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SolarSinter : markus kayser

SolarSinter : markus kayser
Solar Sinter 2011 In August 2010 I took my first solar machine - the Sun-Cutter - to the Egyptian desert in a suitcase. This was a solar-powered, semi-automated low-tech laser cutter, that used the power of the sun to drive it and directly harnessed its rays through a glass ball lens to ‘laser’ cut 2D components using a cam-guided system. The Sun-Cutter produced components in thin plywood with an aesthetic quality that was a curious hybrid of machine-made and “nature craft” due to the crudeness of its mechanism and cutting beam optics, alongside variations in solar intensity due to weather fluctuations. In the deserts of the world two elements dominate - sun and sand. The former offers a vast energy source of huge potential, the latter an almost unlimited supply of silica in the form of quartz.

3-D Printing Will Change the World To anyone who hasn’t seen it demonstrated, 3-D printing sounds futuristic—like the meals that materialized in the Jetsons’ oven at the touch of a keypad. But the technology is quite straightforward: It is a small evolutionary step from spraying toner on paper to putting down layers of something more substantial (such as plastic resin) until the layers add up to an object. And yet, by enabling a machine to produce objects of any shape, on the spot and as needed, 3-D printing really is ushering in a new era. As applications of the technology expand and prices drop, the first big implication is that more goods will be manufactured at or close to their point of purchase or consumption. Another implication is that goods will be infinitely more customized, because altering them won’t require retooling, only tweaking the instructions in the software. China won’t be a loser in the new era, but it will have to give up on being the world’s manufacturing powerhouse.

The Hole NYC » KATSU DRONE PAINTINGS OPENING preview: Thursday, April 10 6-9:30pm Open to the public Friday, April 11 11- 8pm Saturday, April 12 11-8pm Sunday, April 13 11-6pm The Hole is proud to present a solo booth at the first Silicon Valley Art Fair by multi media artist KATSU. The artworks in this exhibition are a completely new type of painting that has never been made before. The results show a new type of mark, divorced from the artist hand though remotely controlled by it, and filtered through the nature of the drone and its tendencies. These works visually relate to Abstract Expressionism, where the gestures are random and free and a record of movement; however of course here the hand of the artist is on a joystick and has been honed by years of video game playing. About Katsu: KATSU is a prolific artist who emerged in New York City in the late 1990s, primarily recognized by his tags “KATSU” and a single stroke skull icon. About SVAC: KATSU drone paintings SVC THE HOLE NYC

Bioplastics (PLA) | World Centric Compostable Plastics Quick Facts Generally Freezer safe Depending on resin can handle hot food till 200F. Fully compostable in commercial composting operations Feel and look like plastics for the most part Est. Home Composting Time: Varies, See Table Est. Commercial Composting Time: Varies, See Table Reports and Test Results Compostable Plastics Compostable Plastics are a new generation of plastics which are biodegradable and compostable. Currently, there are a number of different compostable plastics resins available in the market and the number is growing every day. Properties The compostable resins for the most part mimic plastic properties, and different resins have different properties related to heat resistance, tensile strength, impact resistance, MVTR, oxygen barrier etc. A plastic therefore may be degradable but not biodegradable or it may be biodegradable but not compostable (that is, it breaks down too slowly to be called compostable or leaves toxic residue).

Why Does 3D Printing Matter? Qu’est-ce qu’une piratebox? | pirateboxfr Bonjour et bienvenu à tous vous voici sur notre nouveau site pirateboxfr, ce site est consacré au phénomène qui commence à prendre pas mal d’ampleur en france: la piratebox. Pour ce ceux qui ne saurait pas ce que c’est je vous explique les grandes lignes: le but est de créer un espace de libre échange, une bulle hors de tout chemin battu et hors de la juridiction de autorités. C’est dans ce but qu’un américain, David Darts à décider de créer une boite permettant cela, il la baptisée piratebox. Maintenant entrons dans la partie un plus technique, vous vous demandez comment il a fait? Et bien c’est assez simple il vous suffit de posséder un routeur le plus petit étant actuellement le TP-MR3020 qui est une petite boite blanche de 6,5cm sur 7cm, il vous faut aussi une clé USB et une batterie pour pouvoir être nomade. -D’envoyer un fichier -Lire des infos sur le projet initial -Regarder en direct ou télécharger les fichiers déjà présent sur la piratebox

Life Cycle Analysis for Shipping Crate During our research for project 6, we were required to do a life cycle analysis for a shipping crate. For our analysis, two possible shipping crate materials were chosen for consideration, aluminum and vinyl siding. The two materials were put head to head and the best one was chosen based on four criteria: 1) Environmental effects 2) Global warming effects of processing the materials 3) Economic performance 4) Embodied energy by fuel usage The full analysis and winning material can be found below:

3D Printing Technology Poised for New Industrial Revolution When the TV series Star Trek first brought the starship Enterprise into German living rooms, the concept of a replicator was pure science fiction, a fantastical utopian vision we might experience one day centuries in the future. Replicators, something of a mixture between computer and miniature factory, were capable of creating food and replacement parts from next to nothing. They were highly practical devices, since Captain Kirk couldn't exactly take along a lot of supplies for his journeys through outer space. That futuristic vision, though, has receded far into the past -- overtaken by the present. The real-world replicator-like technology poised to revolutionize the world is known as 3-D printing, though that term is misleading, since the process has little to do with printing. Many different technological routes can be taken to reach the same goal. A Slow Process The printing of electronic components is even in the works. Widespread Applications 'Unlimited Potential'

Le MIT invente un web anti-NSA 01net le 26/03/14 à 19h06 Les révélations d’Edward Snowden, tout comme les désormais innombrables vols de données le prouvent : les sites web ne sont pas suffisamment sécurisés pour héberger des informations sensibles. C’est pourquoi une équipe de chercheurs du Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) propose une nouvelle architecture web baptisée « Mylar », taillée sur mesure pour résister aux assauts des espions et des cybercriminels. Pour y arriver, les serveurs web de Mylar ne génèrent pas des pages web finies, mais transmettent du code Javascript et les données chiffrées au navigateur web qui dispose en local d’une clé pour les déchiffrer. Mais comment faire pour filtrer les données ou les partager avec d’autres utilisateurs ? Impact « modeste » sur les performances Les chercheurs ont réalisé plusieurs prototypes avec cette architecture : un site de consultation médical, un calendrier, une messagerie en ligne, un site de partage de photos, etc. Lire aussi: Source :

What's Green? Distilling Results from Competing Studies The desire to choose greener products, technologies and materials is everywhere. Because they help identify what is environmentally preferable, life cycle assessments (LCAs) have proliferated. LCAs quantify the inputs (raw materials) and outputs (emissions) across the product life cycle­ from raw material extraction to manufacture, to use, and to recycling and disposal. As LCAs have become almost commonplace in business and public policy, decision-makers face the need to make sense of multiple and competing environmental analyses. The application of meta-analysis -- ­a set of techniques used to synthesize results from a body of previous research -- ­to LCA is explored in a special issue of the Journal of Industrial Ecology. “The application of meta-analysis to life cycle assessment is an important advance,” said Peter Crane, dean of the Yale’s School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. The special issue includes six studies from the LCA Harmonization Project of the U.S.

Stereolithography: The Science behind 3D Printing Recreating entire 3D objects directly from the virtual space of a computer to real life is a reality made possible by a number of different technologies. This article will focus on the one 3D printing technology that enjoys the upsides of speed, precision, and thanks to breakthroughs in design, affordability. Stereolithography, or SLA in shorthand, is essentially what the industry calls an “additive manufacturing process” as opposed to traditional methods of “subtractive manufacturing”. The former creates products through adding layers of a material, while the latter creates products through removing parts of a material. Like other additive manufacturing processes, SLA uses only the barest of resources and produces items at a quick rate. The idea was invented and patented in 1986 by Charles W. SLA at Work The process of SLA differs from other 3D printing technologies by using an ultraviolet laser directed at a thick pool of photopolymer resin. Results of SLA The Future of SLA

Massoud Hassani, l'afghan qui rêve de déminer le monde L’invention Mine Kafon est un outil supplémentaire contre le déminage. La Mine Kafon qui progresse à la force du vent peut enclencher une mine antipersonnel pour explosion tout en poursuivant sa route. Cette grosse boule composé de 70 tiges de bambou et d’un GPS permet de tracer des chemins déminés. À chaque utilisation, et pour coût de 40 euros, 3 ou 4 mines peuvent être désamorcées. L’Afghanistan possède un sol riche qui ne demande qu’à être exploité par la population locale (on y recense le diamant, lapis-lazuli, le saphir, gaz naturel, pétrole, le tungstène, le lithium, l’étain etc.) Cependant, les guerres successives ont laissé un pays criblé de mines antipersonnel. Le Demineur Mine Kafon de Massoud Hassani Selon le Centre français de recherche sur le renseignement, en 2009, ces engins ont tué 1 054 civils afghans et 275 des 520 soldats de la coalition ayant trouvé la mort durant la guerre d’Afghanistan. Bien évidemment cette invention ne résoudra pas tous les problèmes.

Wood Design || Furniture and Accessories by Independent Makers Tuesday, December 13, 2011 · “Perfection is sterile. Imperfection is beautiful. It suggests that true beauty is a dynamic event that occurs between you and something else.” – SW website Sean Woolsey is a creative autodidact – a maker, craftsmen and an artist – living in Costa Mesa, California. His work is deeply influenced by wabi sabi, it’s beauty flowing from its irregularity and imperfection. More on Wood Design The audacious plan to end hunger with 3-D printed food - Quartz Uber is slavery…Uber will add to traffic congestion…Uber destroys the savings of cab drivers… Hold the litany. Is this the incumbency speaking? And my name isn’t Marie Antoinette. I might get in trouble for this, but I’d like to add a drop of customer experience into the boiling broth of opinions about Uber. After five decades of riding in taxis, both in my native Paris and my adopted Bay Area, I’ve had my share of interesting and sympathetic cabbies, most of whom are more than willing to share their life stories. Unfortunately, pleasant rides with charming drivers are rare exceptions in a succession of dirty Silicon Valley cabs with cracked windshields, duct taped seats, and noisy wheel bearings threatening to seize at any minute. Simply finding a cab can be an unpleasant, complicated experience. The memories must be deeply imprinted. The phrase “transforming experience” was first used, and then abused, in Hollywood when describing the requirements for a script.
