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Mr Bean at the Dentist (Past Simple)

Mr Bean at the Dentist (Past Simple)
Mr Bean is late for his dental appointment and tries to get dressed and clean his teeth on the way. After arriving just in time for the appointment, he gives an anesthetic to the dentist. DVD on amazon here You are going towatch some clips of Mr Bean and answer questionspractise using the Past Simple write summary of the story in the past How often do you go to the dentist? Check Do you know the past simple forms of these verbs? Instructions Look at the questions before you startWatch the clipAnswer the questions in the interactive exercises after the clips Look at questions for parts 1 - 3Part 1 Which is the the correct answer? 1) Mr Bean’s alarm clock went off at 8.00 / 8.15 / 8.30 2) He put the clock in the cupboard / a glass of water / a bag 3) He continued reading a book / sleeping / watching TV Part 2 Put the following in the correct order Mr Bean… A) got up B) walked into the wall C) shaved D) did some exercise E) opened the wardrobe and took out his clothes F) made his bed Watch the clip 3b.

Using Mr. Bean to Teach Present Continuous (Speaking Activity) English Current Skill focus: Speaking Grammar: Present Continuous (Present Progressive) ESL Level: Pre-intermediate to Intermediate Number of students: 2 or more Equipment needed: projector/video screen Time Required: 15 minutes Present Continuous Speaking Activity Description After teaching your students present continuous, put them in pairs. Next, load a short Mr. Explain to the student facing the video that his job is to describe the video to his partner. Let them do it. After, have the pairs switch seats and change the video. Note that the word oyster is important in the above story, so be sure to preteach this vocabulary. Present Continuous Speaking Activity Expansion This could be made into a more robust lesson 30/40-minute lesson by: 1) Creating warm-up questions about the topic of each video. Do you like flying? 2) Pre-teaching key vocabulary (flight attendant, life preserver, buffet, oyster, spoiled, etc) My students always enjoy this activity, and it’s likely because Mr. Good luck with your class.

More Mr. Bean Just surfing the net while my husband does the dishes - this must be the 90's. Had a great class today thanks to one of my Mr. Bean videos. Used it 2 ways because of the 2 levels I teach. Basic group - received a sheet of sentences about things that happened in the video. I had taken out the verb but put it (verb stem only) at the end of the sentence. Name: Marg H.Email: heidebr@mcmaster.caLocation: Dundas, Ont Canada Search Tes Resources TandLGuru This fun and informative lesson helps students to understand the descriptive language techniques used by Roald Dahl in his descriptions of Boggis, Bunce, and Bean in ‘Fantastic Mr Fox.’ In particular, students analyse how Dahl's language is used to create imagery, before designing and describing their very own mean farmers! The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through: -Completing a card-sorting activity to define and exemplify each of the descriptive devices; - Reading and understanding extracts from the opening of Fantastic Mr Fox, in which the farmers are described; - Identifying and analysing Dahl's use of language devices throughout the description of the farmers; - Writing their own language device-filled descriptions of their farmers, with support from a clear template; - Self assessing their own learning attempts.

Extr@ – Learn English with videos A cool TV series, a funny sitcom, and an English course, all wrapped in one single package to make Extr@, the perfect way of learning natural English having fun.SEE THE OTHER EPISODES HERE !Do extr@ activities hereAnnie and Bridget share a flat. Their next-door neighbour Nick is a disorganized, humorous macho fellow. Bridget's Argentinean penpal, Hector, comes to London to visit her. His limited command of English serves as the central dynamic for the language learning content of the series. Subtitles Script
