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FREE 3D MODELS, More than 350 free meshes: Cars, Characters, Weapons, Office

FREE 3D MODELS, More than 350 free meshes: Cars, Characters, Weapons, Office

3D Total Free 3d models The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository In recent years, the number of range scanners and surface reconstruction algorithms has been growing rapidly. Many researchers, however, do not have access to scanning facilities or dense polygonal models. The purpose of this repository is to make some range data and detailed reconstructions available to the public. Scanning and surface reconstruction The first set of models below, called "The Stanford Models", were scanned with a Cyberware 3030 MS scanner, with the exception of Lucy, who was scanned with the Stanford Large Statue Scanner, designed for the Digital Michelangelo Project. The second set of models below were acquired at a XY scan resolution of 100 microns using the XYZ RGB auto-synchronized camera, which is based on technology developed in the Visual Information Technology group of the Canadian National Research Council (NRC). File format Unless otherwise noted, the range data and reconstructed models in this repository are stored in PLY files. -Notes by Marc Levoy
