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How to Start a Blog - A Complete Guide to Setting up a Blog

How to Start a Blog - A Complete Guide to Setting up a Blog

How to: Set up and run a successful blog | Freelance news <b>Graham Holliday</b> demystifies blogging for busy journalists You know about blogs, you read a few and you have heard that maybe one day all journalists will blog, but you do not have one yet. Where do you start? It depends on how much you want to spend and how much you know about coding. Which blog? Blogger is a popular free service owned by Google. Wordpress and Movable Type are two downloadable options for the more code savvy. Both WordPress and Movable Type require webspace. Guardian Technology reporter Bobbie Johnson switched from Movable Type to WordPress at the end of 2005 for his personal blog Of the paid routes to blogdom, Typepad is the best known. Mr Jackson recently switched to Typepad for his blog Our Man in Hanoi." Once you have added your blog to the 40 million blogs out there you need to optimise your posts if you want to be heard. Tweak your blog Create an 'About' page. Subscription-based blogs like Typepad come with bare bones statistics packages.

a recap of our talk on blogging - CREATE LIKE CRAZY | CREATE LIKE CRAZY As promised, here’s a little recap of what Taylor and I talked about to the group of interior design students at a local college this week! After introducing ourselves and talking a little bit about our own blogs, we jumped right into how and why blogging could be beneficial for them ( and you! ). Taylor started by explaining how a blog is your online portfolio. No matter what type of business you’re in, having a blog ( that you actually update ) is a wonderful way to show potential employers what kind of work you’re doing now. A few tips for polishing your online portfolio Simple designQuality photographyCurated content Creating a professional online presence is incredibly important. Simple design, quality photography and curated content are all things that require an investment. Tips for creating a blog that is worth your time After reading the information above you may be asking yourself if investing so much time ( and a little money ) is really worth it. Define your goals. Retail Blogs

New To WordPress - Where to Start Codex Codex tools: Log in Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference! New To WordPress - Where to Start This page was moved to except above language locator. Retrieved from " Codex Resources Code is Poetry. Jen Mann: Strange Beauties at Neubacher Shor Contemporary Gallery - Shedoesthecity Events & Culture Toronto artist Jen Mann explores “beauty on the fringes” in her latest show, where large-scale, colour-saturated portraits seem to hum with life on the exposed brick walls. The artist was inspired by childhood, and some of the images we associate with it, like circuses, illusions and dreams. The unconventional poses and colouring work with Mann’s photorealist painting technique, rendering arresting moments of action made still. Strange Beauties runs at Neubacher Shor Contemporary Gallery until March 23. 5 Brock Ave. Photos by Becca Lemire

About Us & Our Blogging Course is designed to get you started writing your own blog. We have two courses: a free PreCourse (you can register and take it online whenever you want to) and an eight week paid Blogging101 course. We also have a blog about learning to write a blog, written by Topsy-Techie - You can subscribe to the blog, it’s free. Course History – From the point of view of the First Student I was looking around the internet, wondering why my blog wasn’t attracting traffic. Her answer rang true. Since I’ve always been a sucker for a good kick in the backside, I tried to hired her as my tutor/editor but that structure seemed wrong. More History - The initial course as developed in 2007-08 by BBM & John & Kris was named With new blogging teacher (and Blogging 101 alumnus) Topsy-Techie at the helm, the course began to evolve and grow even more. We are now offering it to you.

Build Your Brand: 20 Unique and Memorable Color Palettes to Inspire You Colors are an excellent way to convey your product or express the unique personality of your brand. We have created a suite of 20 different color palettes for you to use and implement to create unique color combinations of your own, that will represent your brand. Want to use these color combinations in Canva? Click here to sign up for free if you haven’t already (if you haven’t — are you kidding me?!). Canva lets you change the colors of your design by entering the hex code in the color menu. Check out the video below for a quick tutorial on how: 01. This unique combination is rich. 02. Monochrome combinations are when different shades of one hue are used. 03. Does your brand have association with marine or technology? 04. Purple traditionally represents individuality, and orange is associated with adventure and enthusiasm. 05. This combination is fairly desaturated. 06. This palette has a traditional or antique tone to it. 07. 08. These are subdued tones drawn from a warm sundown. 09.

Blogging 101 There are millions of bloggers out there and even more blogs. Don’t be just another unread blogger! Find your niche, create your community, and blog to the masses. If you want to write an interesting blog that people want to read and keep coming back for more, Blogging 101 can help you. This eight-week**, fully-automated, comprehensive course will guide you through all the basics of creating and establishing your new blog. The units covered in the Blogging 101 curriculum include: When you have completed the Blogging 101 course, you will have not only learned the basics of blogging, but you will have your VERY OWN BLOG, several quality posts, and very possibly a growing following of readers! If you follow through with each of the course assignments, you will start out WAY ahead of the average blogger who tries to start a blog on their own. Sign up today to get started on the blog you have dreamed about!! Still not sure??

How to Start A Blog Using Bluehost and Wordpress in 10 Minutes (or less)! In this post I review what a hosting server is, why you need one and how to install a WordPress blog on it. If you learn better with a play-by-play video, checkout the screencast below. If you would rather read through the steps, skip to the steps below the video. Step One: What is a hosting server and why do I need one? A hosting server is where the files that make up your website live. I like to use the analogy of a book. Step Two: Purchase your Hosting with Bluehost. In order to put your files up on a hosting server you have to purchase the space. When you choose to sign up with Bluehost you will see two options. Step Three: Choose a Plan The next screen is going to ask you for your address, offer you a “pro” package (not necessary to get started) and require you choose a price package. Step Four: Going Through the Up-Sale(If you bought a domain name read below, if not, go to Step Five) After purchasing a domain name you will be sent to the screen below. vs What Is The Difference? WordPress is free open-source content publishing platform. is the home of the platform while is the commercial hosted version. This difference causes some confusion for newbie bloggers when choosing which one to use for their site. This comparison between .com and .org has all the facts you need to make an informed choice. Starting your adventure I love and definitely recommend it for new and more advanced bloggers alike. For the simplest possible install, I recommend using Bluehost as you install WordPress with no tech knowledge needed plus get a free domain name and affordable hosting account. Click here to choose your domain name Then it’s time to choose your hosting package and payment preference. That’s it. This will take you to the Bluehost Mojo Marketplace that helps you install WordPress with one click. And the last step is to fill in your site details: Site Name, Admin Username, Admin Password and Admin Email. That’s it.

How To Design A Blog And Make It Look Pretty “How do I design my blog?” is one of the most frequently asked questions from new bloggers. Design of your blog is very important as the better looking your site is, the more memorable it will be for your visitors. More of them will stick to it, subscribe, return back and share it with their friends in social media. Let’s have a quick look at some of the important design elements you will have to consider during the design process. Having a great header section is important as that is the first thing people see when entering your site. An increasing number of visitors browse the web from their tablets and mobile devices so having a design that looks great on smaller screens or touch based screens is another key consideration. First step in designing your blog First step is to pick the right content publishing platform that allows you a wide range of design possibilities. WordPress needs a domain name and a web server space to work. 5 most impressive free WordPress themes Responsive:
