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GuitarBob - Les leçons de gratte du Bob 21 Cool 3 Notes-Per-String Exercises to Rock On! Photo by Jsome1 Playing 3 notes per string exercises is something I do on a regular basis. I use them to warm up, to become a faster guitar player and to spice up my improvisation. 3 notes per string licks and scales are generally used for speed picking. Whenever you hear a guitar player playing these really fast terrifying licks, it’s probably a 3 notes per string lick. Paul Gilbert of Mr.Big is one of many great experts in this field. If you practice these exercises properly and often enough you will increase your speed. The 3 notes per string exercises are played using the alternate picking technique. Once you get the hang of it, it can become quite addictive, but be careful though. The one and only reason why these monster guitar players become so incredibly fast is that they practice long hours for days, weeks, months and years.

Cours de musique, solfège, harmonie, analyses de chansons et jeu Top 50 Youtube Guitar Channels The Top 50 Youtube Guitar Channels covers lessons, magazines, manufacturers, guitar stores, reviews, guitarists, and pretty much everything guitar centric. All of the channels below had reached at least 2 million total views by March of 2012. Our focus was on channels producing high quality guitar videos at regular intervals. 1. 6. Guitar Chords 11. 16. 21. 26. 31. 36. 41. 46. .::. six.cordes : les cours de guitare .::. Les exos de Sarki, o Bien le bonjour amis guitaristes!Une fois par semaine j'me propose de vous poster un exercice pour travailler l'indépendance, la précision, l'agilité, et les muscles de vos charmants petites mimines... ainsi vos index et autres appendices de la main deviendrons de vrais bêtes de course! Toutes les semaines disais-je donc, je posterai un exercice à la fin de ce message là, tout en signalant la mise à jour en postant un message dans le sujet.Si vous avez des questions, même principe : vous postez ici et je vous repondrais au même endroit La codification est simple : les chiffres Arabes représentent les doigts de la main gauche (1 index, 2 Majeur, 3 Annulaire, 4 Auriculaire), et les chiffres romains représentent les cordes... ( I la plus aigue, VI la plus grave) Le but n'est pas de sonner beau, c'est même chi*nt à jouer... mais faut bouffer des gammes pour bien jouer Vala on commence tout de suite avec un exercice pour vous mettre en jambe : On est parti pour un deuxieme exo : Video du crabe :

Know Every Note on the Guitar in 9 Days Knowing every note on the guitar is a challenge unique to the instrument. A saxophone has only one way to finger each note, while a guitar usually has a few different strings and four fingers to choose from. String a few notes together and the permutations of how to play them will wreck your brain. Pianists have a similar problem with ten available digits, but you can memorize the notes on a keyboard in a matter of minutes; the same pattern of white and black keys repeats every octave. The challenge with navigating the guitar fretboard is its two-dimensional layout. It’s a matrix, while nearly every other instrument has a linear path of notes from the bottom to the top of its range. Why Know the Whole Fretboard? If you don’t know every single note on the guitar cold, without hesitation, then I highly recommend taking a little time to get that under your belt. The primary advantage to knowing every note on the fretboard is in creation. Day 1: Open Strings Day 3: First Three Frets Conclusion

Six.cordes - cours de guitare en ligne - online guitar courses Fur Elise For Guitar - Sheet Music and Guitar Tabs Für Elise is a very famous classical piece of music written by Ludwig Von Beethoven in 1808. It is also known as 'Bagatelle in A Minor'. The opening part of Fur Elise is easy and fun to play. It uses very basic chords mixed with some single note lines. Here's an mp3 of Fur Elise played on piano. Here is the guitar chord chart of the chords that are used in Fur Elise: As you can see, these are all very basic chords. Here's the sheet music with guitar tabs for Beethoven's Fur Elise. Welcome back, did you find Fur Elise hard to play? Some fun facts about Fur Elise : Who is Elise? Back to guitar song chords All guitar chord charts © 2010 Dirk Laukens

.::. six.cordes : les cours de guitare .::. Forum de discussions CAGED Guitar System: How To Make The Most Of It
