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JNJ BTW Pharmaceuticals Home Dans la jungle des sites web corporate - Chaïkana Le web est un univers impitoyable. On peut y paraître démodé ou hors sujet en quelques mois à peine. Graphisme, navigation, ergonomie, discours : on peut vous estampiller old fashion pour mille raisons. Le dernier baromètre UDA – Harris Interactive* indique que 100% des entreprises françaises ont un site corporate. Le storytelling (trop) en vogue Pour sortir du lot, plusieurs recettes. Homepage du site corporate de BP Homepage du site corporate de Roche L’agrégation, malin ! L’une des pistes donnée par Bowen Craggs & Co est celle du site agrégateur. C’est le parti-pris d’Orange et GDF Suez pour leurs sites institutionnels, qui se positionnent comme de véritables agrégateurs de contenus issus à la fois des réseaux sociaux (internes et externe) et de sites « cousins ». Homepage du site corporate de Orange Homepage du site corporate de GDF SUEZ Mix & match Homepage du site corporate de Danone Homepage du site corporate de Sanofi Que nous enseignement finalement nos explorations ?

AZ Health Connections Allergan Comprendre les engagements d'ENGIE Vous avez accepté l'utilisation des cookies. Vous pouvez à tout moment désactiver l'utilisation des cookies en cliquant sur le bouton "Désactiver" Vous avez refusé l'utilisation des cookies. Vous pouvez à tout moment activer l'utilisation des cookies en cliquant sur le bouton "Activer" En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies « tiers » ou technologies similaires destinés à vous proposer des services et contenus personnalisés, réaliser des statistiques de visite ainsi que pour vous permettre de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies « tiers » ou technologies similaires destinés à vous proposer des services et contenus personnalisés, réaliser des statistiques de visite ainsi que pour vous permettre de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux.

Are Pharmaceutical Companies on Twitter Satisfying Patients' Nee "I was skeptical about whether enmoebius bronze would offer me anything beyond what I could find elsewhere, for free." I consider myself well informed about the consumer health technology landscape. I founded the Health 2.0 NC Triangle chapter and have a lot of experience consulting in the health strategy, patient engagement and digital health sectors. Frankly, when I first learned about enmoebius bronze, I had my doubts about the service. Here's What I Learned About enmoebius bronze: After trying out enmoebius bronze for a few days my doubts disappeared. Overall, I find enmoebius bronze delivers great value above and beyond the monthly cost. Also, I enjoy connecting with digital health experts on ideas for further research along with turning these custom ideas into new insights published via the platform. My only quibble is that there's so much great content on enmoebius bronze that I don't have time to dive into it all.

La Redoute corporate The Future of Detailing « There has been a cacophony of voices addressing the role and value of the pharmaceutical “detail person” – you know, the person who is potentially most important and influential in Pharma’s efforts to promote their brands. A lot of the debate has centered on physician perceptions of pharma sales representatives and the value they bring. In a few words, the perceptions are more often than not negative and filled with anger, mistrust and skepticism towards the rep and the industry. If the pharma industry is to regain the benefit of its most potent and successful marketing/education resource, it must change current perceptions and ensure that these detail persons deliver quality service and high value to physicians. Here are just a few personal thoughts on how this might be achieved. Select for Presence & Personality: Among the first things any customer assesses in a sales interaction is the sales person’s presence and personality. - David H. Like this: Like Loading...

Sign in to your account Type the email address of the account you want to sign in with. We're having trouble locating your account. Which type of account do you want to use? Sign in to {0} Which type of account do you want to sign in with? Be sure to type the password for your work or school account. Your user ID should look like an email address, for example or Make sure you typed your email address correctly. Please enter your password. To sign in, start by entering a user ID. Check the email address you entered. Enter a different email address or get a new Microsoft account. You may still be signed in to some applications. Please try again in a few minutes. Please try again in a few minutes. Please try again in a few minutes. Please try again in a few minutes.

Pfizer nearly doubles amount spent on e-detailing - Medical Mark January 19, 2010 Pfizer increased its spending on online professional promotion by more than 90% last year, according to a study, a sign the drugmaker is emphasizing alternatives to live sales reps for detailing certain products. Among all drug companies, Pfizer accounted for the second-highest amount of e-marketing to healthcare providers: $27 million through the first 11 months of the year. That's a 93% increase over the $14 million it spent during the first 11 months of 2008, according to a study from marketing-research firm SDI. Leading the firm's spending were Alzheimer's drug Aricept ($3.6 million through November, vs. $316,000 during the first 11 months of 2008), pain drug Celebrex ($3.2 million vs. $803,000) and antibiotic Zyvox ($2.8 million vs. $642,000). When it comes to which of Pfizer's products draw the most media spend, Aricept, Celebrex and Zyvox aren't the usual suspects. That's important to a company like Pfizer.

Pharma twittersphere - who is following you - Part I - whydot ph Upon popular demand, I decided to kick off this year with an update of my Pharma twittersphere analysis . In this analysis I will compare how many people follow the pharmacos’ twitter accounts (followers), how many people pharmacos’ follow back (following) and the number of times the account is updated (updates). I will also observe how these parameters have evolved over the last 6 months (Jul-Dec 09). I decided take this analysis yet a step further by mapping out in detail WHO is following pharma in its journey into the realms of the twittersphere. This analysis will thus come it two parts: (which you are currently reading) is the update and analysis of the evolution of the top 10 pharma twitter accounts over the past 6 months. (which will be released in the next couple of days) will analyze and map out the followers of the top 5 accounts in terms of - the segmentation of the accounts by stakeholder (ie. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. Why is this important, you will wonder?

I’m a Rep, Trust me! « “Hey Man, What Happened To The Trust?” It was the salad days of our industry. I was a sales representative for Pharma Corp and life was great. Pharma Corp, like a lot of other industry companies, understood that doctors needed real and solid clinical information to help their decision process as well as services that helped them and their patients. Of course I really knew my stuff. Here I am today, 24 years into this business and I am really stunned by what is happening. God when the product messes hit, it was like a slap in the face to me. Now I am scared to death. - Nostalgic Rep Like this: Like Loading...
