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The W3C Markup Validation Service

The W3C Markup Validation Service

The Road to Partition 1939-47 The end of the British Empire in India in August 1947 resulted in the creation of two separate states of India and Pakistan. The division was based on religious lines, a Muslim majority in Pakistan and a Hindu majority in India. Pakistan itself was split into two parts in the east (East Bengal, which became Bangladesh in 1971) and in the west (western Punjab). This event was to result in the biggest mass migration in history. Over 18 million people migrated to join their particular religious majority. There is much historical debate as to why partition was accompanied by so much bloodshed. The British promised to leave India by July 1948, but the Viceroy Louis Mountbatten moved this forward to August 1947. It seems that there were not sufficient plans for the administrative operation entailed in partition. This document collection relates to India and the struggle for independence and the road to partition 1939-1947. The documents come from a range of British Government departments.

Online JavaScript beautifier Dave Raggett's Introduction to CSS Dave Raggett, 8th April 2002. This is a short guide to styling your Web pages. It will show you how to use W3C's Cascading Style Sheets language (CSS) as well as alternatives using HTML itself. The route will steer you clear of most of the problems caused by differences between different brands and versions of browsers. For style sheets to work, it is important that your markup be free of errors. A convenient way to automatically fix markup errors is to use the HTML Tidy utility. The following will teach you how to: use the style element link to separate style sheets set page margins set left and right and first-line indents set the amount of whitespace above and below set the font type, style and size add borders and backgrounds set colors with named or numeric values add style for browsers that don't understand CSS Getting started Let's start with setting the color of the text and the background. The style element is placed within the document head. Linking to a separate style sheet <!

The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.js tutorial Context Context The King of Denmark has died and Prince Hamlet returns home from his school in Germany to attend his father’s funeral. He is surprised and shocked to find out that his mother, Gertrude, has already remarried his Uncle Claudius, who has assumed the crown, although Hamlet was his father’s rightful heir. Hamlet is suspicious that there has been foul play, especially seeing that his mother does not mourn and is very passionate with his uncle. Hamlet is advised by the watch that they have seen a ghost, so he decides to investigate, and he meets the ghost, which is his father. Hamlet decides to pretend that he has gone mad with grief, which hopefully will enable him to observe what is going on in the castle. However, he starts to have doubts regarding the apparition he has seen and questions that it might be the devil in disguise, trying to tempt him. Hamlet is also torn by the thought that he may be a coward wishing to shy away from the request of his father. Hamlet’s plan is successful.
