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Una lavagnata al giorno

Una lavagnata al giorno

app per costruire mappe concettuali e mappe mentali Amando le tecnologie e occupandomi di tecnologie dell’istruzione e dell’apprendimento, quando mi è stato regalato il primo iPad, una delle prime ricerche che ho fatto è stata per trovare delle app per realizzare mappe concettuali e per realizzare mappe mentali. Le mappe concettuali sono un efficace strumento per la rappresentazione delle conoscenze, come sostiene Joseph Novak; partendo, infatti, da un’idea centrale si può riorganizzare la propria conoscenza articolando il pensiero attraverso collegamenti sia gerarchici che trasversali, la mappa concettuale è organizzata in maniera reticolare; nelle mani di un bravo insegnante, le mappe concettuali possono essere un’utile strategia per favorire nell’alunno un apprendimento significativo. Le mappe concettuali, consentendo di individuare le relazioni tra i concetti, aiutano il ragazzo ad organizzare quello che ha studiato. Mental Mental è un’applicazione gratuita disponibile per iOS. Mindomo MindMapper BigMind Popplet Mindmeister

Humor Reader Jeb McLeish has brought to my attention an early attempt to do the metaphysics of chocolate: The Natural History of Chocolate by D. de Quelus (1730): The Spaniards, who were first acquainted with Chocolate after the Conquest of the new World, have laid it down for an undoubted Truth, that Chocolate is cold and dry, participating of the Nature of Earth. They have supported this Determination neither with Reason nor Experience; nor do they know from whence they learnt it; perhaps they have taken it upon the Words, and from the Tradition of the Inhabitants of the Country. Let that be as it will, it is natural from false Principles to draw false Conclusions, of which the two principal are as follow.The first is, That Chocolate being by Nature cold, it ought not to be used without being mixed with Spices, which are commonly hot, that so they might, both together, become temperate and wholesome. This was the Jargon and Practice of those Times.

La scuola in cartella Pearltrees: discover, organize and share your stuff easily Pearltrees is a fantastic web2.0 tool . It is “ the social curation community , a place where you can organize , discover and share the staf you like on the web ‘.It looks like Livebinders and symbalooedu but does a greater job than them . Some features of Pearltrees Here are the main things that set Pearltrees apart from other organizing tools out there :It is completely free You don't have to create an account to browse or search pearltrees.

Make EdTech Happen Splashragazzi. Scuola Kleinspiration 9 Tools Students Can Use to Create Music Online Here are nine free tools that students can use to create their own music online. Loop Labs is a free service from Club Create for creating your own music mixes using existing music loops and your own recordings. To get started using Loop Labs select from one of nine sound loop libraries. Within each library is a selection of base instrumental sounds. Browse through your chosen library until you find a sound you like. When you've found a sound you like click the "+" icon to add it to your mix. Music Shake provides a free online tool for students to experiment with and create music from scratch. Using Aviary's Roc service you can create your own music loops or samples. Beat Lab is a free service through which you can experiment with thousands of sound and rhythm combinations. Incredibox is a neat website that allows you to create unique rhythms and sounds from drag-and-drop menu. UJAM is a service that aims to make everyone a singing sensation.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Virtual Lab Introduction to Circos, Features and Uses // CIRCOS Circular Genome Data Visualization Home Page
