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The Who Official Website

Led Zeppelin - First Three Albums Newly Remastered With Previously Unreleased Companion Audio Purchase Page With the release of deluxe editions of Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin II, and Led Zeppelin III, the band will launch an extensive reissue program of all nine of its studio albums in chronological order, each remastered by guitarist and producer Jimmy Page. Led Zeppelin will also open its vaults to share dozens of unheard studio and live recordings, with each album featuring a second disc of companion audio comprised entirely of unreleased music related to that album. "The material on the companion discs presents a portal to the time of the recording of Led Zeppelin,” says Page. “It is a selection of work in progress with rough mixes, backing tracks, alternate versions, and new material recorded at the time” - Jimmy Page Super Deluxe Edition Box - CD1: Original album newly remastered in vinyl replica sleeve. - CD2: Companion audio in a new sleeve, featuring a previously unreleased October 1969 concert from Paris, France. - Album-size hardback book ( 72 pages ). Order Here Deluxe Edition CD Digital

Roger Daltrey Roger Daltrey, CBE (born 1 March 1944) is an English singer, musician, songwriter and actor, who is best known as the founder and lead singer of English rock band The Who. He has maintained a musical career as a solo artist. In 2008 he was ranked as number 61 on the Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 100 greatest singers of all time. Daltrey has also been an actor and film producer, with roles in films, theatre and television. Early life[edit] Roger Harry Daltrey was born in the Hammersmith area of London, one of three children born to parents Irene and Harry Daltrey. Daltrey attended Victoria Primary School and then Acton County Grammar School for Boys and girls along with Townshend and Entwistle. He made his first guitar from a block of wood, a cherry red Stratocaster copy, and joined a skiffle band called the Detours in need of a lead singer. In 1964 the group discovered another band working as the Detours and discussed changing their name. Career with The Who[edit]

A Hard Days Night - The Beatles - iLya50ans - L'enregistrement. A Hard Day's Night A Hard Day's Night est une chanson des Beatles, écrite par John Lennon, avec la collaboration de Paul McCartney. Elle ouvre leur troisième album et leur premier film, éponymes. Également parue en single (avec Things We Said Today en face B), elle est disponible au Royaume-Uni en même temps que l'album, le 10 juillet 1964, jour de la première du film à Liverpool. Trois jours plus tard, le single est disponible aux États-Unis, quoique la chanson y soit déjà parue en album le 26 juin. En Angleterre comme en Amérique, la chanson se hisse au haut des meilleures ventes de disques. Le morceau est notamment connu par son accord d'introduction, si caractéristique qu'il permet à lui seul d'identifier instantanément la chanson si on la connaît. La session d'enregistrement a lieu le 16 avril 1964 à Abbey Road.

Biographie | The Official Jimi Hendrix Site 27 novembre 1942 – 18 septembre 1970 Largement reconnu comme l’un des musiciens les plus créatifs et influents du 20ème siècle, Jimi Hendrix fut un pionnier des possibilités explosives de la guitare électrique. Son style innovant, combinaison de fuzz, de feedback et de distorsion contrôlée, fut à l’origine d’une forme musicale nouvelle. Jimi Hendrix, né Johnny Allen Hendrix le 27 novembre 1942 au King County Hospital de Seattle, sera plus tard rebaptisé James Marshall par son père, James “Al” Hendrix. Al avait remarqué l’intérêt de Jimmy pour la guitare et se souvient : “Je faisais faire à Jimmy le ménage de la chambre quand je n’étais pas là, et quand je rentrais, je trouvais des poils de balai au pied du lit. En 1961, Jimmy quitte la maison pour s’enrôler dans l’armée américaine et, en novembre 1962, obtient de porter le blason du “Screaming Eagle” des divisions parachutistes. Passant du role de bassiste à celui de manager, le premier acte de Chandler est de renommer Hendrix “Jimi”.

Keith Moon Moon grew up in Wembley, northwest London, and took up the drums during the early 1960s. After playing with a local band, the Beachcombers, he joined the Who in 1964 before they recorded their first single. Moon remained with the band during their rise to fame, and was quickly recognised for his distinctive drumming style. He occasionally collaborated with other musicians and later appeared in films, but considered playing in the Who his primary occupation and remained a member of the band until his death. In addition to his talent as a drummer, however, Moon developed a reputation for smashing his kit onstage and destroying hotel rooms on tour. He was fascinated by blowing up toilets with cherry bombs or dynamite, and by destroying television sets. Early life[edit] Moon was born to Alfred Charles (Alf) and Kathleen Winifred (Kit) Moon on 23 August 1946 at Central Middlesex Hospital in northwest London, and grew up in Wembley. Career[edit] Early years[edit] The Who[edit] Equipment[edit]

InfoChronoGéo: Richard Wagner Wilhelm Richard Wagner, né le 22 mai 1813 à Leipzig et mort le 13 février 1883 à Venise, est un compositeur, directeur de théâtre, polémiste et chef d'orchestre allemand de la période romantique, particulièrement connu pour ses quinze opéras et drames lyriques. Il est aussi auteur de plus d'une vingtaine d'ouvrages philosophiques et théoriques. Occupant une place importante dans l'histoire de la musique occidentale, Richard Wagner compose en général lui-même à la fois la musique et le livret de ses opéras, en particulier Tristan und Isolde, considéré comme le point de départ des principales avancées que connaîtra la musique au xxe siècle1 et L'Anneau du Nibelung, festival scénique en un prologue et trois journées, dont la conception bouscule délibérément les habitudes de l'époque pour aller, selon ses propres termes, vers un « art total » : spectacle complet, mélodie continue et emploi du leitmotiv.

Téléphone - Redécouvrez la discographie du groupe légendaire Kenney Jones Biography[edit] Small Faces to the Faces[edit] In 2007, the Small Faces were honoured by Westminster Council with a commemorative plaque placed at what was Don Arden's offices in Carnaby Street, the band's "spiritual home". Jones himself unveiled the plaque. In a BBC interview Jones said: "To honour the Small Faces after all these years is a terrific achievement. In 2004 The Observer listed the Small Faces' 1968 release Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake one of the "top British albums of all time".[4] The Who[edit] Jones drumming with The Who The Law[edit] The Jones Gang[edit] Guest appearances[edit] Outside music[edit] Outside of music, Jones is a passionate fan of polo. On behalf of Small Faces and in memory of his late colleagues Steve Marriott and Ronnie Lane, Jones established a children's charity, the 'Small Faces Charitable Trust', in 1999.[9] Personal life[edit] Jones has six children: Dylan (1972), Jesse (1977), Casey (1987), Jay (1989), Cody (1994) and Erin (1997). References[edit]
