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The Dos and Don'ts of Tech Integration PD

The Dos and Don'ts of Tech Integration PD
Of all the initiatives a school can begin, integrating technology may require the most professional development. This is partly because of the equipment, hardware, and software involved and partly because of the shift that a teacher must make in his or her teaching style, technique, and planning process in order to effectively use technology in the classroom. Here are some basic "dos" and "don'ts" for anyone doing tech integration professional development. This approach requires those who provide professional development for teachers to listen to their needs, and to know the school and staff they are either visiting or presenting to. This includes situations when staff present to their colleagues. Teachers need support, and they need to see how technology will help them do what they do better and more effectively. For more on building a PD model that supports teacher collaboration and voice, see my posts on the Edcamp model. see more see less

100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education Yury Lifshits is working on algorithms and prototypes of new services at Yahoo! Research. Before that he was teaching university courses in the U.S., Germany, Russia and Estonia. He blogs at and publishes his teaching materials at Education technology has become a busy space in recent years. With so many startups on the scene, it is easy to get lost. 1. The education system of the 20th century is built around institutions: schools, colleges, academies and universities. We've now seen the first online high schools (Keystone School), colleges (University of Phoenix, Kaplan University, The Open University, University of the People), certification programs (, enterprise training programs (, art schools ( and test preparation programs (Top Test Prep, GrockIt, Knewton, RevolutionPrep, TutorJam, BrightStorm). 2. To build a new educational institution, one needs to assemble a lot of pieces. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Lessons taught in 3D help children learn more and behave better as it increases levels of concentration By Gareth Finighan Updated: 21:00 GMT, 6 January 2012 Pupils remember more and behave better when 3D images are used in lessons, research suggests. They are quicker to learn and absorb new concepts, and display higher levels of concentration. Professor Anne Bamford, of the University of the Arts, London, studied the effectiveness of 3D content in 15 schools across seven countries including the UK. An added dimension: researchers found that students were able to focus more and retained more information during classes taught in 3D (Posed by model) The project, to be unveiled at the BETT education technology show in London’s Olympia next week, focused on 740 pupils aged ten and 11. In each school, one class studied science in the usual way. Pupils in 3D classes could remember more than the 2D classes after four weeks, improving test scores by an average 17 per cent compared with eight per cent for 2D lessons. One teacher in the study said: 'In class with 3D you have the "wow" effect.

50 Ways to Integrate Technology - Ways to Anchor Technology in Your Classroom Tomorrow Using Free Websites as Learning & Teaching Tools 1. Have students use Spelling City to learn their spelling words, vocabulary words, or site words through games, practice, and quizzes. Spelling City is a free resource for teachers. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Share your ideas for integration on Animoto. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Using Free Websites for Management 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Polèmica per una professora que ensenya «massa» als seus alumnes Els pares de P4 de l'Escola Espanyola d'Escaldes es revelen contra la forçada marxa de la mestraÈLIA ORTS GARRI / CLARA GARNICAESCALDES-ENGORDANY Nens i nenes surten de l'Escola Espanyola d'Escaldes. Foto: JORDI FITER Els pares dels infants de P4 d'una classe de l'Escola Espanyola d'Escaldes-Engordany estan indignats amb la decisió del centre d'obligar a marxar la seva professora, tutora dels nens des de fa dos cursos. Els 11 alumnes, malgrat tenir només quatre anys, saben ja llegir, comencen a escriure i també saben sumar i restar. Aquest és un dels motius que queden palesos a l'informe realitzat per un inspector procedent de Madrid, el qual ha estat avalat per la direcció del centre educatiu escaldenc. Segons lamenten els pares, l'informe aconsella que la professora marxi de l'escola i retorni a Espanya, justificant, entre d'altres, que els alumnes tenen un nivell massa alt, que no es correspon al desenvolupament curricular d'aquest curs escolar a una escola pública.

7 Ingenious Resumes That Will Make You Rethink Your CV You love resumes. You really do. When we published "10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From" in May, our readers enthusiastically responded by sharing it with friends, commenting on it and sending us links to their own snazzy resumes. We sifted through those links, picked our favorites and placed them in the gallery below. The 10 Resumes That Inspired the Post You're Reading Now In May, we brought you these awesome resumes to help you to stand out from the crowd. Social Media Job Listings Inspired yet? More Job Search Resources from Mashable: - 10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From- HOW TO: Set Up an Online Resume- 9 Dynamic Digital Resumes That Stand Out From the Crowd- Top 5 Tips for Creating Impressive Video Resumes- Are Cover Letters Still Relevant For Social Media and Tech Jobs? Image courtesy of iStockphoto, SchulteProductions

Two great quotes about education technology I heard one very quotable thing today, and read another very quotable thing. The first was to do with copyright, the second to do with embracing technology in education. See what you think: Copyright Tom Kent, of the Associated Press, was speaking at a Westminster Forum conference on the theme of the future of news. He said let’s suppose you use someone else’s photograph on your website without seeking their permission, and then insert a caption saying “Photograph courtesy of <your name>” because you think that will cover any potential legal issues. I think that’s a great way of bringing home to people the reality that using other people’s stuff without their permission (unless it already comes with permission, like a Creative Commons licence) is theft. This is not a new thing, of course. The impact of technology in education I read an article submitted to me by Nigel Willetts, for Computers in Classrooms.

23 Resources about Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) Part of the Cool Sites series For the past year, I have researched the what, who, when, how, and why of Personal/Professional/Passionate Learning Networks (PLNs). We have seen the benefits of the people we choose to connect, collaborate, and problem solve with through social media. The educators, subject matter experts (SMEs), authors, and mentors we choose to derive knowledge from help us self-reflect on our methodologies and beliefs. They support us, remember our birthdays, celebrate our accomplishments, and stir within us a passion to improve the status quo. A community raises a child! Below are several resources I have collected about the history of PLNs, how to build a PLN, and the tools needed to build a PLN. We Connect Wiki- This wiki is full of videos, Wallwishers, Wikipedia articles, and more that help educators find the resources to build a PLN. Wikipedia article about PLNs- This article explains the history and theory behind PLNs. Why Do We Connect? VoiceThread- Why a PLN?

Habilitats i estratègies comunicatives (2): de la presencialitat a l’e-learning « Josep Bargalló Aquest és el text d’una pancarta que, signada per un col·lectiu d’estudiants, presidia notòriament el pati central del Campus d’una universitat del país. Si la llegim textualment, diu que hi ha un rector que està solidaritzat amb els estudiants, però dóna la impressió que el col·lectiu volia dir precisament el contrari: volia exigir al rector que se solidaritzés. O sigui: dos símbols gràfics absents -una coma i un apòstrof- que marquen un pausa i un canvi d’accentuació i entonació modifiquen absolutament el significat d’una pancarta reivindicativa. El que ens volia comunicar el col·lectiu i no ho ha fet -o, si més no, no ho ha fet sense confusió. en la comunicació, l’element més petit pot canviar del tot el missatge Com a continuació de la sessió inicial dedicada als aspectes estructurals de la comunicació -a través de la retòrica, l’oratòria i la pragmàtica-, que ja vaig apuntar en un anterior post Només recordem el 10% del que llegim el 20% del que sentim el 30% del que veiem i comunicativa

End Technology Training? – Learn. Teach. Engage. Ummm…no. Had to get that out of the way before I could continue. Now let me back up a little… I recently read a post by Mark Brumley over at the HP Learning Exchange. Now, in Mark’s defense, he argues that professional development should focus on “stellar instructional methods” instead. Although he doesn’t quote a source, he says that some studies say that only 3-5 percent of teachers who receive training actually use what they’ve been taught. Now, granted, at Engaging Educators we are in the business of teacher training. Think Long Term–training should be sustained over the course of the school year, not just a one day sort of thing. So before we just eliminate technology training completely, some analysis is required. Post Footer automatically generated by Add Post Footer Plugin for wordpress.

Bridge to Learning - Educational Research The fundamental model of school education is still a teacher talking to a group of pupils. It has barely changed over the centuries, even since Plato established the earliest “akademia” in a shady olive grove in ancient Athens.A Victorian schoolteacher could enter a 21st century classroom and feel completely at home. Whiteboards may have eliminated chalk dust, chairs may have migrated from rows to groups, but a teacher still stands in front of the class, talking, testing and questioning.But that model won’t be the same in twenty years’ time. It may well be extinct in ten.Technology is already bringing about a profound transformation in education, in ways that we can see before our very eyes and in others that we haven’t even dreamt of yet. Nothing too remarkable here, and any regular reader of this blog will recognise similar ideas spouted on these pages. The present IT national curriculum for schools would be abolished leaving schools freedom to design their own curriculum.

Designing A Website For Your Class Lesson Plans and Teacher Timesavers - Huge Collection - Instant Lessons View Collection Need Tons of New Worksheets? - 50,000+ printables - Save Time! View Now... Designing A Website For Your Class What's All the Hype? It's apparent that there seems to be a rush for people to design a personal web page for all sorts of reasons. A beginner, making a web page, will need to put in a minimal number of hours to develop a "simple" web site. The Benefits A well-designed website will greatly enhance communication between you and your students. In this tutorial, we will examine free services available to help you make a web page, the process of designing your own independent site, neat web design add-ons, creating a newsletter, what should your page should have, and sites that can help you get started. What Should a Teacher Site Have on It? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Adding Interactivity To Your Site 1.VBulletin- Create an interactive message board for your site in minutes. 2. 4. 5. 6.

Teaching ‘screenagers’ – how the digital world is changing learners Daniel Donahoo: Horizon Report K-12 Released: The Future of Education Is Mobile With the release of the New Media Consortium's 2011 Horizon Report for K-12 there is no doubt that the future of education is mobile. But, despite what tech-evangelists would have us believe it will not be enough to put mobile devices into children's hands and expect the education system to improve or their learning to suddenly take off. The revolution in technology, and subsequently educational technology, is an opportunity, but not a guarantee. The most recent Horizon Report repeats what it has stated for a few years now: "Digital media literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession." And, it is for this reason developing children's skills across multiple literacies like visual, digital, media and networking is important and using technology to do it is a no-brainer. Mobiles are a category that defies long-term definitions. It sounds impressive because it is impressive. We don't have to evolve, and if we don't it will be a great loss.

High school students know that their learning isn’t relevant As was so aptly said just a few days ago: It is hard to make an argument that there are many desirable post-secondary educational or career scenarios for current high school students that will not require the use of computer technology on a daily basis. The kids have known this for quite some time now. High school students know that they will almost certainly be using computers in any desirable job that they manage to get after high school. They know that a computer is a requirement for success in today’s higher eduction environments. They know that, in the “real world,” college students don’t write papers in longhand on loose-leaf notebook paper; they know that, in the “real world,” people don’t create business presentations with markers and paste on poster board or tri-fold displays; they know that, “in the real world,” people who engage in any type of research may still occasionally use books, but they conduct the majority of their research using online tools. He also stated that:
