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Encyclopédie de L'Agora | Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia Welcome to Citizendium - Citizendium 20 Scary Old School Surgical Tools A quick glance at our gallery of some of history’s gnarliest surgical tools will definitely make you thankful for just how far our industry has progressed throughout time. Browse through images and descriptions of surgical tools dating as far back as the 1600’s – a time when surgery was definitely not for the squeamish. You might think your HMO plan is scary, but at least it doesn’t use these vintage surgical instruments…hopefully. Amputation Knife (1700s) Knives used for amputations during the 18th century were typically curved, because surgeons tended to make a circular cut through the skin and muscle before the bone was cut with a saw. Amputation Saw (1600s) While some surgeons chose to flaunt their wealth with elaborately decorated saws like this, the crevices in the intricate engravings proved to be a breeding ground for germs. Bullet Extractor (1500s) Elongated bullet extractors could reach bullets embedded deeply in the patient’s body.

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