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Social Media Revolution 3 (4:15 version via Erik Qualman)

Social Media Marketing - 10 Inspiring Infographics In 2011 social media marketing continued to make its impact on business and brand promotions. Google+ was launched (with an investment of over $500 million in development costs), Twitter became embedded in the new Apple iPhone 4s and Blogging didn’t die. Facebook soared past 800 million users and Twitter continued its upward trajectory past 200 million members. The world’s obsession with anything social online has given marketers access to networks that are instant in response, multi-media rich and ever challenging. Some Social Network Surprises Some surprising results and unexpected networks and social media platforms have made their mark this year . Tumblr is now attracting over 90 million unique visitors every monthStumbleUpon driving over 50% of all social network trafficYouTube is attracting 50% more views than 2010 and threatening traditional TV advertising and marketing 1. Via: Online Schools 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Read More Image by BirgerKing 1,241inShare

astronautas twitter Com o 3G e as redes Wi-Fi, é simples ficar conectado na internet estando em qualquer lugar do mundo. Mas e para quem está no espaço? O astronauta da NASA Ron Garan, ou @Astro_Ron no Twitter, provou que isso é possível! A NASA colocou câmeras SLR da Nikon para a tripulação documentar o espaço. Confira abaixo algumas imagens mais recentes de @Astro_Ron ou clique aqui e veja a galeria completa no CNet.

How Social Media Is the New Educator Gone are the days of attending school with a backpack filled with pens, pads, and weighty books filled with the student’s scribbles, or worse, explicit drawings. A return to education has resulted through a need for the latest and greatest gadgets and an incestuous need to network using social media. The good thing about today’s web-savvy students is that the importance of education is back in the spotlight. Sure, prom is still a priority, but competition for success within the classroom has become fierce. Laptops and social networking have become just as essential in everyday classrooms as teachers. The atmosphere established in today’s public and private education system insinuates that a student’s best is no longer good enough. Performing arts programs are benefiting too. Biryukov Academy has maintained a social cause platform, backed by scientific studies, on the various neurological benefits derived from art, foreign language, music, and theatre classes.

Criador do Twitter é Vegano Detalhes Categoria pai: Notícias Publicado em Domingo, 30 Maio 2010 18:06 Acessos: 6754 Quem iria imaginar que o Twitter seria tão amigo dos animais? O cofundador da rede, Biz Stone, se tornou vegan em 2001 depois de visitar a Farm Sanctuary. Biz Stone também está promovendo lanches vegetarianos para escolas. Biz Stone obviamente acredita no poder do alimento, porque a sede do Twitter em São Francisco oferece almoços e lanches veganos gratuitos aos seus empregados. Mas, além de seu fundador, o Twitter é amigo dos animais porque você pode ser parte de uma comunidade que se importa com os animais.

The Social Media Phenomenon Encroaching Into the Classroom Educators are finding a new way to organize and collaborate resources for transition to the Common Core, curriculum mapping, and classroom activities. On its surface, Pinterest appears to be cluttered by posts predominantly from women looking for fun fashion, kitschy designs, savory recipes they may never bake but “like” nevertheless, and do-it-yourself beauty remedies. The site, which allows users to create digital bulletin boards and to post images of quite literally anything they want, now sits third behind Twitter and Facebook in social media popularity, garnering well over 100 million users in 2012 thus far alone. As with any social platform, however, once you sift through Pinterest’s initial onslaught of chaotic posts, you’ll find a new medium for sharing, collaborating and expanding your personal learning network (PLN). Eric Sheninger, principal at New Milford (N.J.) Teachable Moments

Blog Mídia8!: 254 livros sobre redes sociais, comunicação e ... 419 e-books gratuitos para download sobre comunicação, mídias sociais, jornalismo, marketing e design Abaixo listei centenas de livros/e-books gratuitos para download. São e-books sobre internet, mídias sociais, jornalismo, comunicação, marketing, webwriting, design, blogs, cinema, publicidade, relações públicas, tecnologia, assessoria de imprensa e mais um monte de temas. A divisão foi feita por mim, sem qualquer critério científico (apenas o que fazia sentido na minha cabeça). Esse compilado de links (que eu carinhosamente chamo de Biblioteca Digital) foi construído no decorrer de anos e mais anos. E-books gratuitos para download (em português) Assessoria de comunicação/imprensa Blogs/blogs corporativos Branding/personal branding Ciência da computação Ciência da informação A biblioteca escolar e a geração nativos digitais (Lucirene Lanzi, Edberto Ferneda e Silvana Vidotti); A ciência da informação e os espaços antropológicos – uma aproximação possível? Comunicação/geral/teoria/crítica Mobile

Frontload Your Lessons with Social Media Written by Mark Brumley At a recent education conference I discussed a simple yet powerful strategy…frontload your lessons with social media. Here’s how it works. First of all, you need some way for your students to communicate online (or via texting). Next, introduce a topic that will be discussed the next day and assign an online discussion as homework. Go to this URL and have an online discussion. The topic that always comes up is what to do about chat-speak and other bad online grammar. Finally, you need to assess whether or not the classroom discussions are more meaningful with the frontloading the night before. This concept may seem simple but the results I have seen are amazing. Mark Brumley (112 Posts) Mark Brumley is an educational technology leader, presenter and founder of Teach Amazing, who has lived and worked around the globe in his commitment to provide authentic learning experiences to enhance the education of 21st Century learners.

Syllabus / UC Berkeley Social Media Smart_Mobs.jpg Sociology 167 (Information 190) University of California, Berkeley Department of Sociology Spring 2008 Friday, 2-5, 126 Barrows Instructor: Howard Rheingold Office 472 Barrows, Office Hours Friday 1-2 and earlier Friday by appointment readers: Elisa Oreglia and Stephanie Gerson (but please send all emails to Elisa) Course reader: available at Copy Central 2560 Bancroft (and Telegraph) 510 848 8649 Session One: January 25, 2008 Theme: When technology and community collide Introductions: Who are we, where do we think we're going in this class? Instructor and students introduce themselves, instructor explains goals, expectations and assignments. Lab: Introduction to Online Media Assignments: Words to know Discussion notes -- what is community? Instructor's Notes for Session One Session Two: February 1 Theme: Imagining community Getting into it: What did we find in our search for virtual community? Ronald E.

Time for Some Social Media Parodies or are they? Playing with the Definition of “Game Thinking” for Instructional Designers Soon I will be presenting at the ASTD International Conference in Washington, DC. My title for the presentation is Three Mysterious Keys to Interactive Learning: Game-Thinking, Game-Elements, and Gamification. Continue Reading → CAC, RFP and Bigfoot I have had the privileged of teaching a great number of really talented and smart students, this semester has been no exception. Continue Reading → Harrisburg Presentation Resources Here are some resources from my presentation in Harrisburg. Continue Reading → 2014 DOE Symposium Conference Resources Here are my resources for the 2014 DOE Symposium Conference. Continue Reading → Great fun at ITEAA Conference & Introduction of Exciting Game-Based Learning Modules Last week I had a chance to attend the ITEAA Conference which is the conference of the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. Continue Reading → Instructional Games and Narrative

A Printable Guide to Social Media [#Infographic] Cram a dozen educators into a conference room and ask them to name the most popular social media tools used by students, and it’s a safe bet everybody at the table could rattle off the top two: Facebook and Twitter. But those are far from the only online applications making inroads in schools. As administrators warm to engaging students through social media, the list of potential resources at their disposal grows longer by the day. Facebook and Twitter are the obvious choices. Of course, if naming the latest social media tools seems tough, learning how to use them all is harder still. As the editors at Edudemic were right to point out, the infographic, which was written with small businesses in mind, has a few glaring omissions — Pinterest, for one. Is there a social media application not listed here that you’d like to learn more about?
