The online lectures on this list are more than lecture notes or a slideshow on a topic -- they were designed for audiences like you, with carefully sequenced themes and topics taught by veteran educators, and often with additional resources for your own independent study. Lecture courses are a valid and vital learning tool, and may be one of the best methods of learning available.

A University for the Web. Built by an open community June Ahn Research Partner June is a human computer interaction researcher at University of Maryland. John Britton Edupunk As an invaluable part of the volunteer community and later as p2pu staff, John’s s energy has resonated through the p2pu community since the pilot phase. Lila Bailey Lawyer Without Lila P2PU would still be a clandestine operation targeting the foundations of institutional academia. Larry Cooperman P2PU activist Volunteering his experience since P2PU’s inception, Larry continues to actively communicate P2PU to the world and innovate learning at his home institution UC Irvine. Volunteering his experience since P2PU’s inception, Larry continues to actively communicate P2PU to the world and innovate learning at his home institution UC Irvine. Alison Jean Cole Resident Grungefarmer Alison’s famous catchphrase: ‘Just like, do it.’ Maria Droujkova Lead School of Mathematical Future Chris Ewald Moocsketeer Chris is the lead developer for P2PU’s Mechanical MOOC. Karen Fasimpaur Board member

I confess, I wrote the Arsenic DNA paper to expose flaws in peer-review at subscription based journals In 2011, after having read several really bad papers in the journal Science, I decided to explore just how slipshod their peer-review process is. I knew that their business depends on publishing “sexy” papers. So I created a manuscript that claimed something extraordinary - that I’d discovered a species of bacteria that uses arsenic in its DNA instead of phosphorus. But I made the science so egregiously bad that no competent peer reviewer would accept it. My sting exposed the seedy underside of “subscription-based” scholarly publishing, where some journals routinely lower their standards – in this case by sending the paper to reviewers they knew would be sympathetic - in order to pump up their impact factor and increase subscription revenue. OK – this isn’t exactly what happened. I am dredging the arsenic DNA story up again, because today’s Science contains a story by reporter John Bohannon describing a “sting” he conducted into the peer review practices of open access journals.
