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Save Our Inboxes! Adopt the Email Charter!

Save Our Inboxes! Adopt the Email Charter!

Global Internet Expansion: Who Will Lead the Way? [INFOGRAPHIC] According to recent Cisco research, global Internet traffic will grow nearly four-fold from 2010 -- 2015. However, that increase in traffic won’t be dominated by one region. How much will each region contribute to the worldwide traffic expansion? Just by sheer population size alone, one could assume that the Asia-Pacific region would lead in Internet traffic growth. The infographic below provides an interesting visual projection of what Internet usage will look like in 2015. Tags: 2015, infographic, internet traffic

music history in gifs מדריך: לשמור על הפרטיות בגוגל פלוס ב-4 צעדים פשוטים קל מאוד להתלהב מגוגל פלוס, הרשת החברתית החדשה של גוגל ועל הדרך לשכוח קצת מהפרטיות שלנו. ככה זה באינטרנט בכלל, וברשתות חברתיות בפרט: אנחנו מקבלים צעצוע חדש ונוצץ, משחקים בו במשך מספר שבועות ללא הפסקה, ועל הדרך מפזרים בלי להבחין כל מיני פרטים שלא בטוח שאנחנו בכלל רוצים להפיץ. כל מהנדסי הבניין באתר b144 על פניו, גוגל פלוס היא רשת חברתית די מאובטחת בכל הקשור לפרטיות. השימוש במעגלים (עליו עוד נרחיב לא מעט) מגביל מראש את מידת ההפצה של הפוסטים שלכם, הוא אינו מאפשר לכל מיני אפליקציות חיצוניות של בעלי אינטרסים לשאוב מידע מהפרופיל האישי שלכם ובאופן כללי נראה שאופי העדכונים בו הוא הרבה יותר מקצועי מאשר בפייסבוק. עם זאת, בגוגל פלוס עדיין יש כמה חלונות פתוחים, שאולי כדאי לסגור כדי שאנשים שסתם עובדים ברחוב לא יוכלו להציץ לנו לתוך הבית. 1. ראו גם: גוגל פלוס: האם חשתם בעייפת מעגלים? פיתחו מעגלי “חברים”, “חברים לעבודה”, “בוסים”, “אקסים”, “אנשים שאני מכבד מקצועית”, “אנשים שאני מעדיף להימנע מהם”, “משפחה”, “משפחה שמרנית” וכו’ – ושימו לב טוב טוב עם איזה מעגלים אתם משתפים את התכנים שלכם. 2. 3. 4.

JISC Legal Cloud Computing and the Law Toolkit (31/08/2011) > JISC Legal > ManageContent We're pleased to present our free Cloud Computing and the Law toolkit for FE and HE professionals. Whether you work in a teaching, research, management or support capacity, our aim is to help you to make confident, informed decisions about implementing cloud computing solutions in your institution. Below is a brief introduction to the toolkit presented by our Service Manager, Jason Miles-Campbell. Introduction to the JISC Legal Cloud Computing and the Law toolkit from JISC Legal on Vimeo. What’s in the toolkit? Compiled by our team of ICT law experts, the toolkit contains accessible, up-to-date information about cloud computing in an FE and HE context. · Report on Cloud Computing and the Law for UK Further and Higher Education - An Overview (Access in Word, PDF and HTML) · User Guide: Cloud Computing and the Law for IT (Access in Word, PDF and HTML) · User Guide: Cloud Computing and the Law for Senior Management and Policy Makers (Access in Word, PDF and HTML) Funding information

The importance of deep pleasure: Q&A with Paul Bloom Psychologist Paul Bloom, author of How Pleasure Works, studies the nature of pleasure. At TED Global he gave a witty and riveting talk on how knowing the history of an object (or a relationship with a person) can profoundly affect our enjoyment of it or them. After the conference, TED’s Ben Lillie caught up with him to talk about why that is, and whether knowing about our essentialism should change how we experience our own pleasure. You laid out this wonderful case that humans are fundamentally essentialists. Do you have a sense of why? Why is the origin of things so deeply important to us? It’s a really good question. Having said that, a lot of the specific phenomena I talk about are what scholars like Stephen Jay Gould call “spandrels”— biological accidents. As an example, in my talk I discuss briefly about our attraction to objects that have been in contact with celebrities, such as George Clooney’s sweater. I would answer by saying: Both. So wine is a good example. I would. Yes.

ICT Self Assessment booklet A few weeks ago, I stumbled across ICT Teaching & Learning Framework 2011, which was written by Matt Lovegrove and included contributions from Steve Greenfield, David Sheppard & Claire Waite. Here is the Framework which can be found on his blog. The beauty of this work was that it was licensed for sharing, remixing and adapting. This is exactly the type of thing we should all be doing in my opinion and I must sincerely thank those who wrote it for saving me a tremendous amount of time by not having to write my own. What I did do, however, was to create a self-assessment booklet that can be used in conjunction with the framework. I hate assessment, but this book allows the children to assess their learning at the end of the week. Here's an example copy of what I've done. If you can't see the box below, please use this link to access the files

Smarter systems for smarter education Wednesday, 13 April 2011 20:36 There has never been a better time to make our education technology systems smarter. The demand for knowledge workers with specialised skills is growing by 11 percent a year. Many jobs require lifelong training and students are increasingly demanding a variety of alternative learning paths. Yet at the same time, many further education institutions are straining under budget cuts and as internal processes grow increasingly complex, administrative roles can account for up to 30% of expenditure. We know all too well that learners are immersed in technology, they are also demanding a more tailored education. Across the world, educational establishments are looking to drive new levels of productivity - not simply cutting costs, but creating new operating models. Predictive Analytics Although the investment in education has steadily risen over the last decade, we have not seen a corresponding rise in student attainment levels. Automation and Integration

Encouraging words at Policy Exchange on Technology Michael Gove delivered a keynote presentation on Monday 28 November, at Policy Exchange, and responded to a question on the use of technology in schools as follows: 'ICT has a huge role to play. I think technology will be playing a larger and larger role in how we make our schools work more effectively in the future. I will be saying more about that soon.But it's absolutely right, yes, that both our teachers and students can work from home with the imaginative use of technology and I hope in the future we will be able to make it clear how with the best use of technology we can help parents become more involved in their children's education, help children learn faster and make sure assessment is better designed to be in their interests.' The full video can be viewed at Link direct to question: This transcript, including the question, is from c. 39 minutes to the end of the video. Readers may be interested in the following:

ICT Equipment Replacement Strategy: Lasa knowledgebase ICT Management. > Budgeting and FundingHardware > Buying & Owning Hardware By Morgan Killick This article examines the reasons for regular replacement of ICT equipment and looks at the timescales, costs and planning considerations involved in a major upgrade. Introduction How many times do we see the latest computers advertised on television as ‘future proof’? Why Replace? Technology is bought in the context of a specific need. The main drivers for replacing stock are internal – taking advantage of those better, quicker and more effective ways of working. Outdated hardware, wear and tear Firstly, a computer is made up of a bunch of electronic components that are designed to push the limits of speed and performance at a given price point. Operating System Obsolescence Secondly, a computer is more than a box full of parts. Demands of modern software Thirdly, it’s not just operating systems and hardware that have this inbuilt obsolescence. When and How Much? Planning Considerations Conclusion

What is the appropriate form of address in email? Here is the text of a note from the Post Office, quoted in “Berry and Co”, which was written by Dornford Yates and published in 1920: SirI beg leave to inform you that your telegram handed in at the Grosvenor Street Post Office at 10.2 am on the 26th June addressed to Reply paid Hamilton Smythe Fair Lawns Torquay has not been delivered for the reason indicated below.ADDRESS NOT KNOWNI am, Sir, Your obedient servant,WBPostmaster Should letter-writing conventions be used in emails? Photo (c) Henri Burgius those forms of politeness at the start and end of the note seem quaint and odd to us. They are clearly symptomatic of a less frenetic age. However, at least the correct forms of address were known (or at least could have been known) by all. In my own small way, I am trying to maintain some of the old formality by using the form “Dear x” rather than the more chatty “Hi”, even if I already know the person. My advice would be as follows:

A teacher's guide to IT terminology What do you know about Phishing, Cookies, Worms and Trojans in a technological world? Do they still mean sitting out by the river waiting for a bite, biscuits, small garden slimy things or a person from ancient Troy? The rise of online communication, financial management, social networking and education is expected to continue. To understand the potential risks, a good place to start is to become familiar with some technological terminology: Phishing An attempt to obtain ‘others’ information such as usernames and passwords, including credit card details. Cookie Also known as HTTP Cookie, Web Cookie or Browser Cookie. Virus A computer programme that can duplicate itself. Non-resident - these viruses search for other hosts to infect and transfer control to the computer softwareResident – these do not search for hosts, instead they load themselves into the computer memory on completion and then transfer control. Trojan Malware Worms Spyware Rootkit “Bots” The term derives from ‘robots’. “Botnet” Spam
