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Online Video Presentations Made Easy

Online Video Presentations Made Easy

HelloSlide - Bring your slides to life Free Online Video Editor Photovisi - Photo Collage Maker Prezi Prezi es una aplicación multimedia para la creación de presentaciones similar a Microsoft Office PowerPoint o a Impress de LibreOffice pero de manera dinámica y original. Esta aplicación te permite copiar y pegar o abrir archivos del Power Point y seguirlos ahí. Prezi se utiliza como plataforma puente entre la información lineal y la no lineal, y como una herramienta de presentación de intercambio de ideas, ya sea de manera libre o bien estructurada. El texto, las imágenes, los vídeos y otros medios de presentación se ponen encima del lienzo y se pueden agrupar en marcos. La presentación final se puede desarrollar en una ventana del navegador, también permiten una presentación fuera de línea, solo hace falta descargarte el archivo. Historia[editar] Ádam Somlai-Fischer, cofundador de Prezi, es un arquitecto que trabaja con presentaciones de zoom desde 2001. Características[editar] Algunos usuarios han criticado el "Zoom user interface" (ZUI) de Prezi alegando que tiende a producir náuseas.

Flipped Class ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! PowToon : Create Animated Presentations Online Get Muvizu When you download and install Muvizu:Play you are required to accept an End User Licence Agreement (EULA) which concisely outlines the dos and don’ts of the commercial exploitation of footage from Muvizu:Play. But in the interests of plain language, here’s a summary of the rules: Muvizu:Play is a free trial of our software. Muvizu:Play renders animations with a watermark in the bottom left of the image and is limited to SD output. This watermarked footage may be used for educational, non-commercial and personal projects. Muvizu:Play+ is the paid for version of our software and has additional features and capabilities that are missing in the free software. The only valid means to remove the watermark is by purchasing Muvizu:Play+. For further questions, email For more plain language, visit our FAQ section

10 Best Online Presentation Tools Presentations are a great way of conveying ideas to your clients or co-workers. Creating presentations can sometimes be an irksome task and you might want to take advantage of one of the many resources present out there for creating online presentations. So today we list 10 Great Online Presentation Tools that you should definitely check out. Google Docs Google Docs is free and is extremely popular. Advertisement This one is a free tool that allows uploading photos, videos, audios, PDFs, or PowerPoint files for creating presentations. Zoho Show This awesome tool is free for personal use. Prezi Prezi comes with both free and paid plans. SlideShare SlideShare also comes with both free and paid plans. 280 Slides (removed by developer) This one is an awesome free tool that has a neat user interface. SlideRocket SlideRocket is a great tool but it is not free. PreZentit This tool is presently in beta and is free of cost. authorSTREAM Empressr

Social Media History for Kids: Aztecs, Maya, and Inca Back to History The three most dominant and advanced civilizations that developed in the Americas prior to the arrival of the Europeans were the Aztecs, the Maya, and the Inca. Map of Aztec, Mayan, and Incan Civilizations by Ducksters Aztecs The Aztec Empire was located in central Mexico. The capital city of the Aztec Empire was Tenochtitlan. The Aztec called their ruler the Tlatoani. Maya The Maya civilization began as early as 2000 BC and continued to have a strong presence in Mesoamerica for over 3000 years until the Spanish arrived in 1519 AD. The Maya were located in Central America in a region that is today made up of southern Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, Belize, and northern El Salvador. The Maya were the only American civilization to develop an advanced written language. Inca The Inca Empire was centered in Peru and ruled over much of the west coast of South America from the 1400s to the time of the Spanish arrival in 1532. ActivitiesCrossword PuzzleWord Search

PresentationTube: Record & Share Online Video Presentations

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